1. wbettss1972

    wbettss1972 MDL Novice

    Mar 17, 2020
    I am trying to great a lite version of windows but attempting to keep the windows store and the xbox apps to be able to run xbox game pass, I am running into an issue.

    I am trying to integrate windows update KB5004237 and it seems to run just fine, but once I start trying to remove components I get the following error.


    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. trim18

    trim18 MDL Novice

    Mar 2, 2018
    #19962 trim18, Jul 26, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    Hai all !

    :) Have made Icons for 2oo4 builds to have coherent Workspace Special by folder Symbol on StartMenu and Explorer / Desktop based on Insider folder Icons . . . this is mayBe little bit Off Topic to show here but i thoug it can be intersting for other :)

    upload_2021-7-26_23-51-1.jpeg upload_2021-7-26_23-51-44.jpeg upload_2021-7-26_23-59-35.jpeg upload_2021-7-27_1-34-29.jpeg upload_2021-7-27_1-36-38.jpeg

    Red square in StartMenu made with Paint to show
  3. Supern00b

    Supern00b MDL Addicted

    Dec 30, 2010
    - Use a short path without spaces
    - Use start.cmd instead of toolkit.cmd
    - Come back here to report if it worked.

  4. jinvidia

    jinvidia MDL Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    #19964 jinvidia, Jul 27, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    @RaiyvaN & @Titanos
    Tried avoiding clean up source images and trimmed indexes. Except this i followed the steps which i quoted earlier. But still I get sfc errors.
  5. jinvidia

    jinvidia MDL Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    #19965 jinvidia, Jul 27, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    @RaiyvaN & @Titanos
    Is the toolkit fully compatible with WIN 10 LTSC enterprise (N) 17763.1 x64 iso ?

    I tried using toolkit version 10.8 to customize the above iso and get sfc errors.

    1)    Extract MSMG 10.8 archive to <\MSMG\>
    2)    Extract the following packs to <\MSMG\PACKS\>
    a.    DirectX9c
    b.    NetFX35
    c.    NetFX48
    d.    VCRuntime
    3)    Prepare:
    a.    Removepkgslist.txt with removable component entries and copy to <\MSMG\bin\lists\>
    b.    Enablefeaturelist.txt with entries which enable features and copy to <\MSMG\bin\lists\>
    4)    Extract ISO to <\MSMG\DVD\>
    5)    Add "start.bat" & "toolkit.bat" to AV exclusion
    6)    Run "start.bat" with administrative privileges.
    Tools [7] WIM Manager [1] Delete [C]
    a)    Source [1]  Select Source Image from DVD folder [1]
    b)    Integrate [2]  Windows Features [3] DirectX 9.0c [P]
    c)    Integrate [2]  Windows Features [3] Visual C++ Runtime [S]
    d)    Remove [3]  Remove Windows Components Using Package List [2]
    e)    Customize [4]  Apply Tweaks [8]
    Disable Cortana App [A]
    Hide Taskbar Task view Icon [B]
    Disable Automatic driver updates through windows updates [C]
    Disable Automatic downloading and installing of 3rd party apps [D]
    Disable Windows Defender [E]
    Disable Automatic Windows SmartScreen [F]
    Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade [G]
    Disable Windows Update [H]
    Enable Windows photo viewer [K]
    f)    APPLY [5] Cleanup the Source Image [1]
    g)    Integrate [2]  Windows Features [3]  Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature [A]
    h)    Integrate [2]  Windows Features [3]  Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Feature [B]
    i)    Customize [4]  Enable Windows Features using Features List [1]
    j)    APPLY [5]  Apply & Save Changes to Source Images [2]
    k)   APPLY [5]  Re-Build Source Images [1]
    l)    Tools [7] WIM Manager [1]  Convert [E]
    m)  Target [6] Make a DVD ISO image [1]
    I hope the above method is correct. Kindly let me know if there is any other way to make the toolkit work with the above ISO without sfc errors.
    Thank you
  6. bobo1704

    bobo1704 MDL Novice

    Feb 25, 2009
    Hello everyone!! Is there any bug with version 11.6 with the conversion from wim to esd? It always shows error and deletes the install.wim file. Is there any solution?
    Thanks a lot!!
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Can you show the exact error?
  8. bobo1704

    bobo1704 MDL Novice

    Feb 25, 2009
    Enthousiast I attached the screenshot with the error. I have also the log txt. If you wish, I can send it to you.

