@Chibi ANUBIS Branding tool is still a work in progress but is stable at v2.3 when i can spare some time i will resume on this. Will add you to the beta test convo so you can have a test.
Iam guessing it in wintel as i know that does a lot of firewall route blocks too. Only in mrp code do i block defender and smartscreen with compatelrunner which is a resource hog so hopefully fixed that possible sneaky ms backdoor
I tried to be careful with ms route ips as not to stop those that use outlook etc but as there are so many it seems i missed a few Will fix it in morning and upload it into the download #2 post **EDIT** Uploaded fixed WinTel.cmd have also updated the download area on post #2 with the download details etc. Fix: Unblocked the download of Visual Studio Community 2019. == The Route and Firewall ip's have been removed that caused the issue. This new WinTel.cmd will be in the next MRP v133 too.
Mrp v133 is at test candidate 3, not had much time past day or so as did a 16+hr shift weds night which wiped me out, plus was in again earlier last night. Today i took time out to spend with stepdaughter. England in tighter restrictions from midnight tonight so will see what happens on my work schedules. Although i have clearence to travel between zones in place. Silent mode working, seems wintel and usertweaks are run silent too which is not something i had expected. More tests needed on that side. Other bits was done but as im not at home i have no access to my notes. Hope all had/having a good festive time, granted it is different this year. Looking forward to a better 2021 as 2020 been a rollercoaster ride from hell.
Will see if can find logos etc, to at least make a reasonable looking theme for the brand. Also fix the missing brand for msdm so that hopefully will look better too. *edit* Have found a wallpaper and logos etc and will create a brand theme when i get time over next day or so after my work.
Happy New Year! Huawei brand added to the OEM's.7z and the next MRP/QT should detect it either by DMI, SLIC or MSDM depending on which is found first for that branded device. The Config-Creator has also been updated with the Huawei brand which has been added to the custom-theme selector.
Mrp is still on course for early january release. However due to the the recent changes on mdl or cloudflare that says we are all spammers and the hassle to attempt to log in via vpn or mobile data which can still fail, i wont be able to log in and post updates as often as it a major pain to get a connection that works. Hope it gets sorted soon as i can see it is affecting a lot of users too.
I can get in via vpn but get those captur things. Managed to log in just now without vpn and on wifi. Mrp 133 is at tc6 stage and fingers crossed move to rc1 very soon. Even though the festive season been quite busy work wise , i still managed to squeeze time to get things sorted on the project. My working time sheet this week is quite full but will make time to move onto the next stage.