damn downloaded techbench iso installed it successfully but after using toolkit got same error at final 20H2 not works with this kit
The toolkit is not updated to handle 19042.572 yet. But removing ALL stuff that you showed would be blind cutting anyway.
i tried it on 19042.508 Wich version shoud i try with toolkit? anyway to find wat do i have not to remove .something i must keep on remove list system internet remoting etc
I always test without disabling network connection on the VM. I did as you asked and tested with and without a network connection and the OOBE screens appear to be the same regardless of whether the VM is connected to the internet. The only difference is that I am asked to connect to the internet when there is no network connection.
Iirc it's 19042.488 atm. if you have no clue about what to chop, leave it and enjoy a working install.
correct. i keept some compenents it wotks but it make no sense to keep so many and why there is no log to.remember and test what works what not otherwise it will be a torturekit
Adobe products is a same nightmare as Windows. Including bloat and security questions. Also Cloud automatically removes all officially installed previous versions of InDesign! (When you must work with older files and save them using older versions only, there is none of multi-support for different file-versions) And... 2021 works only on Win10 [x64] now. You can, if you know the right place to get. The most rescent (or older) versions, fast, light, with no auto-updates and with tons of bloat Adobe services removed. Say me hello
How can I tell if it worked? I have two Windows Defender folders in %PROGRAMFILES% totalling 31mb, which seems a little small. I let all updates install and IIRC, there are supposed to be start up tasks for Defender, but I have none. Nothing in the task scheduler either. Not sure if there is supposed to be? I've attached the DISM log file. There are several errors, but not sure if they are relevant.
Hi. I'm having some problems with latest Windows 10 19042.572 and MSMG Toolkit 10.6 I've been removing these same elements from the previous windows version 19041 without this problems so I can only conclude current version of MSMG Toolkit can't handle latest Windows for whatever the reason. I try remove elements using pkg and app lists... but using... DISM > Error removing : MSPaint WordPad StepsRecorder Toolkit helper > Error removing : AssignedAccessLockApp Edge SecureAssessmentBrowser WindowsDefender Toolkit helper > MAJOR PROBLEM If I remove this, installation fails : InternetExplorer App List > Error removing : MediaPlayback WindowsMediaPlayer MultiPoint-Connector MultiPoint-Connector-Services MultiPoint-Tools Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux Client-DeviceLockdown Client-EmbeddedShellLauncher Client-EmbeddedBootExp Client-EmbeddedLogon Client-KeyboardFilter Client-UnifiedWriteFilter Windows-Defender-ApplicationGuard Anyone could shed some light? What's going on here? What's failing? Any workaround? Thanks! EDIT: Reminder to myself. Read first, post later, dumbass. I just read the post where MSMG confirms that current Toolkit version needs an update to work with this Windows version. Well... at least this can serve as a bug report. This is what I have fount not to work.
No probs. I used the dism /online command that you provided, but I'm not sure if it worked. There are very few files, no services, no tasks, no start up entries and no group policy.
The Toolkit's Component remover only works with the CU it has been updated to and it's not backward compatible, in case of forward compatibility it only works if there are no changes to the removed components in the higher CU. The current Toolkit's Component removal only works with v1809 (v10.0.17763.1490), v1903/v1909 (v10.0.18362.1110/v10.0.18363.1110) and v2004/v20H2 (v10.0.19041.546/v10.0.19042.546) Source Images. Off late people have reported about having the SFC errors with non English images and have told them to wait for the next release.