Can you provide on next version the support for removing CallingShellApp? I always remove without problems with NTlite. I use notepad++ with "compare" plugin downloaded directly from the "Plugins">"Plugins Admin" menu. In this way, in order to identify small errors I make the comparison between original files and the ones I am editing. It is very intuitive. Especially when I make massive substitutions. It certainly makes life easier. Edit: Correcting the wrong name "CallShellApp" to the correct name "CallingShellApp".
Thank you very much. A little tweaked for /f "tokens=*" %%z in ('"dir /ad /b "%~dp0Addons\%ImageArchitecture%\Temp"" 2^>nul') do ( echo.Copying [%%z] files to Install.wim xcopy "%~dp0Addons\%ImageArchitecture%\Temp\%%z" "%~dp0Mount\%%i\" /h /e /g /q /r /y )
yes skip removing Windows Photo Viewer and other things, without use RemovePkgsList, because it have a 1 minute delay for each component.
just tested, it does not work, if use this rem comment it will remove all menu like without this rem comment.
thank you i also have found some bug in msmsg v10 while i try to remove all component from the Windows Components Menu > windows App Removing Solitaire Collection App Package... a window appear sorry don't have screenshot for that i have received this window of bug every index if i use * option but if i use only one index which is i tried workstation it completely removed iso used Win10_2004_English_x64.iso downloaded from microsoft
found a bug in version 10, system restore is broken, and it doesn't depend on whether the component is removed or not, also integration calc is broken too.
Try to open an image file as and select Windows Photo Viewer. But his folder is inside Program Files. However, there is no more link to it. Apply Tweak to enable Windows Photo Viewer as the default viewer.
Copy the required entries from the template into the RemovePkgsList.txt and use the [4] Remove -> [4] Remove Windows Components using Package List menu.
The slowness is due to the code protection I have added to ToolKitHelper program which needs to loaded into the memory and decoded, then executes the program, so each time the ToolKitHelper is called it repeats the process. I'm planning to add the support for accepting more than one component names for the ToolKitHelper so that it will speed up the process. Removal of Font, Keyboard layouts and languages is a huge list, will try to add them in future releases.
They don't already exist, I do create them, Hyper-V is huge package and is connected with may other components, may be one day it will be added.
The reason for delay I have already specified before, no matter you use the menu or the list the delay will be there, but if you use the category name instead of all the components in the category it will less time.