Sir the changes stated in 1st and 2nd point is with respect to windows 10 version 14393 and not for version 17763.1. Correct me if I am wrong. Thank You
- Updated the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Pack (Windows 10/Server 2016/2019) applies to W10 14393 - 17763 both Server/Client. - Updated the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Pack (Windows 7/Server 2008 R2) for Windows 7 Client/Server 2008R2
Good afternoon. When I try to add the Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 Windows Mixed Reality Pack, the application just closes.
The KB4577586 is a Remove Adobe Flash Player update which is available in .msu format not .exe For which OS are you trying to add this update to?
Ok here's the fix change the below text in the script file and save it :IntWindowsMixedReality to :IntWMR Code: =============================================================================== MSMG ToolKit - Integrate Windows Mixed Reality =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Starting Integrating Windows Mixed Reality################################# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Image : Install.wim Image Index : 8 Image Architecture : x64 Image Version : 10.0.17763.1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Integrating Windows Mixed Reality########################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===========================[Install.wim, Index : 8]============================ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.20279.1 Image Version: 10.0.17763.1 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-FOD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1 [===========================99.9%========================= ] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####Finished Integrating Windows Mixed Reality################################# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Press any key to continue . . .
I found what makes the bug happened for Integrate Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. The MSMG toolkit have to work with Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. in the “DVD\sources\sxs” path otherwise it won't work fine. If I remove all files in the “DVD\sources\sxs” the Integrating will cause error.
When using [2] Integrate -> [3] Windows Features -> [1] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 The Toolkit first looks for folder sources\sxs> if present then assigns the path based on the source OS, version. If not present then looks for the path <Packs\NetFX35\w10\10.0.17763> and assigns the path based on the source OS, version. Code: :: Setting Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature Pack folder path according to Source Image Architecture if exist "%DVD%\sources\sxs" ( if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w81" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" ( if "%ImageBuild%" leq "16299" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs\" if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17134" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs\" ) ) else ( if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w81" set "NetFX35=%NetFX35%\%SelectedSourceOS%\%ImageArchitecture%" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" set "NetFX35=%NetFX35%\%SelectedSourceOS%\10.0.%ImageBuild%\" ) Then it checks for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 cab file based on the above selected path, if the cab file is not present then it will complain about the missing files. If the cab file is found then copies the cab file to temporary location and renames the file to work with DISM for Windows 10 Source OS Code: if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17763" if "%NetFX35%" neq "%DVD%\sources\sxs\" if exist %NetFX35% ( copy /y %NetFX35% "%Temp%\" >nul set "NetFX35=%Temp%\" ) If using Integrate Windows Hotfix Updates Pack method the Toolkit looks for the .NET Framework 3.5 cab files in <WHD\w10\x64\10.0.17763> folder. Edit: Understood what's the issue is : - If the SxS folder is not present and the Packs\NetFX35 folder contains the cab files it will work. - If the SxS folder is present with .NET 3.5 cab files then it works. - If the SxS folder is empty then it will complain. This is a tricky thing since for Windows 81 the .NET FX 3.5 files are uncompressed in a folder, for Windows 10 v16299 and above the .NET FX 3.5 file is a cab file but differs in filename.
Ok here's a quick fix for the above issue, will add the fix in next release, just modify the below code Code: :: Setting Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature Pack folder path according to Source Image Architecture if exist "%DVD%\sources\sxs" ( if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w81" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" ( if "%ImageBuild%" leq "16299" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs\" if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17134" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs\" ) ) else ( if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w81" set "NetFX35=%NetFX35%\%SelectedSourceOS%\%ImageArchitecture%" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" set "NetFX35=%NetFX35%\%SelectedSourceOS%\10.0.%ImageBuild%\" ) to Code: :: Setting Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature Pack folder path according to Source Image Architecture if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w81" ( if exist "%DVD%\sources\sxs" ( set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs" ) else ( set "NetFX35=%NetFX35%\%SelectedSourceOS%\%ImageArchitecture%" ) ) if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" ( if exist "%DVD%\sources\sxs\*.cab" ( if "%ImageBuild%" leq "16299" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs\" if "%ImageBuild%" geq "17134" set "NetFX35=%DVD%\sources\sxs\" ) else ( if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" set "NetFX35=%NetFX35%\%SelectedSourceOS%\10.0.%ImageBuild%\" ) )
Yes. you´re right. .msu. windows10.0-kb4577586-x64_c9bb49df325c20ddc147137b3f769fa44d800dde.msu Windows 10 19042.782 In which folder do I copy it?
Copy all updates to <WHD\w10\x64\10.0.19041> FYI The current version of Toolkit doesn't support removing Windows Components for 19042.782 build, supported build is only 19042.745
I´m searching for Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment (Dart) and Language Pack in spanish to integrate to my ISO. I found the download links some time ago, but now, I cannot find it anymore.
I know this is not the right place to ask. But I already researched and found no answer. Does anyone know how to obtain Volume Label from an ISO, via cmd? Thanks!
another issue is : If the SxS folder's .NET Framework 3.5 does not match the windows version. (exp. Use Windows 10 20H2 SxS when mount windows 10 LTSC 2019, but the .NET Framework 3.5 in Packs\NetFX35 is right version)
Spoiler: getIsoVol.cmd Code: @Echo Off Set "fIso=H:\ISOs\WIN7.SP1.UL.ML.July2020.x64.iso" FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%v IN (`powershell -NonI -NoP "& { $(Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath "%fIso%" -NoDriveLetter -PassThru | Get-Volume).FileSystemLabel }"`) DO set "isoVol=%%v" powershell -NonI -NoP -C "DisMount-DiskImage -ImagePath "%fIso%"" >Nul 2>&1 echo %isoVol% pause exit
No it's not supported. You can add the update to the image manually - Extract the mrt.exe from the update file and copy it to \Windows\System32 folder - Add the below entry to SOFTWARE registry hive Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\TK_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RemovalTools\MRT] "GUID"="0AAB5944-A7BC-4D17-9A3A-2FAB07286EE9" Note: The GUID 0AAB5944-A7BC-4D17-9A3A-2FAB07286EE9 is for Jan 2021 but it will change for each month, need to identify it from the update, then will add the update for integration.