Mount the Image Code: Dism /Mount-Image /ImageFile:<ImageFile> /Index:<Image-Index> /MountDir:<Mount-Folder> Get the package list Code: DIR/B "<Mount-Folder>\Windows\Servicing\Packages\*.mum" | findstr /v "en-US" Mount the Image Registry Code: REG LOAD HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE "<Mount-Folder>\windows\system32\config\SOFTWARE" Call the UnHidePackage function from my previous post Code: CALL :UnHidePackage "<Package-Name>" Un-mount the Image Registry Code: REG UNLOAD HKLM\TK_SOFTWARE Remove the Package Code: Dism /Image:<Mount-Folder> /Remove-Package /PackageName:<Package-Name> Un-Mount the Image Code: Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:<Mount-Folder> /Discard
Do follow the steps specified in the readme.txt for proper working of the Toolkit. 19043.844 is not supported, from next version 19043 component will be supported with .867 CU, do use it. Not it's not supported, Please do use next version and
1) Do use the standard tool CHKDSK /F 2) To remove the files use NSudo or boot from WinPE image and remove the files. 3) Use Any HDD health checking software to know if the Drive is OK.
Sort of Yes but it will keep the old installation files too. You better use UUP image and don't use the Perform Image Cleanup menu as it causes a ghost SFC error which gets fixed once the SFC /SCANNOW is performed. Yes you can download and use free Apps from Store.
Now the Store and Xbox have been split into back-end and front-end components, removing the below components will remove complete Store feature. WindowsStoreApp StorePurchaseApp ServicesStoreEngagement WindowsStoreClient Removing just these components, you will get a build like the LTSC with Store back-end for installing DCH drivers. WindowsStoreApp StorePurchaseApp ServicesStoreEngagement
These are filesystem access privileges as shown within 7-zip but may be displayed differently in other Windows tools.
No now the Toolkit extracts the SSU and CU from MSU and integrates them properly, do wait for the next release.
Removed components do get restored for Windows 10 v1903 and above due to Microsoft's change in update mechanism.
Have checked with Font's integration, it's working properly here. The font's integration was recently added and the PS code for font's registration in the registry was provided by a MDL user, need to check if anything is wrong. Do check if the Toolkit folder is not accessed by AV programs or been locked.
Removed components do get restored for Windows 10 v1903 and above due to Microsoft's change in it's update mechanism.