Yes, I thought so too. It was one of the Custom 11.4 mods. But to help on this occasion it had to be added in the specific section. We are in sync
THANK YOU Hello dear! I have the HKLM registry hives for a list of connected ones like this: Spoiler %~dp0tools\Mount\Windows\System32\config\COMPONENTS %~dp0tools\Mount\Windows\System32\config\DEFAULT %~dp0tools\Mount\Windows\System32\config\DRIVERS %~dp0tools\Mount\Windows\System32\config\SAM %~dp0tools\Mount\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY %~dp0tools\Mount\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE %~dp0tools\Mount\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM %~dp0tools\Mount\Users\Default\NTUSER Help me please. I am very ashamed for begging, but this is the only site where I can really get a lot of help from you. Excuse me, please.
No usually the DISM will mount the required registry while integrating packages by using the registry hive file path as the registry hive mount name. E.g: c://windows//system32//config//components or c:\\windows\\system32\\config\\components or c:\\toolkit\\mount\windows\\system32\config\\components You need to identify the registry hives and unmount them, one method is to manually do it or use a search query for HKLM to detect list of keys using reg query HKLM command and then skip the default entries and then unmount the remaining entries. The default entries to be excluded are HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM
From the logs you posted, it seems you have the same duplicate permission entries as I previously posted. In that regard, I think @MSMG will update the packs to avoid such warnings in the future. Otherwise your logs are clean, it doesn't seem to be a critical issue. Cheers.
Cleanup (5 > 1) README.txt: Windows 10 v2004/v20H2/v21H1 Client/Server Usage Order: [K] - Cleanup the Source Image using [Apply->Cleanup Source Images] menu. Note: Not recommneded to use due to SFC bug with recent Latest Cumulative Updates (LCU).
Does not apply, uupdump is clean. He has duplicate permission entries because of the pack he integrated. Cheers.
I haven't looked at CBS. log, but I know for sure that if Cleanup (5 > 1) is executed, there will be an SFC error. Feartamixg indicated that Cleanup (5 > 1) was performed.
Again, does not apply when he was using uupdump source. Please look at the CBS log he posted. And see the answer from MSMG quoted above. Cheers.
An example of the components list can be found in the template at the path:ToolKit\Bin\Lists\DISM_Templates\RemovePkgsList_W10.txt You need to put your custom list into an empty text file on the path: ToolKit\Bin\Lists\RemovePkgsList.txt In the image processing step in Toolkit, select: [3] Remove -> [3] Remove Windows Components Using Package List -> [1] Remove Windows Components Using Package List (DISM Method)
Thank you. I carefully read all MSMG posts and use images from in my work. Try to understand me correctly: Yes, you are right, we get a clean source image with no SFC errors from, but on the condition that the Cleanup is not performed. Next, we process the image using the Toolkit. And at the final stage, if we perform a Cleanup, we will still get an SFC error, even if there is no problem with the packages that you are talking about. The Feartamixg test (SPOILER: METHOD) indicates that the Cleanup was performed at the final stage in the Toolkit. With respect.
I agree with you and would be happy to deploy my current image on a machine for long term use. Thanks for your feedback. Although I have previously used the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft to create an ISO. I installed this image untouched and this also gave me SFC errors. However, I shall try as you say and skip the Cleanup step for testing purposes.
Try to integrate the registry file: Disable_Windows_Feeds.reg: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Feeds] "EnableFeeds"=dword:00000000 _____________________________ Tweak for Current User: Disable_Feeds_Current_User.reg: Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Feeds] "ShellFeedsTaskbarViewMode"=dword:00000002 The following values are supported: Value = 0: The weather icon and temperature are displayed. Value = 1: Only the weather icon is displayed. Value = 2: The function is disabled.