No sir, I integrated only Directx and VC++ Runtime before removal. I followed the same method for 1909 Oct 2020 and the ISO is flawless till now.
That is backward why would anyone use a progeam that break's the base [install,wim], it would be better to have it work with the base [install.wim] first, and than with updates, what if i needed to uninstall an update for some reason, an update uninstall would break the base [install.wim], which would mean updates would not install again. Solved.
Haven't used the toolkit in a long time but I'm needing to update since 1809 hit eol. Why is this slow and tedious now? Can no longer remove all in a specific category, have to do them one at a time and it seems like it takes forever to remove just a single component. What has happened to this tool? Been at it for over 2 hours now, it's like watching paint dry.
Hopefully there are plans to release an "I Don't Have All Day" edition of the toolkit. I hit the 3 hour mark and wasn't even halfway done with the first batch of apps. Then i unmounted and quit because that's just ridiculous.
Learn to use the lists. Just like everyone else uses. Read the main post. Look at the toolkit folders. There is a readme explaining what each type of list is for and there are template lists there. Use search. He develops and doesn't receive a cent for it. Use whoever want. Take advantage of the tool's potential by learning to use it first. Constructive criticisms can be made after you review these steps. You are welcome. You arrived and posted... Without even reading the latest comments. There is mention of these matters, already answered directly by the MSMG. There is also another way out... When something doesn't suit you, look for an alternative or DIY do it yourself. Grateful for the attention!
Read the main post. Nothing mentioned about using lists. Looked at the toolkit folders. I see a bunch of lists in the bin folder without so much as an explanation of how to use them or even what the items in the lists are actually for. Looked at the read me. Once again, no mention of lists or even how to use them. And if you think i'm searching through over 800 pages of posts to try and figure it out, you are wrong. I can only take advantage of the tools potential if it's explained to me how i'm supposed to do that. He gives 0 instructions on lists or how to use them. Unless you have some type of top secret read me file that didn't come with the toolkit in which case maybe you can share that. You just had to have read the last few messages... It could be one to three pages. The blue arrows pointing upwards will take you to the messages quoted and you will find what you are looking for. Something simple. You would find it. But you were lazy. You want things right in your hands, without doing research. In the main post is the resource spoiler. This mentions about the ability to remove components via lists. And you didn't read it. Use ctrl + f to find the word "list"... You were arrogant before and now again. Someone will help you more if you are willing to be polite. Everyone follows the development of the tool, and there will always be problems. Wait for the release of the next edition. No more, for today!
So, let me get this straight. You're the one name-calling but i'm the one being rude? Seems legit. No matter how much you want to believe it's a fact, there's still nothing in the first post explaining lists. The post you linked to only solves one of the issues. It doesn't solve the fact that you could create an iso in under 2 hours or so with the old versions and now this current one seems to take the better part of a day. It certainly doesn't look like using lists changes that in the slightest.
You could've started by asking how to remove everything quick, here in the forum. I too faced the same problem of spending too much time until I started going over the forums and found out that I can use lists to make the whole process a lot faster. Sometimes, curiosity and patience can be better than irritation.
Is the ToolKit able to remove Edge Chromium from the 2020 H2 install.wim? I selected the option to do this, and Edge is still present. I also mounted the image and ran ToolKitHelper.exe [mounted image location] Edge. This indicated success, but Edge is still there for a fresh install.