@Daz, I was not saying that you did copy it. All I am saying is that someone can say that you did is all. I will get back on topic and did not want to create an argument lol. Sorry about that though.
Yeah I understand that bud, just saying though that while someone might say that my honest reply would be the above. As far as I remember though all Vista loaders just used multiple GRLDR files each containing a different SLIC and in some cases come with some OEM information packed along, so while it would be true that there were older GRUB based solutions all of the ideas as to what to do with GRUB (and my own version of GRUB) have been my own. Basically think of the original Vista loader as a chunky useless lump of wood. Well I started over, got some new wood and built a wheel out of it.
IK dude, sorry if it made me sound like I said you copied it lol. I am just trying to clear things up that anyone can say that anyone copied someone else's work. You can say Hazar even copied Chew7's work if you really want to lol. What I am basically saying is one thing, and that is; "Don't say someone is a code thief unless you have proof." "Respect the devs since they are the ones giving you the stuff, don't bash them." Update: Well actually he has been, it is called uloader now. The reason he stopped both his own and Hazar's and His was because he had to go to the hospital for some serious thing. IDK what exactly but everyone was saying that when he returned.
This is all news to me. For whatever its worth both Daz and Smorgan have proven themselves as positive helpful contributors to MDL. Each of them at different points replied to my posts helping me to activate Win 7 and Office 2010 repectively. Some of the posts in this thread have been unnecessarily ugly. Surely this type of negative talk has no place here at MDL. As far as the Office 2010 Repo, its five pages long lacking the necessary content for which it is titled. It would be my suggestion to create 2 new threads. The first would be "The Office 2010 Repo" containing the concise list of steps that will accomplish the task. That's it, do it and then lock it, leaving only the ability to update it to accomodate future revision and refinement of the technique. The second thread should be called something like "Office 2010 Implementation Help". It would be here that any problems with the installation could be dealt with. Obviously, they also should be linked so they appear together in the thread list. Anyway, thank you Smorgan and thank you Daz.
I'm busy with some other things right now, but hopefully tommorrow I'll get the start of something up. I'll hopefully have more time next week to work on it. As far as cleaning up this thread... I'll probably just start a new thread, and save this one for drama.
The following script activates Volume edition of Office 2010 using KMS emulator. If you run it as Administrator it will set the KMS host to localhost and activate or else it will try to activate only. Code: @echo off title Office Volume Activator setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion REM The following part needs to be run as Administrator REM -------------------------------------------------- netsh firewall show allowedprogram enable | Find "KMS Emulator" > NUL 2>&1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%~dp0Keygen.exe" "KMS Emulator" disable > NUL 2>&1 wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionService where Version='14.0.370.400' call SetKeyManagementServiceMachine MachineName="localhost" > NUL 2>&1 REM -------------------------------------------------- start /B /D "%~dp0" Keygen.exe >NUL set /a max=0 Echo. Echo Attempting to activate the following product(s) :act for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where (LicenseStatus^>0 and LicenseFamily LIKE "%%KMS_Client%%") get id /format:list"') do ( set skuid=%%A call set skuid=!skuid: =! for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where ID='!skuid!' get Name /format:list"') do set name=%%x Echo. Echo SKU ID: !skuid! Echo Name: !name! wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where ID='!skuid!' call Activate > NUL 2>&1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where ID='!skuid!' get GracePeriodRemaining /format:list"') do set /a gpr=%%x set /a gpr=!gpr!/60/24 Echo Remaining Period: !gpr! day(s^) IF !gpr! EQU 180 ( echo Product activated successfully ) ELSE ( echo Unsuccessful activation attempt ) Echo. ) Echo. set /a k=0 set /a max=%max%+1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where (LicenseStatus^>0 and LicenseFamily LIKE "%%KMS_Client%%") get GracePeriodRemaining /format:list"') do ( set gpr=%%a if !gpr! lss 259200 set /a k=1 ) if %max% lss 10 ( if %k% EQU 1 ( cls Echo. Echo Activation Attempt No... %max% goto act ) ELSE ( Echo Activation Successful ) ) ELSE ( Echo Activation Failed ) taskkill /IM "Keygen.exe" /F >NUL pause >NUL This code is different from the previous code I posted, this does not setup a task.
I want you to remember if the repo will be continued to name Smorgan if you use contents of him. This would be fair. Thanks.
