Everything will be same as like before, the only change is in the RemovePkgsList.txt content. Before Code: ToolKitHelper:AdobeFlashForWindows ToolKitHelper:InternetExplorer ToolKitHelper:FirstLogonAnimation ToolKitHelper:GameExplorer ToolKitHelper:SnippingTool ToolKitHelper:SpeechRecognition ToolKitHelper:WindowsMediaPlayer ToolKitHelper:WindowsPhotoViewer ToolKitHelper:WinSAT Now Code: AdobeFlashForWindows InternetExplorer FirstLogonAnimation GameExplorer SnippingTool SpeechRecognition WindowsMediaPlayer WindowsPhotoViewer WinSAT There will two new menus in the Remove Windows Components using Package List like [1] Remove Windows Components using Package List (DISM Method) [2] Remove Windows Components using Package List (ToolKitHelper Method) Choosing one will parse each line in the RemovePkgsList.txt and remove each component using the traditional DISM /Remove-Package Choosing two will pass the RemovePkgsList.txt filename as an argument to the ToolKitHelper program which will remove all the components present in the RemovePkgsList.txt at once and there will be no delay like before since the ToolKitHelper program will be called only once. Apart from this, those who use only ToolKitHelper program in their script can use these three methods to call the ToolKitHelper program. - ToolKitHelper <Image-Mount-Folder> <Component-Name> - ToolKitHelper <Image-Mount-Folder> <Component-Name1;Component-Name2;Component-Name3> - ToolKitHelper <Image-Mount-Folder> <RemovePkgsList.txt>
Yes, initially it was added to the Toolkit's games pack but due to folder permission errors it was removed later. I do have the old pack, will correct the pack and re-add them in future.
hey there @MSMG, will there be a new version? does msmg toolkit use install_wim_tweak? if not would be of use if it did? thank!
Yesterday there was a long power outage and so couldn't upload the new version, Yes today will be releasing the new version. Before at start the Toolkit was using the install_wim_tweak.exe but later the same functionality was added inbuilt in Toolkit and now for DISM method it is used.
@MSMG cool no worries! would it be possible for msmg toolkit to allow package names like Microsoft-Windows-RemoteAssistance-Package-Client~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.329 when using the dism option? it would make things easia? Majid
@MSMG what I was thinking was use wimtweak to get package list, after makeing all packages vissable, then removeing packages via dism using the package list that is used for dism using the package names vobatem from the wimtweak list? I hope this makes sence, thanks for such a greate tool sir msmg
Yes you can add the full package name in the list, I just add advised to shorten the names so that the list could be used for other Windows versions too. You could use the below command to get the list of packages present in the mounted image, do change the en-US to your language. Code: dir/b Mount\Install\Windows\servicing\Packages\*.mum | findstr /v "en-US" This will copy the list to the clipboard Code: dir/b Mount\Install\Windows\servicing\Packages\*.mum | findstr /v "en-US" | clip then remove .mum text in the copied text using notepad. or use the install_wim_tweak.exe to get the list using the switch /l and to remove using the switch /r
@MSMG you may wish to update your signature at the end of your posts it says msmg version v4.1 will app removal be much faster with this next version? and if yes by how much?
The Visual C++ pack is not up-to date i.e the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable - 14.27.29009.1 is not included. Have added Windows PowerShell 7.0.2 Pack for MSMG Toolkit, do test and let me know how it works. You need to manually apply the packs to the mounted image and import the registry files.
Yes updated. Yes in previous version when you used the Remove packages from list, for each component Toolkit script called the ToolkitHelper.exe but in the new version it's called only once.
@MSMG thanks for the update! does this new tweaking of the toolkit-helper change app removal when removeing say all windows apps? meaning does it speed things up? or only when used via the lists? thank you so much for the upgrade!
Right now only for list, will expand it to the menus too in future release. If want to have changes right now, then you can replace these lines Code: if "%Component%" equ "WindowsApps" ( call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Advertising Xaml", "AdvertisingXaml" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Alarms and Clock App", "Alarms" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Calculator App", "Calculator" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Camera App", "Camera" if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19041" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Cortana App", "Cortana" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Desktop App Installer", "DesktopAppInstaller" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Feedback Hub App", "FeedbackHub" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Films and TV App", "ZuneVideo" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Get Help App", "GetHelp" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Google's VP9 WebM Video Codec Plugin", "VP9VideoExtensions" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Groove Music App", "ZuneMusic" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "High Efficiency Image File Codec Plugin", "HEIFImageExtension" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Maps App", "Maps" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Messaging App", "Messaging" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Microsoft Pay App", "WalletService" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Mixed Reality Viewer App", "3DViewer" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "x64" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Mixed Reality Portal App", "MixedRealityPortal" if "%ImageBuild%" equ "19041" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Movies and TV App", "ZuneVideo" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Mobile Plans App", "OneConnect" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "My Office App", "OfficeHub" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "OneNote App", "OfficeOneNote" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Paint 3D App", "Paint3D" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "People App", "People" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Photos App", "Photos" if "%ImageBuild%" leq "18363" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Print 3D App", "Print3D" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Screen Sketch App", "ScreenSketch" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Skype App", "SkypeApp" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Solitaire Collection App", "SolitaireCollection" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Sticky Notes App", "StickyNotes" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Tips App", "Getstarted" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Voice Recorder App", "SoundRecorder" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Weather App", "BingWeather" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Web Media Extension Plugin", "WebMediaExtensions" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Webp Image Extension Plugin", "WebpImageExtensions" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Windows Mail App", "CommunicationsApps" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Windows Store App", "WindowsStore" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Xbox App", "XboxApp" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Xbox Identity Provider", "XboxIdentityProvider" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "Your Phone App", "YourPhone" ) To Code: if "%Component%" equ "WindowsApps" call :RemoveWindowsComponent "%InstallMount%", "All Windows Apps", "WindowsApps" But this may show some component not present or removed for some versions or editions.