The Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates doesn't uses the cab file to update the Setup Media instead is manually fetches the files from boot.wim and install.wim mounted images when CU is integrated. DU for Sources cab files is integrated while using Integrate WHD Update Pack, if the boot image is selected while mounting the source images. Will check with the crashing to fix any issues.
@MSMG Yes, all *.wim were chosen for mounting. - So such cab placing is wrong? I don't understand your post. - Does it mean we don't need Windows Setup Media Updates any more (because they are included in the CU?) ? - Is such situation possible, when CU contains old Setup Media, but cab shared in M$ WU Catalog is more rescent? I think, yes. - Then, when we need choose Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates option? If I didn't ask I never would have known.
The Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates menu was used earlier before MS started releasing DU for Sources. Although this can be used to update Sources folder for W7-W10, with DU for Sources now available for Windows 10, I have added the integration inside the Integrate Windows WHD Update menu for Windows 10. So if using Windows 10, the DU for Sources cab files present and have chosen boot.wim and winre.wim while mounting the sources then you can skip this Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates menu.
@MSMG So I just need only place cab and skip menu option (when boot.wim and winre.wim are mounted), everything will be done automatically. OK. Looking odd. But thanks for this useful information. Will update my own manual.
@MSMG I followed your advice and didn't used to Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates option, having the cab for Setup Media in the WHD folder. Windows installation FAILED. Same error as when Setup Media was not integrated: So using the last v11.6 I can't prepare ISO at all. --------------- My advices: 1. Leave Integrate Windows Setup Media Updates option as it was - separate option just for intended purpose. People will not forget about this update, the menu item will remind them. And none confusing about when it applies. 2. Rename everywere "Setup Media" to "DU for Sources". As I mentioned before several times, old naming looks confusing for non-English users, especially for newcomers.
Hey, friends, do you agree with me and @RaiyvaN the black background and light-yellow font is much better by default? For "Toolkit.cmd" : Code: color 0E
Spoiler Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Error: 87 An error occurred while processing the command. Ensure that the command-line arguments are valid. For more information, review the log file. The DISM log file can be found at B:\Toolkit\Logs\Dism.txt The log is attached to this post I mentioned my problem. Tested on x86 and x64, downloaded again, but the error persists. I'm going to download another image from UUP, but I thought it might be something related to tpk's index number. Just a guess. I had problems with cross-referenced files on my mechanical hard drive, but I have replaced the hard drive and re-downloaded packages that were having problems with me, but nothing has changed. Language pack integration for testing, only returned errors on arch x64. x86 is all right. I downloaded the pack again, but errors persist. Spoiler =============================[Boot.wim, Index : 2]============================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Integrating WinPE - Setup Pack [pt-BR] to Windows Boot Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Image Version: 10.0.18362.1556 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package WinPE-Setup-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~pt-BR~10.0.18362.1 [==========================100.0%==========================] Error: 0x800f081e The specified package is not applicable to this image. The DISM log file can be found at B:\Toolkit\Logs\Dism.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Integrating WinPE - Setup Client Pack [pt-BR] to Windows Boot Image... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.21382.1 Image Version: 10.0.18362.1556 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package WinPE-Setup-Client-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~pt-BR~10.0.18362.1 [==========================100.0%==========================] Error: 0x800f081e The specified package is not applicable to this image. The DISM log file can be found at B:\Toolkit\Logs\Dism.txt Thanks!
Hello MSMG are you already preparing yourself mentally for autumn when the new Wondows 11 comes out? Or do you dislike it at the moment, because it's not autumn yet there is already a leak on the Internet from Windows 11, maybe you can try it out or so...
Although I have added component removal for the leaked Windows 11, just need to compete the store removal and test it out but the Microsoft official release next week will be completely different. Lets see when it's released will check if it's feasible to add support for Windows 11 since the removal program data is pre-added and not dynamic it will be difficult to support insider builds as there will be totally a new build every week.
