1) There's no direct method to use Enter key in DOS batch programming, the best that can be done is echo Press enter key to continue set /p input= 2) This can be done, will implement it.
I don’t understand anything, I have already changed the paths and still the files are not copied. Spoiler: Mistake mkdir "%MOUNT%\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" mkdir "%MOUNT%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" echo. echo.Unpacking add-ons "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\7z.exe" x "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\*" -o"%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\" -r -y echo. echo Copying files... copy "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\msdia90.dll" "%MOUNT%\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\VC\*" "%MOUNT%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" /cherkyi xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\Installer\*" "%MOUNT%\Windows\Installer" /cherkyi xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\WinSxS\*" "%MOUNT%\Windows\WiSxS" /cherkyi Copying files... Системе не удается найти указанный путь. Не найден файл: * Скопировано файлов: 0. Не найден файл: * Скопировано файлов: 0. Не найден файл: * Скопировано файлов: 0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Converting registry settings files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applying custom program settings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Importing [HKCU_Software.reg] to Image Registry... Importing [HKLM_Software.reg] to Image Registry... Importing [HKLM_System.reg] to Image Registry... Importing [IE11.reg] to Image Registry... Importing [OpenInNotepad.reg] to Image Registry... Importing [PhotoViewer.reg] to Image Registry... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un-Mounting Image Registry
Everything seems to be proper, just change this WiSxS to WinSXS in last line. Will check myself by downloading the add-on and try the same commands and let you know.
I found an error. Spoiler: I found an error echo.Unpacking add-ons "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\7z.exe" x "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\*" -o"%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\" -r -y echo. echo Copying files... copy "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\msdia90.dll" "%MOUNT%\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\VC\*" "%MOUNT%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" /cherkyi xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\Installer\*" "%MOUNT%\Windows\Installer" /cherkyi xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810\WinSxS\*" "%MOUNT%\Windows\WiSxS" /cherkyi
I found an error. Thank you very much for your great help. You are a very kind person. Spoiler: I found an error echo. echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo Mount Image Registry echo.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo. reg load HKLM\wCOMPONENTS "%MOUNT%\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS" >nul reg load HKLM\wDEFAULT "%MOUNT%\Windows\System32\config\DEFAULT" >nul reg load HKLM\wNTUSER "%MOUNT%\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT" >nul reg load HKLM\wSOFTWARE "%MOUNT%\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE" >nul reg load HKLM\wSYSTEM "%MOUNT%\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM" >nul mkdir "%MOUNT%\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" mkdir "%MOUNT%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" echo. echo Unpacking add-ons vcredist_x64_SxS_Win810.wa "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\7z.exe" x "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\*" -o"%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\" -r -y echo. echo Copying files... copy "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\msdia90.dll" "%MOUNT%\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\VC\*" "%MOUNT%\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\VC" /cherkyi xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\Installer\*" "%MOUNT%\Windows\Installer" /cherkyi xcopy /s "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp\WinSxS\*" "%MOUNT%\Windows\WiSxS" /cherkyi echo. echo Converting registry settings files mkdir "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\RegTemp" PowerShell -Executionpolicy Bypass -File "%~dp0tools\%HostArchitecture%\ConvertReg.ps1" "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\Temp" "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\RegTemp" echo. echo Applying custom program settings. for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('"dir /b "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\RegTemp\*.reg"" 2^>nul') do ( echo.Importing [%%i] to Image Registry... regedit.exe /s REG IMPORT "%~dp0Addons\%HostArchitecture%\RegTemp\%%i" )
So then i'm assuming due to the code protections, using lists wouldn't make it any faster? I get it, i really do. Nobody wants their code stolen but with that being said, it's turned what was once a truly great tool into something tedious and time consuming. And to be perfectly honest, no code protections will protect your source code from someone who wants it badly enough. It's unfortunate because this was my go to toolkit for modifying windows images but with CU's restoring stuff that would mean i would have to build a new iso every month and do an in place upgrade. It's just not feasable. Thanks for all your work through the years, it's been quite helpful. Hopefully i'll be able to find a suitable replacement.
In the current version removing all components in a Category is fixed now. Using the list method the Toolkit removal program will load the program only once into memory and then it removes all the components without any delay whereas in individual component removal it needs to be loaded into memory each time which takes more time to load. Do have plans to port the code to C/C++ native code for better performance. The components returning in Windows 10 v1903/v1909/v2004/v2009 blame it on Microsoft's new Update package format. Thanks for your support and feedback, you are free to choose any Tool your are comfortable with, here's some of the alternative tools you can try NTLite WinReducer Optimize-Offline WinToolkit Blackbird
I see you are extracting all the addons to same folder, instead it should be extracted to individual folders. In the script change WiSxS to WinSxS
In the process of component removal, the component name is still blank when removing Edge & Edge Dev Tools Client (i.e. it says "Removing "" Package..."): Spoiler For this test, I'm not going to integrate anything; only remove Edge & Edge Dev Tools Client.
If you want to use the remover outside the Toolkit, then the command is ToolKitHelper <Image-Mount-Path> <ComponentName> or ToolKitHelper <Image-Mount-Path> <ComponentName1;ComponentName2;ComponentName3> or ToolKitHelper <Image-Mount-Path> <PackageList.txt> The PackageList.txt should contain the names of the component one per line Example ToolKitHelper C:\mount Edge or ToolKitHelper C:\mount Edge;EdgeDevToolsClient or ToolKitHelper C:\mount PackageList.txt The contents of PackageList.txt will be like Edge EdgeDevToolsClient
Hi, I lost the function "Safely Remove Hardware" (Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll not work), i remove everything except Windows Defender and smartscreen, its normal ? Thx.