    Attached Files:

    • 1.jpg
      File size:
      124.8 KB
  9. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Option "all" doesn't seem to work.
  10. bobo1704

    bobo1704 MDL Novice

    Feb 25, 2009
    Hmmm ok!! Is there any temporary fix or will be there a new version with this bug fixed?
  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #19971 Enthousiast, Jul 27, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
    I was so foolish to not test the option 1,2 to select all available indexes direct, i've selected 1 first to test but it takes a while to complete before i can test 1,2.

    Can you try this?
  12. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    #19972 Enthousiast, Jul 27, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021

    Single index converting works:
                   MSMG ToolKit - Convert WIM Image to ESD Image
    ####Starting Converting WIM Image to ESD Image#################################
    Reading Image Information...
    | Index | Arch | Name
    |   1   | x64  | Windows 11 Home
    |   2   | x64  | Windows 11 Pro
    Enter the Image Index # [Range : 1,...2 or 'A'll 'Q'uit] : 1
    ####Converting WIM Image to ESD Image##########################################
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Exporting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    ####Finished Converting WIM Image to ESD Image#################################
    Press any key to continue . . .
    Multiple index converting, test seems promising works:
                   MSMG ToolKit - Convert WIM Image to ESD Image
    ####Starting Converting WIM Image to ESD Image#################################
    Reading Image Information...
    | Index | Arch | Name
    |   1   | x64  | Windows 11 Home
    |   2   | x64  | Windows 11 Pro
    Enter the Image Index # [Range : 1,...2 or 'A'll 'Q'uit] : 1,2
    ####Converting WIM Image to ESD Image##########################################
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Exporting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
    Version: 10.0.21382.1
    Exporting image
    The operation completed successfully.
    ####Finished Converting WIM Image to ESD Image#################################
    Press any key to continue . . .
  13. bobo1704

    bobo1704 MDL Novice

    Feb 25, 2009
    OK, so the workaround is manually selecting the indexes rather than All. Thank you a lot!!
  14. wbettss1972

    wbettss1972 MDL Novice

    Mar 17, 2020
    This worked perfectly no problems at all. Thank you.
  15. Titanos

    Titanos MDL Novice

    Dec 11, 2019
    #19975 Titanos, Jul 29, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2021
    1) You skipped this step: use a virtual machine (like VirtualBox), install the original source iso and check for sfc erros.
    a) IF you get errors that means the source ISO is the problem.
    b) SFC errors are a problem ONLY IF sfc can't correct those errors.

    2) I think you're steps should be like the list bellow.
    btw: use MSM Toolkit 11.4 / this doesn't mean you'll not et sfc errors.
    1) Extract MSM Toolkit 11.4 archive to <\MSMG\>

    2) Extract the following packs to <\MSMG\PACKS\>
    a. DirectX9c
    b. NetFX35
    c. NetFX48
    d. VCRuntime

    3) Prepare:
    a. Removepkgslist.txt with removable component entries and copy to <\MSMG\bin\lists\>
    b. Enablefeaturelist.txt with entries which enable features and copy to <\MSMG\bin\lists\>

    /* --> skip this
    4) Extract ISO to <\MSMG\DVD\>
    4a) Copy ISO file to <\MSMG\ISO\> IF doesn't exists.
    4b) Delete all files and folders in <\MSMG\DVD\> folder
    4c) Delete all files and folders in <\MSMG\MOUNT\> folder

    5) Add "start.bat" & "toolkit.bat" to AV exclusion

    6) Run "start.bat" with administrative privileges.

