No. Not the same, My bad. I thought that as the values are defined there at the beginning of the toolkit it could be done like this. So, for this specific pack it won't work because of using the same pack for many builds. Now, yes... I saw this grotesque detail that I let slip, hehehe Understood. I was confused by this because in the :IntWin32Calc session there was: Code: :: Setting Package Index and Architecture if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "x86" set "PackageIndex=1" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "x64" set "PackageIndex=2" if "%ImageArchitecture%" equ "arm64" set "PackageIndex=3"
It escapes my knowledge a little. I learned how to deal with bug hunting and code optimization, but with regards to windows related details, I first learned the paths and logic for managing images, so I know more about removal, tweaks and menu customizations. About data capture and integration of anything and, properly about the packages, I still have to study a lot, so I only keep what MSMG develops and help suggesting the optimizations if I see something interesting to be done. Therefore, we have to wait for the MSMG to comment on it.
@MSMG, For :IntOfficeUWPApps would it be necessary to implement the same improvement that was made in InboxApps? from *.appxbundle to *.*xbundle edit: :IntWindowsSetupMediaUpdates for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('%DISM% /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:%BootWim% /Index:1 ^| findstr /i Default') do ( set ImageDefaultLanguage=%%a ) set ImageDefaultLanguage=%ImageDefaultLanguage:~1,-11% :GetImageIndexInfo for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%j in ('%DISM% /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:"%~1" /Index:%~2 ^| findstr /i Default') do (set ImageDefaultLanguage=%%j) set ImageDefaultLanguage=%ImageDefaultLanguage:~1,-10% There are these two definitions for language. Which would be correct? Or is there some relationship with the specific application? In the session :IntWindowsSetupMediaUpdates I believe there is a need to place a condition if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "No" or place it directly on the menu option if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "Yes" echo. [....... Code: :IntWindowsSetupMediaUpdates setlocal cls echo.=============================================================================== echo. MSMG ToolKit - Update Windows Setup Media echo.=============================================================================== echo. if "%IsBootImageSelected%" equ "No" ( echo.Windows Setup Boot Image is not selected... echo. echo.Please Choose Windows Setup Boot Image while selecting Source... pause goto :IntWHDUpdatesMenu ) set IndexNo= . . .
MS has stopped Office Desktop UWP Apps, in future this feature will be removed from Toolkit. :IntWindowsSetupMediaUpdates this is used to get the default image language only from boot.wim to extract the Windows Setup Media updated resource files. This function was added at the start before the MS started releasing Windows Setup Media update cab files. Where as :GetImageIndexInfo function gets all the parameters of the image Yes you can replace it by :GetImageIndexInfo if you don't mind extra execution of commands in this function. And Yes it requires the condition to check if the boot.wim is selected or not.
@MSMG, I wanted to indicate where the code section comes from and the for command that was used so you can better understand my question. But I expressed myself poorly earlier. So, Within these sessions, there is the construction of the "ImageDefaultLanguage" variable. Are there any errors in these lines? Or are they related to where the for loop gets the data from? in :IntWindowsSetupMediaUpdates "set ImageDefaultLanguage=%ImageDefaultLanguage:~1,-11%" and in :GetImageIndexInfo "set ImageDefaultLanguage=%ImageDefaultLanguage:~1,-10%" I was curious about the removal of the 1st character and the final 10 or 11 characters from the variable value. Is that why I asked which one was right, or are both correct?
I've just discovered that the SafeSearch settings in SystemSettings>Search are broken. 1809 LTSC using toolkit v10.4 (Because it uses 17763.1 image). What did I remove that broke it? What is it's dependency?
The difference in code is due to this ( set ImageDefaultLanguage=%%a ) and (set ImageDefaultLanguage=%%a). See the space after %%a which will add an extra space to the value assigned to ImageDefaultLanguage and that's why "%ImageDefaultLanguage:~1,-11%" is used. Ofcourse this can be changed to use (set ImageDefaultLanguage=%%a) and "set ImageDefaultLanguage=%ImageDefaultLanguage:~1,-10%" It's just the code hasn't been optimized for this function.
Would that be 4 > 6 > F? I was afraid you were going to say that. Though, when I do searches from explorer they seem to work well enough. I was trying to to find the registry key to set SafeSearch to off. The group policy only applies to W8.1, and the solution over at TenForums,com only works for 1903 and greater. I tried RegFromApp and Process Monitor but changing the selection on the settings app doesn't seem to modify any registry key, probably because I removed cortana? I guess I will install a fresh unmodified LTSC and see if I can track it down that way.
Yes Cortana removal breaks the Search in 1809 although the search in explorer works. In order to capture the Registry settings using RegFromApp you need to run it as Administrator.
If only it were so. Running as administrator still doesn't capture anything. I installed a fresh untouched ISO and still couldn't capture the registry settings with process explorer or RegFromApp.