Hi MSMG well after some issues finally I'm using the new Windows 11 after make a lot of modifications; well for me until now NO problems
At the Dedup session: "Checking whether the Source OS architecture is not 64-bit" and "Getting Install Image Index Architecture" are with the inverted positions. Code: :: Checking whether the Source OS architecture is not 64-bit if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "x64" ( echo.This feature is not applicable for 32-bit Source OS... goto :Stop ) :: Getting Install Image Index Architecture for /l %%i in (1, 1, %ImageCount%) do ( if exist "%InstallMount%\%%i" call :GetImageArchitecture "%InstallWim%", %%i >nul ) :: Setting Windows Data Deduplication Pack folder path accroding to selected Source OS set "FSSMRESReg=%Dedup%\fssmres.dll.reg" if "%SelectedSourceOS%"=="w81" set "Dedup=%Dedup%\%SelectedSourceOS%" if "%SelectedSourceOS%"=="w10" set "Dedup=%Dedup%\%SelectedSourceOS%\%PackageVersion%" Should be: Code: :: Getting Install Image Index Architecture if exist "%InstallMount%\!IndexNo!" call :GetImageArchitecture "%InstallWim%", !IndexNo! >nul :: Checking whether the Source OS architecture is not 64-bit if "%ImageArchitecture%" neq "x64" ( echo.This feature is not applicable for 32-bit Source OS... goto :Stop ) :: Setting Windows Data Deduplication Pack folder path accroding to selected Source OS set "FSSMRESReg=%Dedup%\fssmres.dll.reg" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w81" set "Dedup=%Dedup%\%SelectedSourceOS%" if "%SelectedSourceOS%" equ "w10" set "Dedup=%Dedup%\%SelectedSourceOS%\%PackageVersion%" And, optimized the code to get the :GetImageArchitecture data from the !IndexNo! previously selected. But it will only work if IndexNo is set and not cleared. edit: Duplicate lines: Code: for /f "tokens=5 delims=\" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\TK_COMPONENTS\DerivedData\Components" ^| findstr "%ImageArchitecture%_!EsuFoundation!"') do (set "EsuFoundation=%%a") for /f "tokens=5 delims=\" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\TK_COMPONENTS\DerivedData\Components" ^| findstr "%ImageArchitecture%_!EsuFoundation!"') do (set "EsuFoundation=%%a") So, check this out. If it's right, or if it has to be one of the two options below. from: Code: "c^!!EsuFoundation!" to: Code: "c^!!EsuFoundation!!" or "c^!EsuFoundation!" Remember to remove "C_ManualSetup," from the for loop in the session: ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Function to Remove Windows Components ::------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :RemoveWindowsComponents Code: for %%i in (C_AdobeFlashForWindows,C_EdgeChromium,C_InternetExplorer,C_FirstLogonAnimation,C_GameExplorer,C_SnippingTool,C_SpeechRecognition,C_WindowsMediaPlayer,C_WindowsPhotoViewer,C_WinSAT,C_AssignedAccess,C_CEIP,C_FaceRecognition,C_KernelDebugging,C_LocationService,C_PicturePassword,C_PinEnrollment,C_UnifiedTelemetryClient,C_WiFiNetworkManager,C_WindowsErrorReporting,C_WindowsInsiderHub,C_HomeGroup,C_MultiPointConnector,C_RemoteAssistance,C_DeviceLockdown,C_EaseOfAccessThemes,C_EasyTransfer,C_FileHistory,C_ManualSetup,C_Paint,C_SecurityCenter,C_StepsRecorder,C_SystemRestore,C_WindowsBackup,C_WindowsFirewall,C_WindowsSubsystemForLinux,C_WindowsToGo,C_Wordpad,C_AADBrokerPlugin,C_AccountsControl,C_AssignedAccessLockApp,C_AsyncTextService,C_BioEnrollment,C_CallingShellApp,C_CapturePicker,C_CBSPreview,C_ContentDeliveryManager,C_Cortana,C_CredDialogHost,C_ECApp,C_EdgeDevToolsClient,C_Edge,C_FileExplorer,C_LockApp,C_MapControl,C_NarratorQuickStart,C_OneDrive,C_OOBENetworkCaptivePortal,C_OOBENetworkConnectionFlow,C_ParentalControls,C_PeopleExperienceHost,C_PPIProjection,C_QuickAssist,C_RetailDemoContent,C_SecureAssessmentBrowser,C_SettingSync,C_SkypeORTC,C_SmartScreen,C_Win32WebViewHost,C_WindowsDefender,C_WindowsMixedReality,C_WindowsReaderPDF,C_WindowsStoreClient,C_XboxClient,C_XboxGameCallableUI,C_XGpuEjectDialog,C_3DViewer,C_AdvertisingXaml,C_Alarms,C_BingWeather,C_Calculator,C_Camera,C_CommunicationsApps,C_DesktopAppInstaller,C_FeedbackHub,C_GetHelp,C_Getstarted,C_HEIFImageExtension,C_Maps,C_Messaging,C_MixedRealityPortal,C_OfficeHub,C_OfficeOneNote,C_OneConnect,C_Paint3D,C_People,C_Photos,C_Print3D,C_ServicesStoreEngagement,C_ScreenSketch,C_SkypeApp,C_SolitaireCollection,C_SoundRecorder,C_StickyNotes,C_StorePurchaseApp,C_VP9VideoExtensions,C_WalletService,C_WebMediaExtensions,C_WebpImageExtension,C_WindowsStoreApp,C_XboxApp,C_XboxIdentityProvider,C_YourPhone,C_ZuneMusic,C_ZuneVideo) do ( if "!%%i!" equ "-" ( for /f "tokens=2 delims=_" %%j in ("%%i") do ( set "Components=!Components!%%j;" ) ) )
Hi @MSMG How can I remove Windows Defender, SmartScreen and SecurityCenter from Windows 11..?? Or how can I remove them using CMD or PowerShell commands with install.wim mounted on MSMG Toolkit..??
hi @MSMG curious, what new components can be found in windows 11 so far? also a thought, new msmg toolkit releaces, could we have a to doo document? listing what items may be added in future? something to lookforward to? Majid