Allô @MSMG My condolences to your family, I received a little, that sad friend, tb I spent a little bit of this, but we are well thanks to the good God ....
Dear Brother i am not a MSMG user Now but before till ver 9.9 i was hence i am sorry as i dont know about its functions it performs on an offline image . @RaiyvaN brother will deffinately help you in this case
in the OS if you use - win10 pro 20H2 x64, .NET Framework 4.8 is already installed. Please describe in more detail how you are trying to run Tollkit. To start, use Start. cmd
MSMG, we are very grateful to you! May God grant you strength and a speedy recovery! Take care of yourself.
Allô @MSMG, checking more than 20 images of this mine of Windows 8.1 of 52 ok? DAI I verified that in the variable "imagecount" this "Findstr / i index" ok in the first print I did with this command, gave in the choice "1, windows" and in the second modified to find "index" then below choice 1, the 52 a tip to help, abs ... can also leave findstr "index" without / i or find "index"
I don't know, my friend. Read the recommendations from the README.txt carefully. If the system requirements are met, and there are no other blocking reasons, for example, disable the antivirus program so that it does not interfere with the execution of processes, and follow the General Usage: - Double Click on Start.cmd and Choose Yes to Run as Administrator.