Whoa! This batch is so original and first of its kind..till now i only saw the "cscript ospp.vbs /act" etc commands to activate office..Thank you so much MasterDisaster for showing us a new way of coding to activate Office.. Just a couple of questions though, 1. will it work on any edition i.e., office 32 bit and 64 bit? 2. Will it activate office, even if it is not installed in the default location, and using a different name like Office 2010 ProPlus instead of C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office? Thank you so much once again..
1. Yes, it will work on both 32 bit and 64 bit Office 2. Yes, it will activate Office irrespective of its install location. Only prequisite for it to work is the VL key needs to be installed for the edition (default for VL installations). I haven't tested this on a XP machine yet, but I hope it will work in the same manner.
Thank you for the answers, this is really cool..as i have seen many solutions and toolkits including 3 files ospp.vbs, a dll and an xml file i think to make it work irrespective of the installation location, now we can do it without all those files included.. Just one more question(thanks for being patient with me) -i am currently perma activated with the leaked MAK key that is widely used now, but i am sure in a few months it will get blacklisted..so if i then try to activate using this it will fail cause i need to install the default key for proplus prior to using this script.. So, if possible can you please include the default key installation part as well to be helpful for users like me, as i am sure there are thousands of people currently activated using that MAK key..or u can just include the script for installing the key and fill XXXXX in place of key, so that i can customize to my office version..i.e., either Proplus, standard etc.. I hope i am clear with my request..thank you so much..
So can it be: Code: @echo off title Office Volume Activator setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="KMS Emulator" dir=in program="%~dp0Keygen.exe" action=block > NUL 2>&1 start /B /D "%~dp0" Keygen.exe >NUL wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionService where Version='14.0.370.400' call SetKeyManagementServiceMachine MachineName="localhost" > NUL 2>&1 set /a max=0 Echo. Echo Attempting to activate the following product(s) :act for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where (LicenseStatus^>0 and LicenseFamily LIKE "%%KMS_Client%%") get id /format:list"') do ( set skuid=%%A call set skuid=!skuid: =! for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where ID='!skuid!' get Name /format:list"') do set name=%%x Echo. Echo SKU ID: !skuid! Echo Name: !name! wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionService where Version='14.0.370.400' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="<your key here>" wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where ID='!skuid!' call Activate > NUL 2>&1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where ID='!skuid!' get GracePeriodRemaining /format:list"') do set /a gpr=%%x set /a gpr=!gpr!/60/24 Echo Remaining Period: !gpr! day(s^) IF !gpr! EQU 180 ( echo Product activated successfully ) ELSE ( echo Unsuccessful activation attempt ) Echo. ) Echo. set /a k=0 set /a max=%max%+1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct where (LicenseStatus^>0 and LicenseFamily LIKE "%%KMS_Client%%") get GracePeriodRemaining /format:list"') do ( set gpr=%%a if !gpr! lss 259200 set /a k=1 ) if %max% lss 10 ( if %k% EQU 1 ( cls Echo. Echo Activation Attempt No... %max% goto act ) ELSE ( Echo Activation Successful ) ) ELSE ( Echo Activation Failed ) taskkill /IM "Keygen.exe" /F >NUL pause >NUL
It is not required to be put in the batch file. Just open cmd prompt as Administrator and paste the code and edit it with the product key and hit enter. This will install the product key.
OK got it! Thanks a lot for guiding me through this.. BTW also thanks for the comprehensive list of all the default keys.. Now i know for sure the new Office 2010 repo will be a refreshing and cleaner place for people looking to activate their Office.. Cheers mate
command show error This command show error when using on windows xp Code: netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="KMS Emulator" dir=in program="%~dp0Keygen.exe" action=block > NUL 2>&1 for windows xp you need to use this command Code: netsh firewall add allowedprogram "%~dp0Keygen.exe" "KMS Emulator" enable all > NUL 2>&1 BTW Thanks for the great script.
It will be blacklisted in the future but i dout it will affect your activation status. In the past with office 2007, all of the updates does not require a valid key, and even if you failed Office genuine advantage validation, you are still activated. And of course, if they changed that, if you don't update your office ( or update it carefully-spare the suspected ones) there's nothing they can do about it.
Thanks for the tip, i'll use netsh firewall itself. It works on 7 but is deprecated because it does not provide advanced configuration features. We don't need advance features, we only need to stop the firewall screen from displaying at first run.
I like that that disables XP firewall (too bad it won't work on other firewalls), but I can't figure out why it tries to access internet? I mean it sends the key to your machine without internet access.