    /* --> skip this
    Tools [7] WIM Manager [1] Delete [C]

    a0) Source [1] Extract Source from DVD ISO Image [3]
    a1) Source [1] Select Source Image from DVD folder [1]

    g) Integrate [2] Windows Features [3] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Feature [A]
    h) Integrate [2] Windows Features [3] Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 Feature

    b) Integrate [2] Windows Features [3] DirectX 9.0c [P]
    c) Integrate [2] Windows Features [3] Visual C++ Runtime

    d) Remove [3] Remove Windows Components Using Package List [2]

    i) Customize [4] Enable Windows Features using Features List [1]
    e) Customize [4] Apply Tweaks [8]

    Disable Cortana App [A]
    Hide Taskbar Task view Icon
    Disable Automatic driver updates through windows updates [C] (---> get Windows Update Blocker from sordum.org site )
    Disable Automatic downloading and installing of 3rd party apps [D]
    Disable Windows Defender [E]
    Disable Automatic Windows SmartScreen [F]

    Disable Automatic Windows Upgrade [G]
    Disable Windows Update [H]

    Enable Windows photo viewer [K]

    /* --> skip this

    f) APPLY [5] Cleanup the Source Image [1]

    j) APPLY [5] Apply & Save Changes to Source Images [2] ---> [Trim: YES] [Cleanup: YES]

    /* --> skip this

    k) APPLY [5] Re-Build Source Images [1]
    l) Tools [7] WIM Manager [1] Convert [E]


    m) Target [6] Make a DVD ISO image [1]
  16. jinvidia

    jinvidia MDL Member

    Aug 7, 2016
    #19976 jinvidia, Jul 29, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2021
    Thank you sir. I figured it out now that I have already tried the above ISO with MSMG 9.8 and there are no sfc errors. In order to double check it I have tried version 9.8 for the second time and there are no sfc errors. Even the "N" version installs flawlessly without sfc errors with version 9.8. The only thing about version 9.8 is I cant integrate VCRuntime and not able to remove some other unnecessary components which is possible with the recent versions.
    Will try the above steps with version 11.4 and report back.

    And is Cortona necessary for the above ISO for the search function to work ?
  17. Tiger-1

    Tiger-1 MDL Guru

    Oct 18, 2014
    Hmm, excuse my intrusion; Well I made the necessary modifications for several months but using version 10.1 and I never had any problems with SFC...
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  18. 3to4

    3to4 MDL Novice

    Feb 4, 2011
    Sorry for a basic question!!
    With Toolkit 11.6, I removed almost all the components from Windows 10 ltsc 2019, and it worked very well.
    Now I am trying to import the following registry,

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    But, during installation, setup stops with file corruption. (It works without this import.) What am doing wrong? Can someone gve me a clue?

    PS: I want to integrate this, as I am dual booting with old OS, like Windows 7 and XP...
  19. MSMG

    MSMG MDL Developer

    Jul 15, 2011
    Those who are using Toolkit to remove components make sure

    - The source image used is SFC clean, the refreshed ISO/ESD released by Microsoft do contain SFC ghost error which gets fixed upon running SFC /SCANNOW
    - The required CU specified in the changelog is integrated first before removing the components, the current Toolkit component removal only works with these images

    Windows 10 Client v1809 (v10.0.17763.1999)
    Windows 10 Client v1903/v1909 (v10.0.18362.1621/v10.0.18363.1621)
    Windows 10 Client v2004/v20H2/v21H1 (v10.0.19041.1052/v10.0.19042.1052/v10.0.19043.1052)

    - The Image Cleanup is not performed as it creates the SFC ghost error.
    - Only either use Remove Windows Components or Remove Packages using Package List (ToolKitHelper Method) or Remove Apps/Packages using Apps/Packages List (DISM Method), don't mix all the three methods.

    Been busy with other issues here, will be uploading newer version of Toolkit tomorrow to support the below source images

    Windows 10 Client v1809 (v10.0.17763.2061)
    Windows 10 Client v1903/v1909 (v10.0.18362.1679/v10.0.18363.1679)
    Windows 10 Client v2004/v20H2/v21H1 (v10.0.19041.1110/v10.0.19042.1110/v10.0.19043.1110)
    Windows 10 Client v2004/v20H2/v21H1/v21H2 (v10.0.19041.1149/v10.0.19042.1149/v10.0.19043.1149/v10.0.19044.1149)

    Haven't fixed the firewall issue yet and so will be disabling it's removal in the next release for mean time.
  20. graver.x

    graver.x MDL Senior Member

    Jan 18, 2020
    #19980 graver.x, Jul 29, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021