Optimize-Offline should support 19043 (21H1) but I still get: WARNING: Unsupported Image Build: [19043] As I understand correctly, as supports 19043 build so there might be some optimalizations for this build so bypassing $InstallInfo.Build if statement shouldn't be the case here. Any idea how to fix this?
It has been a long time since I've had a good look at this project but, Optimize-Offline.psm1 lines 452, 495 and 615 change If ($InstallInfo.Build -xx '19041') to If ($InstallInfo.Build -xx '19043') should do the trick
For those interested - Optimize-Offline.psm1 changes from 4.0.17 to 4.0.18 Lines 62, 63, 80 added {Mostly Changelog Notes} Lines 243, 452, 495 changed from -ge to -le {could be the issue for 19043 - change most likely be 4.0.17 copy using for comparison was previously altered by myself} Line 615 changed from -ge to -lt { - again change most likely be 4.0.17 copy using for comparison was previously altered by myself} Line Removed (originally placed after line 261) Code: If ($InstallInfo.Build -eq '19041' -and $Dedup.IsPresent) { $Dedup = ![Switch]::Present } Line 662 added Code: $DynamicParams.BioEnrollment = $true Lines 739 to 751 added Code: If ($DynamicParams.BioEnrollment -and (Get-WindowsCapability -Path $InstallMount -Name *Hello* -ScratchDirectory $ScratchFolder -LogPath $DISMLog -LogLevel 1 | Where-Object -Property State -EQ Installed)) { Try { Log $OptimizeData.RemovingBiometricCapability [Void](Get-WindowsCapability -Path $InstallMount -Name *Hello* -ScratchDirectory $ScratchFolder -LogPath $DISMLog -LogLevel 1 | Where-Object -Property State -EQ Installed | Remove-WindowsCapability -Path $InstallMount -ScratchDirectory $ScratchFolder -LogPath $DISMLog -LogLevel 1 -ErrorAction Stop) } Catch { Log $OptimizeData.FailedRemovingBiometricCapability -Type Error -ErrorRecord $Error[0] Start-Sleep 3 } } Line 961 changed $RET = StartExe $DISM -Arguments ('/Image:"{0}" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"{1}" /ScratchDir:"{2}" /LogPath:"{3}" /LogLevel:1' -f $InstallMount, (GetPath -Path $DevModeExpand.FullName -Child update.mum), $ScratchFolder, $DISMLog) -ErrorAction Stop 1595 t0 1624 added Code: #region Component Store Clean-up If ($ComponentCleanup.IsPresent) { If (!(Test-Path -Path (GetPath -Path $InstallMount -Child 'Windows\WinSxS\pending.xml'))) { Log ($OptimizeData.ComponentStoreCleanup -f $InstallInfo.Name) If ($InstallInfo.Build -ge '18362') { $RegClean = 3 } Else { $RegClean = 0 } RegHives -Load RegKey -Path "HKLM:\WIM_HKLM_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Configuration" -Name "DisableResetbase" -Value 1 -Type DWord RegKey -Path "HKLM:\WIM_HKLM_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\SideBySide\Configuration" -Name "SupersededActions" -Value $RegClean -Type DWord RegHives -Unload Try { $RET = StartExe $DISM -Arguments ('/Image:"{0}" /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ScratchDir:"{1}" /LogPath:"{2}" /LogLevel:1' -f $InstallMount, $ScratchFolder, $DISMLog) -ErrorAction Stop If ($RET -eq 0) { $DynamicParams.ComponentCleanup = $true } Else { Throw } } Catch { Log ($OptimizeData.FailedComponentStoreCleanup -f $InstallInfo.Name) -Type Error } } Else { Log $OptimizeData.ComponentStorePendingInstallations } } #endregion Component Store Clean-up Line 1985 Changed @($TempDirectory, (GetPath -Path $Env:SystemRoot -Child 'Logs\DISM\dism.log'), (GetPath -Path $Env:SystemRoot -Child 'Logs\CBS\CBS.log')) | Purge -ErrorAction Ignore
And change line 243: ... -and $InstallInfo.Build -le '19041') -> ... -and $InstallInfo.Build -le '19043') and add this after line 1300: 19043 { '21H1'; Break }
Edit 4 July 2021 Clarifying the steps needed to disable Microsoft.SecHealthUI (Defender) Edit 28June 2021: Added retained/removed provisioned app packages retained/removed System apps 27 June initial post: Optimized Windows 11 Education 21996.1 From C:\Optimize-Offline.txt: "This Windows 11 Education installation was optimized with Optimize-Offline version" == Windows 11 == Optimize-Offline v4.0.1.8 doesn't officially support Windows 11. You have to modify the Optimize-Offline.psm1 script to get it to work with Windows 11. @@ Edit Optimize-Offline.psm1 @@ To get Optimize-Offline.psm1 v4.0.1.8 to work with Windows 11 . . . - Change line 243 to: - Code: If ($InstallInfo.Build -ge '17134' -and $InstallInfo.Build -ge '19041') == Microsoft.SecHealthUI (Defender) [Part one - editing the script] == Optimize-Offline.psm1 expects to find SecHealthUI in with the other System apps. In Windows 11, the SecHealthUI (defender) package has moved to the Appx location. @@ Editing Optimize-Offline.psm1 (Defender Mod) @@ [Details] The code change forces Optimize-Offline v4.0.1.8 to apply all the defender disabling registry code that normally gets applied if you choose to disable Microsoft.SecHealthUI as a System App. You're disabling Microsoft.SecHealthUI as a "Metro" appx (provisioned app package) so