With 19041/19042 CU there is a bug with image cleanup which will break the SFC. With Toolkit 10.8 the Edge Chromium removal is breaking the Updates installation.
This is what I am removing. And I am not doing an image cleanup. Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 Microsoft.BingWeather Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller Microsoft.GetHelp Microsoft.Getstarted Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal Microsoft.Office.OneNote Microsoft.People Microsoft.ScreenSketch Microsoft.SkypeApp Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions Microsoft.Wallet Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions Microsoft.WebpImageExtension Microsoft.Windows.Photos Microsoft.WindowsAlarms Microsoft.WindowsCamera microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub Microsoft.WindowsMaps Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI Microsoft.XboxApp Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay Microsoft.YourPhone Microsoft.ZuneMusic Microsoft.ZuneVideo
Okay you are using Remove Windows Apps using Apps List method, may I know the steps you are doing to create the image.
Here's it's getting removed properly, Are you following the steps provided in readme.txt ? Make sure you not running AV while using the Toolkit or any other programs interfering with the Toolkit. Can you post the screenshot of the error for further debugging.
Ok I have tested the fix for Edge Chromium removal from 19042.572 Microsoft downloaded ESD Image and it's working as expected. But there will be ghost SFC errors which is the fault of ESD image as well as the CU. Initially thought of running the usual Edge Chromium uninstall command through registry on first boot but it doesn't work may be due to UAC. So captured the uninstall process and removed the Edge Chromium manually and it works.
Here is log 1 >>>> 1 - Select source from DVD 3>>> remove with apps list 5>> Apply changes 7>>> Wim manager, convert wim 6>>>Create dvd ISO
May be implement recently updated install_wim_tweak capabilities for Edge removal and potentially some other non-standard tasks? (E.g. for System Apps, one day in the future... when you're feeling better. I hope so and wish you all the best). Just a guess....
Ok everything is fine, did you used the download ESD image as the source? If yes then the ESD image has SFC bug.
I don't use the install_wim_tweak for ToolkitHelper, it uses the same DISM method to remove packages but with pkgmgr.exe The below one is for Edge Classic. install_wim_tweak.exe /o /c Microsoft-Windows-Internet-Browser-Package /r I have already made the manual fix for Edge Chromium removal with ESD Images and it's working. Thanks for the wishes.
Thank you @MSMG . I see the only difference between your method and my method is step 2 and step C. So step 2 and step C of my method not necessary any more ? And also with this : en_windows_10_business_editions_version_1909_updated_oct_2020_x64_dvd_3cfd51ef.iso I used toolkit v10.8 and i performed my method (except the enablefeaturelist.txt). I lost the search function in file explorer and the search became dummy where in i am not able to enter anything in the search box. Is the toolkit incompatible with the above ISO ?. Thank you sir.
Known Issues: - Windows 10 v1909 - Removing Cortana breaks Start Menu, Taskbar, Settings App and Explorer Search Functionality. Did you removed Cortana through Package List?
Hi MSMG I been testing toolkit v10.8, and here is what i have come up with RemovePkgsList has a SolitaireCollection bug, if u only remove some apps, it has been there since v10.6, -allusers is not getting removed, tested it in powershell, it keeps some of the apps, and then my powershell language rightclick menu doesnt get broken, back to english, it has to do with the oobe way, or a security thing. Installing kb4588844, kb4579305 helps, but when i use powershell after installing windows, it is broken again. RemoveAppsList removing all apps with Solitaire here works, then cortana keeps the taskbar icon. And powershell is broken again at windows startup, with the required updates, if i keep the apps from v10.6 Solitairebug, then powershell works and is not broken, even without the required updates, the list is cortana, SolitaireCollection, StickyNotes, SoundRecorder, All Xbox, YourPhone, ZuneMusic, ZuneVideo when using whd update pack, the correct way with all the package updates, it works great in vm, but not on bare metal, installed without ethernet last night, windows took a very long time installing, and comes up with, windows has restarted because windows need updates, then it goes to oobe after restart and now i could continue the setup, windows seems to work, there are many variables from vm to bare metal dism only using version 19041.572 with these new updates, tested only wim way, i will try the others today, or maybe the old culmative will work. because of missing toolkit update ? using dump 19041.1 and these new updates kb4586781, kb4577586, kb4589212, kb4562830, kb4580419, kb4586864, kb4588844, kb4579305. i also tried removing new edge from enablement package, then windows runs strange in vm, and resetbase option 4 only works, it also breaks sfc live, not offline, this has been tested on W10Pro in many different ways, and is related to all my other post MSMG I will try removing only apps + onedrive and keep SolitaireCollection of security uninstalling reasons, then installing all updates using option 4 with no resetbase, and then keeping the new egde, or even maybe cortana to make windows happy.
Well option 4 works with new updates, so this is the only reliable way of installing updates with toolkit, non english version for me, whitout resetbase, and new egde to keep windows happy
Ok Thanks MSMG. i will try it out. this is from the last test i just did with v10.8 Well only option 4 works with new updates, so this is the only reliable way of installing updates with toolkit, non english version for me, whitout resetbase, and keep the new egde to make windows happy Spoiler: New Updates kb4586781, kb4577586, kb4589212, kb4562830, kb4580419, kb4586864, kb4588844, kb4579305 these updates kb4588844, kb4579305, are very important, powershell language not broken and this way it works Spoiler: RemoveAppsList Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection Spoiler: RemovePkgsList OneDrive WindowsMixedReality 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather Camera CommunicationsApps Cortana DesktopAppInstaller FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ScreenSketch SkypeApp SoundRecorder StickyNotes XboxApp XboxIdentityProvider YourPhone ZuneMusic i have been trying to add more to RemovePkgsList, and it works fine, but last i tried sysprep audit mode with this RemovePkgsList, i got IE11 inetcpl.cpl error bare metal Spoiler: RemovePkgsList CEIP_SQM UnifiedTelemetryClient WindowsInsiderHub OneDrive WindowsMixedReality 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather Camera CommunicationsApps Cortana DesktopAppInstaller FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ScreenSketch SkypeApp SoundRecorder StickyNotes XboxApp XboxIdentityProvider YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo