Ugh, I was writing a post to state my post 2.0 final planned features, but page crapped out. Another time then, I'm looking into some of those features as Bosh completes the last predicted function needed to finalize 2.0 (and eliminate the access denied error on License Add and any need for ospp.vbs). I am going to see how effective bspatch can be. All the files needed to support a universal channel changer themselves weigh in at 11.2 GB, but I know 99% of those massive cab files are the same. I'm seeing if I can do it 100% patches, no msi bundling. I'm curious if it would be feasible to do.
Cody & Bosh Keep going do NOT let one person detract you from this project based on his "opinion" on what language it "should" be programmed in. It's a dumb argument and nobody gains from it. That being said, i have used this tool and it has worked real well. I have not had a single issue with it at all.
Yes, Cody and Bosh, I agree with Reign of Freedom. Do not be discouraged by one persons opinions about a totally irrelevant "discussion" that doesnt belong in this thread. You have done an excellent job improving and supporting this tool.
Hi, everytime I boot my Win7 64bit PC I get an autokms has stopped working error. Anyone else experiencing this?
Very nice toolkit! Just so handy, check status, rearm, several activation methods to try out... Really well done, hat off. I like Word '10, but would not want to get rid of Word '03, as it just works so well with .doc files (plus I made hundreds of them on '03, so where it comes to compatibility for those Word '03 of course remains unmatched). Well, I knew installing different suites besides each other was possible, but that reconfigure nonsense every time when starting up one version of Word after another was putting a damper on things. So I found this reg tweak, which works great! It is made for Word and Excel (not sure if other apps need it or not): Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ;If you have two versions of Microsoft Word installed on the same computer, you experience a delay when you start Word 2010. This behavior occurs because Word 2010 auto-registers itself on the computer. You can bypass the auto-registration. This enables Word 2010 to start faster. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Options] "NoReReg"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options] "NoReReg"=dword:00000001
I have the following problem: I am running Windows 7 x64 and Office 2010 Professional Plus KMS. I had the BETA 3 version of EZ Activator, which worked without a problem. However, when I installed the BETA 4 version, I realized that AutoKMS does not run on startup. So I copied the Run registry run key for AutoKMS to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry folder, which is for running x32 applications on x64 system. Now AutoKMS runs on startup, but UAC is annoying me by asking me to allow AutoKMS to run everytime Windows starts.
@jiannis: Thanks for the good and clear feedback, CODYQX4 implemented the "run" part of the AutoKMS, I bet his using the same architecture as Office 2010 (yours is x64 so it's using that architecture in the Reg Key for AutoKMS). We'll correct that ASAP for the 2.0 final.
It puts it in the same place regardless, and running AutoKMS itself should not care about office architecture. It goes to normal run key (not wow6432node) and office architecture should have no effect. first, did you re download the BETA 4? I released it then reuploaded it as AutoKMS was crashing. Also, AutoKMS is compiled in a way it will run as 64 bit app on 64 bit OS. I do not see how architecture comes into play. I'll restart my PC in a bit to take a look.
I have Office2k10 32 bit installed on Win7 Home Prem. 64 bit. I was running Toolkit Beta3, uninstalled it, and installed Toolkit Beta 4. The installer installed AutoKMS to run under the regular HKLM>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run key and not under the Wow6432Node tree. Of course, I also have UAC turned off; starts up and runs fine here without notifications or glitches.
OK good, there should be no needed reason to put it under Wow6432Node as it doesn't run as a 32 bit app on 64 bit OS, rather, by compiling it as "AnyCPU" it runs as native 64 bit os under 64 bit OS. Me, I have never had a UAC popup for it.
There appears to be an issue launching after all. Mine did not launch. Its not as simple as architecture and probably won't work with the Run key. A shame as Task requires XP workaround. The scheduled task can run without UAC, even if I fix run issue its just gonna popup UAC anyway.
Reactivation does not require administrative rights unless you have to set the host name and install key. Change the requestedExecutionLevel to "asInvoker" in the manifest file of AutoKMS.
I believe it is yet I do remove that host and add it, so Admin rights are likely. Also it writes its stuff to windir. The Scheduled Task I run it as SYSTEM and it doesn't require UAC. Since the default behavior is to add/remove host and I must add it if its not there, I must assume admin rights may be required so I must launch in a non intrusive way. The Auto in AutoKMS is defeated if you have to answer a UAC prompt every startup (which would be insanely annoying). I made the run key as it is universal, whereas Task Scheduler in XP is very different from Vista+. Not only is XP's commandline scheduler missing important things that require workarounds (AutoKMS is seen as installed if task exists OR AutoKMS exe exists (so if AV killed the exe uninstall clears task). There is no force create and no nice way to query if it exists. We can in newer OS's simply search for AutoKMS by passing the name. In XP, querying gives us all the tasks and we have to search for AutoKMS in it, which is way slower. Look at the speed of AutoKMS install/uninstall now. Its faster than you can move the cursor, where the task took awhile. I try to cover all strange scenarios. If the exe is there but task isn't upon uninstall, on XP I cannot check efficiently if task exists. I'd rather run delete only if it exists rather than deleting and having to catch an exception if it doesn't exist just because XP task scheduler sucks.
My scripts here and here work perfectly using the run key. By using the run key you actually run it from the Public profile.
Strange, AutoKMS was set to requireAdmin... Still, I have to see if the host set works. I actually use OSPPSVC WMI to add and remove it and I believe that it allows it. EDIT:Outright does not work without Admin rights. Most of AutoKMS needs them.
How Do I UAC Prompt Thee? Let Me Count The Ways. (The Definitive UAC Prompt Guide) Don't know if this may be of any help (you may already be aware of it): (below, change hxxp to http - not enuf posts to post links) How Do I UAC Prompt Thee? Let me Count The Ways (The Definitive UAC Prompt Guide) hxxp:// Also wondering if creating and then auto starting-stopping it as a service is any different in terms of UAC or ease of programming?
Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I didn't get a chance to try out any of the suggestions until today. Still haven't succeeded in getting rid of the failed activations red bar. I got a volume version of windows Office 2010, but still no difference. I did try using Beta 4 which was a real big improvement on the previous Beta. I really like it. The uninstall feature is really convenient. The odd thing that Beta 4 says "REMAINING GRACE: 0 days (0 minute(s) before expiring)", but I can still use the program with no problems. Maybe that means that that Office is activated? I was wondering why someone doesn't come up with a preactivated version of Office 2010 though. Wouldn't it make things easier? I've seen a few, but they seem to be fakes.