you have to let Optimize-Offline.psm1 know what to do. Savvy? Warning! Don't make this change if your keeping Microsoft.SecHealthUI (Defender) Only make the next code change if you're optimizing Windows 11 and removing Defender! To get Optimize-Offline.psm1 v4.0.1.8 to fully disable SecHealthUI (Defender). . . - Change line 687 to: - Code: If ($InstallInfo.Build -ge '19041') Also! Don't worry about line 731. If you study the code, you'll see that you want to leave that line as-is. You can check that the additional defender code ran successfully by looking in the "Optimize-Offline.log" for: Code: [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions == Microsoft.SecHealthUI (Defender) [Part two - disabling the appx package ] == Optimize-Offline provides you several ways to disable appx packages. I prefer to use the AppxWhitelist.json. I "disable" the Microsoft.SecHealthUI provisioned app package by *not* including it in my whitelist. Using my suggested whitelist, leaves seven total retained (active) provisioned app packages. My AppxWhitelist.json retains six and Windows 11 adds "Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable" making seven. My AppxWhitelist.json Code: { "DisplayName": [ "Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop", "Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp", "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.4", "Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00", "Microsoft.WindowsStore", "MicrosoftWindows.Client.WebExperience" ] } Spoiler: 37 removed provisioned app packages Note: "Microsoft.SecHealthUI" Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 Microsoft.BingNews Microsoft.BingWeather Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller Microsoft.GamingApp Microsoft.GetHelp Microsoft.Getstarted Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes Microsoft.Paint Microsoft.People Microsoft.ScreenSketch *Microsoft.SecHealthUI* Microsoft.Todos Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions Microsoft.WebpImageExtension Microsoft.Windows.Photos Microsoft.WindowsAlarms Microsoft.WindowsCalculator Microsoft.WindowsCamera microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub Microsoft.WindowsMaps Microsoft.WindowsNotepad Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder Microsoft.WindowsTerminal Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay Microsoft.YourPhone Microsoft.ZuneMusic Microsoft.ZuneVideo Spoiler: 20 system apps retained Microsoft.Windows.AppResolverUX Microsoft.AccountsControl Microsoft.AsyncTextService Microsoft.CredDialogHost Microsoft.Windows.Apprep.ChxApp Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp Microsoft.Windows.CapturePicker Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog Microsoft.Windows.Search Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost Microsoft.Windows.StartMenuExperienceHost MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS MicrosoftWindows.UndockedDevKit NcsiUwpApp windows.immersivecontrolpanel Windows.PrintDialog Spoiler: 18 system apps removed Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin Microsoft.BioEnrollment Microsoft.ECApp Microsoft.LockApp Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager Microsoft.Windows.FileExplorer Microsoft.Windows.FilePicker Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost Microsoft.Windows.SecureAssessmentBrowser Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI Microsoft.Windows.XGpuEjectDialog Windows.CBSPreview
... covered in post above you could also add 19042 { '20H2'; Break } but that particular section is (if I remember correctly) for DART package integration, which you may have an issue with, due to build number 19041 ... don't use the package integration part of the script, so can't attest to this.
Does anyone have issue with unattend.xml or SetupComplete.cmd not working properly on 21h1? Basically, I copied my Unattend and Setup folder from Optimize-Offline (with 20h2) to Optimize-Offline (with 21h1). When installing Win 10 Pro 21h1 (19043.1081) only half of answer file is applied (like system locale, skip eula, hide wireless setup etc) but SynchronousCommands aren't applied at all. Also SetupComplete.cmd is not triggered after installation. Tested on clean iso (without removing anything using O-O) with the same result. Also for some reason, when I used addition edition (Pro for workstations) scripts actually worked. Any idea whats wrong and how can I fix this? Update After testing older build of windows I realized that on vm everything works fine. The problem occur only on real machine. Any idea what this can mean? (I can provide logs if needed) Last update After 2 days I still don't know whats wrong with my device... For those interested in how I workaround this, I added RunOnce key to registry to run some scripts from Setup/Scripts when oobe ends. Overall looks the same but using different aproach...
