Could you show your 'Configuration.json' here for the settings you used? It might depend if it works what you chose there.
Is there a list somewhere that tells us what each item does? Like when removing SystemApps. Is there a description of what each item is used for?
Code: { "_Info": [ "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.", "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.", "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes." ], "SourcePath": "C:\\1\\19041.388.200709-0342.VB_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTMULTI_X64FRE_PL-PL.ISO", "WindowsApps": "Select", "SystemApps": true, "Capabilities": true, "Packages": true, "Features": true, "DeveloperMode": false, "WindowsStore": false, "MicrosoftEdge": false, "Win32Calc": true, "Dedup": false, "DaRT": [ ], "Registry": true, "Additional": { "Setup": true, "Wallpaper": false, "SystemLogo": false, "LockScreen": false, "RegistryTemplates": true, "LayoutModification": false, "Unattend": false, "Drivers": false, "NetFx3": true }, "ISO": "No-Prompt" } My Configuration.json file
Used the updated Optimize-Offline (use to use version 3.x) and everything went well. The output file is install.wim. I have checked through this thread and cannot see how to create a bootable usb? The older versions use to output a .iso and I used Godhand’s winboot usb script
The only thing I can see is for SourcePath need to use "\\" Edit: still getting the same error. Could it be because I have converted from esd to iso?
Here is the full config file with all the parameters done correctly, change them as you need. But yes, for no Dart it needs to be done like this or you get the unsupported message. "DaRT": [ ], Code: { "_Info": [ "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.", "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.", "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes." ], "SourcePath": "C:\\1\\Win10_19042.331_x64_2020-07-02.iso", "WindowsApps": "Select", "SystemApps": true, "Capabilities": true, "Packages": true, "Features": true, "DeveloperMode": false, "WindowsStore": false, "MicrosoftEdge": false, "Win32Calc": true, "Dedup": false, "DaRT": [ ], "Registry": true, "Additional": { "Setup": true, "Wallpaper": false, "SystemLogo": false, "LockScreen": false, "RegistryTemplates": true, "LayoutModification": false, "Unattend": true, "Drivers": true, "NetFx3": true }, "ISO": "No-Prompt" }
Been posted very early in this thread, just change the the win 10 build to the relevant number as below. Just add this single line ... $InstallInfo.Build = 18362 Just before .... If ($InstallInfo.Build -ge '17134' -and $InstallInfo.Build -le '18362')
I tested this on the 1709 ISO. This post is what you need to do.
Are the Remove-OneDrive.ps1 and Set-Additional.ps1 scrips ran during the setup? Or do you have to manually run them after setup is complete?