Thank you, I am well aware that I should download from UUP. The image I downloaded with MCT was for testing purposes, something I thought had made crystal clear in my post - apparently not, please accept my apologies for this. I am doing some testing just now and I already have some interesting results back. I shall post my test and results when I have finished.
you understand me wrong. i dont want to take MY drivers and put them into image. i want to take it from last windows update and put into image. only sys32/drivers. i dont want pull all updates. i need only this one. so how and where i can get pack for my LTSCx64-10.0.17763-JP?
@graver.x @MSMG As promised I did some testing, but only trying out different combinations of cleanups during the usage of the ToolKit. I used my normal method, but only changed the two steps in bold red text: Spoiler: Normal Method Extract ISO (1 > 3) Select source (1 > 1) (also mount boot and recovery images) Integrate Win32 calculator (2 > 3 > D) Remove using RemovePkgsList.txt (3 > 3 > 2) Spoiler: RemovePkgsList.txt GameExplorer MapControl OneDrive PeopleExperienceHost RetailDemoContent SecureAssessmentBrowser SkypeORTC WindowsMixedReality WindowsStoreClient XboxClient XboxGameCallableUI 3DViewer AdvertisingXaml Alarms BingWeather Calculator Camera CommunicationsApps Cortana DesktopAppInstaller FeedbackHub GetHelp Getstarted HEIFImageExtension Maps MixedRealityPortal OfficeHub OfficeOneNote Paint3D People Photos ServicesStoreEngagement ScreenSketch SkypeApp SolitaireCollection SoundRecorder StickyNotes StorePurchaseApp VP9VideoExtensions WalletService WebMediaExtensions WebpImageExtensions WindowsStoreApp XboxApp XboxIdentityProvider YourPhone ZuneMusic ZuneVideo Unpin all Start menu icons (4 > 6) Tweaks for Task View, App Downloads, Photo Viewer (4 > 8 > B/D/K) Cleanup (5 > 1) Apply changes to image (5 > 2 > Y) Convert WIM to ESD (7 > 1 > E) Make ISO (6 > 1) Test 1: No cleanup + No cleanup during apply changes 5 > 2 > N No SFC errors were found. Test 2: Cleanup + No cleanup during apply changes 5 > 1 then 5 > 2 > N SFC errors were found. Test 3: No cleanup + Cleanup during apply changes 5 > 2 > Y No SFC errors were found. So it seems that the Cleanup (5 > 1) causes the SFC problems. However the image size for test 1 and 3 increased by around 394 MB. I shall await advice from @MSMG regarding this, but for now I will continue to include the cleanup until I am told to do otherwise. Have attached SFC logs for each test.
All three CBS logs contain the very same permission warnings. Then we should discard the previous theory and discover what other issue is triggering the SFC errors, because in the logs nothing shows besides the permission warnings. Cheers.
Cleanup during apply changes 5 > 2 > Y - this is a temporary files cleanup, it doesn't cause any problems with the SFC. The SFC error is only caused by Cleanup the Component Store: 5 > 1 (/Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup) Yes, of course. Really, there is NOTHING TERRIBLE in this SFC error, In the words of MSMG - this is a GHOST error. Moreover, I have already shown you that if you get a clean image, you will still get this error in the installed online system after clearing the component store, and you can fix it using sfc /scannow. Which option is best for you - is up to you. I hope MSMG explains this to you much better than I do.
Hello MSMG. Thank you for a great program. I'm having problems integrating additional languages into an assembly. For example, if I integrate the German language into the English image through your MSMG Toolkit, then after installing the assembly, the language selection keyboard does not appear, the options window does not open, the sound options do not open. What am I doing wrong? If you have time, please give full instructions on how to properly integrate additional languages through your MSMG Toolkit, so that during installation you can see the language selection before installation and so that after installation in the lower right corner you can see the icon for choosing the language for graviature. Thank you and all the best.
GUID updated for KB890830 v5.90 (june-2021): Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RemovalTools\MRT] "GUID"="98A21452-7CED-4042-8C7B-BE7B5EF185DA"
Is it good practice to defrag mounted folders after integrating and removing Windows features with MSMG? I ask, because I noticed that these folders get considerably fragmented during manipulation: Code: Folder of D:\MSMG\Mount 10/06/2021 18:36 <DIR> . 10/06/2021 18:36 <DIR> .. 10/06/2021 18:36 <DIR> Boot 10/06/2021 18:36 <DIR> Install 10/06/2021 18:36 <DIR> WinRE
As I understand it, when exporting (rebuilding) wim files, they get defragmented. That option is present in the toolkit. Cheers.
I also share your opinion. However, maybe image compression (via DISM) and defragmentation are different things. Here I noticed that mounted files get fragmented after manipulation (obviously something to be expected). Thanks!
I am contemplating upgrading my Win2012 R2 server to 2019. I see that the tool kit only had "Remove by package list" option, and I find the Windows 10 removepkgslist.txt file on the toolkit folder. Does this list apply to Windows 2019 Server? It doesn't list any dependencies so is there a list of dependencies anywhere, or are there none? I am using the 17763.1 server iso.
Here's the code to clean-up the dism mounted registry hives when the script is terminated while processing packages. Code: for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM" ^| findstr "{"') do ( reg unload "HKLM\%%a" >nul 2>&1 )
You can use the Remove Windows Components using Package list menu (DISM Method). Get the server packages list by using the command Code: DISM /Image:<Mount-Folder> /Get-Packages /Format:Table And, then add the required entries to RemovePkgsList.txt