So to patch the exe 53 CD10 to 9090 nooperation, what about IO.sys? Remove command com + autoexec.bat and use config.sys Wait for grldr to patch also....right?
For IO.SYS, you just need a hexeditor, Go to offset : 10AB0 and replace "Starting windows 98..." with space (20)
Thanks a lot, offon7544! Nothing else, great! This we did already at previous packed versions of wow. If grldr is confirmed I can repack the invisible wow What versions have you patched, grub4dos-0.4.4-2008-08-08?
Hum, don't change the others CD10, this not "int 10" call i take a look... EDIT : This is not in mbr, i use Microsoft code and he call grldr, so this is not in mbr. EDIT 2 : In my computer i see nothing, but for old computer with old cpu, perhaps you can see the message, so you can replace the text string in grldr file with space with an hexeditor, offset : 1EA0
Ok this is the last peace of the puzzle. It has some real int10s. @offon7544: I think your grldr/grub are perfect for the no mbr version of WOW. The one I am testing, is installed in mbr.
Hummmm, why use grldr.mbr, you can use the microsoft code to start grldr ! EDIT : Attention, 5 counted in grldr.mbr !!! Don't touch the first, this is not a "int 10" call
Good point. How do you call grldr? @Yen, is there a reason why we use grld.mbr? Its even safer not to use mbr for those with other boot managers. edit: @offon7544, I don't know if you've been following WOW so, what we need to do is run a 16bit dos exe file on every start, then boot Vista. You have any knowledge of best simple way of doing this?
Ahh, first one isn't Yes, how do you call grldr, offon7544? A alternative way is appreciated. I didn't find one so code?
The MBR use by microsoft boot more quickly (there no complex code), he call bootmgr, you have just to change the call to grldr.
Oh yes I've found it on my Vista DVD bootsect.exe Waiting for you instructions.... this is really nice.... Got it..and after I've hexedited it, what command to apply?
Oh yes, on some computer you didn't find it, so you need to put the file in your WOW patch, the last version in perhaps "6.0.6001.18000" (with sp1) After patch the exe with grldr call, you just need to put grldr and your WOW files, to the disk, and execute this command with admin rights to rewrite the mbr with bootsect.exe : X: is your partition, you can add "/force" EDIT : You can use the one that 2008 server use, this is the same call to bootmgr. The result must be : not pay attention to other errors. And voilĂ , you just need to reboot.... it load much faster than grldr.mbr and without string...