I cant create ISOs with These are the errors: Code: Index : 0 Exception : 'D:\Optimize-Offline-\OfflineTemp_1132315477\Win10_21H1_Turkish_x64' access denied to the path. Category : WriteError: (D:\Opt...1H1_Turkish_x64:DirectoryInfo) [Move-Item], IOException ErrorID : MoveDirectoryItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand Target : D:\Optimize-Offline-\OfflineTemp_1132315477\Win10_21H1_Turkish_x64 Command : If ($ISOMedia.Exists) { Move-Item -Path $ISOMedia.FullName -Destination $SaveDirectory.FullName } Script : D:\Optimize-Offline-\Optimize-Offline.psm1 Line : 1974 Column : 29 Index : 1 Exception : You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. Category : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException ErrorID : InvokeMethodOnNull Target : Command : $ISOFile = New-Item -Path $WorkFolder -Name ($($InstallInfo.Edition).Replace(' ', '') + "_$($InstallInfo.Bu ild).iso") -ItemType File -Force -ErrorAction:$ErrorActionPreference Script : D:\Optimize-Offline-\Src\Public\New-ISOMedia.ps1 Line : 79 Column : 60 Index : 2 Exception : The property 'CodeName' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set. Category : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException ErrorID : PropertyNotFound Target : Command : Else { $ImageData.CodeName = $CurrentVersion.BuildBranch.ToUpper().Split('_')[0] } Script : D:\Optimize-Offline-\Src\Public\Get-ImageData.ps1 Line : 75 Column : 28 Code: ... 2021-07-01T00:53:35 [ERROR]: Failed to Update the Image Metadata for the install.wim 2021-07-01T00:53:38 [INFO]: Optimizing the Installation Media File Structure. 2021-07-01T00:53:38 [INFO]: Creating a No-Prompt Bootable Windows Installation Media ISO. 2021-07-01T00:53:39 [ERROR]: Failed to Create a No-Prompt Bootable Windows Installation Media ISO. ....
1. He suggested ADK 2004 & your comment seems 2094. 2. Plus worked flawlessly at my end without even a single error . Author of this tool has a vast knowledge in "Sapien Powershell Studio". 3. your config file might not be having correct parameter thatswhy it doesnt result in a Optimized Offline ISO or might be you have edited any of his ps scripts according to your needs.
1.There is nothing called adk 2094 so i installed adk 2004 3. my config: Code: { "_Info": [ "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.", "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.", "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes." ], "SourcePath": "D:\\Win10_21H1_x64.iso", "WindowsApps": "All", "SystemApps": true, "Capabilities": true, "Packages": true, "Features": true, "DeveloperMode": false, "WindowsStore": false, "MicrosoftEdge": false, "Win32Calc": false, "Dedup": false, "DaRT": [ ], "Registry": true, "Additional": { "Setup": true, "Wallpaper": false, "SystemLogo": false, "LockScreen": false, "RegistryTemplates": false, "LayoutModification": false, "Unattend": false, "Drivers": false, "NetFx3": false }, "ComponentCleanup": true, "ISO": "No-Prompt" } and no I didnt edit anything.
It seems correct as per author of OO configs in his config file. Might be the directory in which you are using OO has a space in its name . Thats all from me i can help . Nothing else as Kedarwolf has more exp then me in this Project.
1. You had to have edited something, as without some needed modifications O-O will only work with en-US Culture 2. You also need to check downloaded zip file properties to ensue the file isn't locked
Not sure where you got that idea from. It says at the start that "some optimizations are not available", it doesn't say it wont work? If it didnt work with regions other en-US, why would it warn you at the start about it instead of simply exiting the script. I did not edit the script.
The script is only designed for en-US ISOs. A long time ago I had it working with en-GB by renaming some folders and editing some of the script files but I have no idea if or what to edit now as I just use en-US ISOs. Edit: Here's what I did for en-GB but other languages I'll doubt it will work, the localization is for en-US and en-GB is quite similar. Things might be totally different in other languages. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...20h1-and-ltsc-2019.80038/page-11#post-1573297 As well in the latest script I'd use Notepad++ and search for en-US in the various script files, might be more things you need to change from back then. AND, there is a localization file that needs to be translated from English i think to work with a different language. Check on the GitHub and do a ticket, you might be able to translate the file for Godhand and it might help it work for you.
I dont get it. Why does the script warn me about it then, instead of exiting completely and throws an error at the end of the process?
I have been using this script for a long time and I confirm that after appropriate modifications the newest scrypt works for me flawlessly on my iso pl-PL. I even debloated Win 11 without any errors.