@zalim581 Noticed your ISO is tr-TR, as a result it is unlikely you would be able to use this script without some changes. Without some info regarding said changes (along with the content of your Configuration.json), I doubt that anyone here would be able to point you in the right direction.
So what you are saying is that the reason why I'm getting this errors which look like permission errors to me is my Windows media's language? weird..
There is nothing weird about it..... and it is not a permissions issue. If you had paid attention (read the thread), you would have known that the script is designed for the en-US culture .. any other language requires modification/s (method is covered extensively by myself , KedarWolf etc.. in the thread), and some considerable effort on your part... GodHand (himself) has stated if people are prepared to provide translations (to certain parts of the script) he is more than willing to add those cultures to the environment. So far, nothing has been forthcoming.
I might be wrong but i think you misunderstand this regional culture requiremnent. The script only shows that warning beacuse the system is in a language other than en-US. This has nothing to with the ISO you are modifying. Edit: I made the system language en-US, used with same ISO and errors disappeared.
Anybody experienced Start Menu shutting and reopening when trying to access any items in the menu? And remedy? I took out a bunch of stuff.
Do someone know how to make the ISO bootable in Legacy Bios mode? I used the search, but didn't find a solution for it. In UEFI it works properly.
Essentially there is no real difference (currently) between 19041 & 19042.. so in theory, yes However, you may have to ammend the O-O.psm1 starting from line 1154 Code: $CodeName = Switch ($InstallInfo.Build) { 17134 { 'RS4'; Break } 17763 { 'RS5'; Break } 18362 { '19H2'; Break } 19041 { '20H1'; Break } 19042 { '20H2'; Break } <--- this may be have to be added
Guys having some trouble getting my head around available passes for the new Dart section in Configuration.json. What are the available passes? beside "all". I don't usually enable Dart in my images.
This worked for me, no Dart. Code: { "_Info": [ "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.", "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.", "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes." ], "SourcePath": "C:\\1\\Win10_19042.331_x64_2020-07-02.iso", "WindowsApps": "Select", "SystemApps": true, "Capabilities": true, "Packages": true, "Features": true, "DeveloperMode": false, "WindowsStore": false, "MicrosoftEdge": false, "Win32Calc": true, "Dedup": false, "DaRT": [ ], "Registry": true, "Additional": { "Setup": true, "Wallpaper": false, "SystemLogo": false, "LockScreen": false, "RegistryTemplates": true, "LayoutModification": false, "Unattend": true, "Drivers": true, "NetFx3": true }, "ISO": "No-Prompt" }
Thanks for the quick reply, will do now. EDIT: Yes, this sorted the Dart! Wasn't too sure as the changelog doesn't go into much detail. has problems regarding iso analyzing. it says unsupported image architechture while doesnt for the exact same iso.
I've seen that error and it has to do with a misconfigured Configuration.json file. Try using the stock Configuration.json (obviously update SourcePath). You can try clearing out the Dart options but don't try deleting the parameter. This is my entire Configuration.json and it works. Code: { "_Info": [ "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.", "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.", "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes." ], "SourcePath": "Z:\\Projects\\OS\\Windows\\Client\\10\\Win10_17763.1294_x64_2020-07-03.iso", "WindowsApps": "Select", "SystemApps": true, "Capabilities": true, "Packages": true, "Features": true, "DaRT": [ ], "Registry": true, "Additional": { "RegistryTemplates": true } }
Here is the full config file with all the parameters done correctly, change them as you need. But yes, for no Dart it needs to be done like this or you get the unsupported message. Code: { "_Info": [ "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.", "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.", "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes." ], "SourcePath": "C:\\1\\Win10_19042.331_x64_2020-07-02.iso", "WindowsApps": "Select", "SystemApps": true, "Capabilities": true, "Packages": true, "Features": true, "DeveloperMode": false, "WindowsStore": false, "MicrosoftEdge": false, "Win32Calc": true, "Dedup": false, "DaRT": [ ], "Registry": true, "Additional": { "Setup": true, "Wallpaper": false, "SystemLogo": false, "LockScreen": false, "RegistryTemplates": true, "LayoutModification": false, "Unattend": true, "Drivers": true, "NetFx3": true }, "ISO": "No-Prompt" }