Using the latest commit with my original config & content/Lists OO completes without disabling features, enabling features, removing packages, or removing system apps. Any ideas?
Sorry but with as much info as you have provided is impossible to guess what is wrong. Any error? Screenshots? Which windows version you are using? Are you using GUI or CLI? Post maybe configration.json file?
Apologize for being lite on details, double checked my config & noticed the "whitelist" selections changed to "blacklist" I have no idea why?? though working perfectly now. Thanks Code: "SourcePath": "C:\\Teniso\\winten.iso", "WindowsApps": "Blacklist", "SystemApps": "Blacklist", "Capabilities": "Blacklist",
No problem, i think i know the issue here, maybe you opened the GUI and it by default has set the list removals to Blacklist. I will check if the GUI is respecting the configuration.json choices. In case it is a "Select" option in configuration.json, when you open the GUI, it by default sets the values to Blacklist, as the Select is not a valid option for the GUI anymore.
Can you add his file to the script. Sometimes if you close the GUI before it finishes, see a package you don't want to remove or something being removed, the script will error out and not try to dismount mounted Windows images. If you run the attached script as Admin it almost always fixes that and the script runs cleanly afterwards. Edit: Or add that to the script itself if it's not cleanly dismounted maybe.
Yes just tested it again using the Start-GUI.bat & pressed the process radio button only & it has default all to "Blacklist"!
Does anyone know how to restore a systemapp package that was marked as "disabled" by OO? I remember it is done somewhere in registry. but I don know how to recover it on live OS.
Optimize-Offline release Whats new: Corrected the improper formatting of the output WimFileInfo.xml file when running Optimize-Offline with PowerShell 7+ Windows 10 22H2 will now display properly in the output WimFileInfo.xml file. Added additional telemetry disabling registry entries. Disabled Interests and News and Meet Now taskbar registry entries. Updated the Win32Calc integration WIM file. Updated the integrated Microsoft Edge Administrative Policy Templates WIM file to the latest versions. Updated the integrated CustomAppsAssociations.xml Updated the 'Additional Tweaks' registry template. Updated the Set-Additional.ps1 post-setup script. Added a Remove-DefaultUser0.ps1 post-setup script. The Get-DeploymentTool function has been replaced with the Get-DISMPath function. Removed redundancies in the Invoke-Cleanup function. Additional framework code changes and other core module updates.
No were set to "WhiteList" Code: "SourcePath": "C:\\Teniso\\winten.iso", "WindowsApps": "whitelist", "SystemApps": "whitelist", "Capabilities": "whitelist", "Packages": "Blacklist",
I think i have the comparison case sensitive in code . For now just put Whitelist in the json, and in the meantime i will make some improvements in the code as well
Anyone? Something here broke my ability to login in MS store/Xbox app: Code: 2021-11-16T23:39:14 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin 2021-11-16T23:39:17 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.BioEnrollment 2021-11-16T23:39:19 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.ECApp 2021-11-16T23:39:21 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.LockApp 2021-11-16T23:39:23 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge 2021-11-16T23:39:25 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient 2021-11-16T23:39:27 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog 2021-11-16T23:39:29 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp 2021-11-16T23:39:31 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.CapturePicker 2021-11-16T23:39:33 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager 2021-11-16T23:39:35 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FilePicker 2021-11-16T23:39:37 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart 2021-11-16T23:39:39 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.XGpuEjectDialog 2021-11-16T23:39:41 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI 2021-11-16T23:39:43 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI 2021-11-16T23:39:45 [INFO]: Removing System App: NcsiUwpApp 2021-11-16T23:39:47 [INFO]: Removing System App: MicrosoftWindows.UndockedDevKit 2021-11-16T23:39:49 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls 2021-11-16T23:39:51 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost 2021-11-16T23:39:54 [INFO]: Disabling Services, Drivers and Integration Content for Removed Apps. 2021-11-16T23:40:03 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability: Hello.Face.18967~~~~ 2021-11-16T23:40:10 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability: Hello.Face.Migration.18967~~~~ 2021-11-16T23:40:20 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions 2021-11-16T23:40:26 [INFO]: Importing Custom App Associations. 2021-11-16T23:42:31 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: MathRecognizer 2021-11-16T23:42:37 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Browser.InternetExplorer 2021-11-16T23:42:43 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.StepsRecorder 2021-11-16T23:42:49 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.Support.QuickAssist 2021-11-16T23:42:58 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Media.WindowsMediaPlayer 2021-11-16T23:43:08 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.WordPad 2021-11-16T23:43:15 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OneCoreUAP.OneSync 2021-11-16T23:43:25 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Print.Fax.Scan 2021-11-16T23:43:34 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.PowerShell.ISE 2021-11-16T23:45:20 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us 2021-11-16T23:45:26 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-us 2021-11-16T23:45:32 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-us Trying to find out what.
Here's my System App whitelist if it helps you & I don't have any issues. Code: "Microsoft.AccountsControl", "Microsoft.CredDialogHost", "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.CBS", "Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost", "Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp", "Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart", "Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal", "Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow", "Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost", "Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost", "Microsoft.Windows.Search", "MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS", "MicrosoftWindows.UndockedDevKit", "NcsiUwpApp", "windows.immersivecontrolpanel", "Windows.PrintDialog"
@gdeliana Us 7***X3D users need the XBox apps working. Even if you don't remove any of the Xbox apps, the optimization for the removed XBox apps still happens and they are broken. Also if you don't remove the and Defender app the optimization for the removed apps still happens. I never removed any XBox-related app and GameBar is not opening. I need it to optimize my gaming for my 7950X3D. Edit: I think the Microsoft.BioEnrollment removal tweaks happens as well, even if you don't remove it.
I had to login under Settings/Account then I was logged in to Windows Store. And search this thread my username. I had a post which apps to keep for full Windows Store functionality.