Hi, Please CODYQX4; I have installed the retail version, what options should I use to activate? If I use option 12, is enough?, This activation is OFFLINE? Thank you very much,
You have retail right now which you likely can't activate, but you can use Option 12 (Add License) for VL of whatever you got installed (Do Pro Plus VL if you have Pro Plus Retail installed), then use option 2 and it will do KMS activation offline and you will get 180 day activation, which can be renewed by doing option 2 (Attempt Activate) again.
Then the option 12 is not OEM activation. And the activation OFFLINE?, In the case of not having ADSL Thank you very much
No it is not OEM activation, it lets you use VL keys on retail and it adds the KMS key by default which will allow you to activate by KMS which is offline. You will have a retail and VL key at the same time in your case, and the VL can be activated offline for 180 days (Use Attempt Activation/Option 2).
Hm, I see people have had success with the Add License which I think will be very useful. I still have issues with the restore function, as an old backup getting restored makes activation status say "No Keys Installed" and trying to install them causes a message that "Data Store Has Been Tampered", I wish for a better backup method, I added the token only backup because that is what everyone else does but tokens is not the whole thing. I'd avoid the restore unless necessary as it seems that after a while the data in the registry can be marked as tampered even though it was good when backuped.
Hey there m8, As I already said Great work. I see that you and Smorgan are interested in restoring activation. That's great. I am interested too. Hope we can do sth about it. And thanks again for the tool
Great Tool! I just want to add that I used it today to do a Retail to VL but found that after using option 2 to activate and you run the activation checker it shows both keys. I think we know that already but what happens is if you forward the pc date it seems the Retail 30 days key triggers the nag. The best way to fix that is to use the key remover option and get rid of the retail key. Then the VL activation 180 days defaults and the nag dissapears. Overall this is excellent work. What would be great is if the whole action was a 1 click solution, because if I hadn't been following all the threads and methods I probably wouldn't thought of trying different ways and for the lazy guys out there like me ..
I didn't automate removal of retail key because someone may want it and I can't think of a good way to get the retail key (as it may vary), and enter the last 5 digits of it and remove it. I could make it post a message recommending removing retail key though after that.
I really would appreciate that. CODYQX4's work was first. May I ask you both: The tools are almost identical, CODYQX4's work has more features and was first. Is there a way to work together? CODYQX4, about your new tool. Please post it here at your own thread (you may always edit your first post and I can change the title of your thread if you want..) Thanks.
Regarding EZ-Activator, what does it install? I ran it and apart from a single "do you want to continue" I got no notifications/anything on screen it was doing anything and before I knew it Task Manager was full of loads of EXEs. After a couple of minutes I end tasked EZ-Activator. I'd prefer having something on-screen telling me what's happening. I cannot see any new Services installed but what exactly has it done? What's been installed? I'd like to remove what it's installed. I've deleted the folder put in my TEMP folder.
It installs an automatic KMS task and exe, adds registry entries and installs licenses into tokens.dat, runs the keygen and activates. The only remaining thing installed when it is done is the AutoKMS task in scheduler and AutoKMS.exe in the Windows folder. If you really want to see what it does you can open it up with 7zip and view the batch file. It basically does things you could have used the toolkit for but automatically and simply. PS: If you stopped it midway it may have messed something up by not finishing everything, which can be fixed by running it again. It actually turns whatever copy of office you have into Pro Plus VL by replacing your info. If you delete the info but don't fix/replace it office will act funny.
Is the Scheduled Task called "AutoKMS"? I cannot see any scheduled tasks I wouldn't expect to see. I've just deleted: C:\Windows\AutoKMS.exe C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\AutoKMS I take it this folder is supposed to be there (Win7 x64)? - C:\Windows\System32\KMSVC.DLL.MUI What registry entries? I take it any called "AutoKMS"? How do I remove it from tokens.dat? I've deleted (into the Recycle Bin) the folder: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform (no space) It contained one file: tokens.dat, which had a "Created date" of today. Is there anything I've missed? Thanks. I'll do just that. Does it mess with Windows activation? It seems to. I rebooted the PC shortly after and was told my Windows isn't Legitimate. Thankfully as I've got a legal/legitimate copy, I clicked the button to Activate again and all was fine.
Yes Yes the first 2 are a result of AutoKMS the second is a part of Windows and is not from me. Any reg keys resulting from creating the task, and I replace "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration" OR "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration" if you have x64 OS but 32 bit office. This is a necessary key. You can't remove it and I would not delete tokens.dat, I replace the token you used to have with a token from letsgoawayhell's converter (It contains Pro Plus VL) and I add Visio/Project VL if they are installed on your PC. No I have no idea why that happened as this doesn't screw with Windows, maybe related to something you did (maybe messing with KMSVC.dll). Overall I'd just let it do what it does, you can use my toolkit to remove or reinstall AutoKMS and since this replaces license info such as tokens and registry you are best to use tool again without interference and let it be or you will break Windows/Office as that KMSVC.dll is part of Windows activation and not office.
I've been able to send it to the Recycle Bin, without problem. I'm confident EZ-Activator put it there. It's creation date is earlier today. I just ran EZ-Activator, nothing more. I've not messed with KMSVC.dll. After running EZ-Activator I had to activate Windows 7 again but it's now fine. Thanks for the info.
And Office works even though you deleted tokens.dat? Its a necessary file for office activation. Office will try to remake it if you deleted if. See if your office works because if you have changed what my tool did to activation files then office will have to remake them and it may fail. If office does not work run EZ-Activator again and remove AutoKMS using my toolkit if you don't want it (You'll have to activate every 180 days manually without it, it does it for you)