Optimize-Offline Guide - Windows Debloating Tool, Windows 1803, 1903, 19H2, 1909, 20H1 and LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by KedarWolf, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. ashish1989

    ashish1989 MDL Addicted

    Sep 20, 2013
    Is the script now supporting 19043 and 19044 versions?
  2. drew84

    drew84 MDL Expert

    Mar 13, 2014
  3. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
  4. ashish1989

    ashish1989 MDL Addicted

    Sep 20, 2013
    Does the script support esd?
  5. ashish1989

    ashish1989 MDL Addicted

    Sep 20, 2013
    Integrating the Win32 Calculator.
    Integrating the Data Deduplication Packages.
    Failed to Integrate the Data Deduplication Packages.
    Discarding any Images and Terminating Optimizations.
    Active mount points detected. Performing clean-up.

    This is coming at the end
  6. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    Yeah, the modified script doesn't work with DATA duplication and Developer Mode, you need to not use those options.

    This part needs to be like this, including DaRT.

      "DeveloperMode": false,
      "WindowsStore": false,
      "MicrosoftEdge": false,
      "Win32Calc": true,
      "Dedup": false,
      "DaRT": [
  7. ashish1989

    ashish1989 MDL Addicted

    Sep 20, 2013
    After Dart I have to write false or copy and paste same as above as mentioned by you
  8. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    I don't get too upset when peeps ask stuff that has already been answered in earlier posts.

    To be fair, the search option in this forum I find isn't that great, and it can be hard to find stuff in searches.

    But still, people should at least attempt to find the answers here to their questions, or the thread becomes post after post of the same issues over and over again.

    So please, try to find the answer in the thread with the search tools before you ask things. You can use the option to 'Search This Thread Only'.

    It can be annoying when someone asks stuff that has already been answered with no effort on their part to see if there are answers are already here in the thread.
  9. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    Just replace that part I linked with my code is all, the rest stays the same.

    Please see my post right above this one, it's directed at you and others who are new here.

    Not False, no, copy and paste my code.
  10. ashish1989

    ashish1989 MDL Addicted

    Sep 20, 2013
    #954 ashish1989, Jul 23, 2021
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
    Post-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    Saving and Dismounting Windows 10 Pro
    Rebuilding and Exporting Windows 10 Pro using Fast compression.
    Optimizing the Installation Media File Structure.
    Creating a No-Prompt Bootable Windows Installation Media ISO.
    Finalizing Optimizations.
    Optimize-Offline completed in [31] minutes with [0] errors.

    Thanx to all of the members who have helped me
    One last questionn
    In the below folder name is the iso, is this the optimized iso which I have to use in future
  11. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016

    I'll share with you what is 100% safe to remove from Windows 10 tonight when I get home from work.

    I'll also share my WhiteList files and help you automate most of the steps as well.
  12. ashish1989

    ashish1989 MDL Addicted

    Sep 20, 2013
    One last questionn
    In the below folder name is the iso, is this the optimized iso which I have to use in future
    Optimize-Offline_2021-07-23T11.51.48 or is it the source iso and what about te folder, can I delete it after moving the iso file
  13. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    it's in the new folder in the Optimize Offline folder.

    Also, see this thread about integrating all the updates into the ISO before you use Optimize Offline.

  14. ashish1989

    ashish1989 MDL Addicted

    Sep 20, 2013
    That would be really great, I will be waiting
  15. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    Replace the files in the D:\Optimize-Offline-master (1)\Optimize-Offline-master\Content folder with the ones in the attachment at the end of this post.

    Change this part of the code in the 'Configuration.json' to below.

      "WindowsApps": "WhiteList",
      "SystemApps": "WhiteList",
      "Capabilities": "WhiteList",
      "Packages": true,
      "Features": true,
    100% safe to remove with fully working Windows Store. I use VLC Media Player and Notepad++ so I remove Windows Media Player and Notepad and Wordpad.

    Running Module : Optimize-Offline
    Optimize Start : 07/23/2021 02:47:02 AM
    Identity Name  : Kedar
    Computer Name  : KEDARWOLF-PC
    2021-07-23T02:47:02 [INFO]: Supported Image Build: [19041]
    2021-07-23T02:47:05 [INFO]: Mounting Windows 10 Enterprise
    2021-07-23T02:47:35 [INFO]: Pre-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2021-07-23T02:47:41 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.BingWeather
    2021-07-23T02:47:43 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.GetHelp
    2021-07-23T02:47:46 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Getstarted
    2021-07-23T02:47:48 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer
    2021-07-23T02:47:51 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
    2021-07-23T02:47:53 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
    2021-07-23T02:47:56 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes
    2021-07-23T02:47:58 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal
    2021-07-23T02:48:01 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MSPaint
    2021-07-23T02:48:03 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Office.OneNote
    2021-07-23T02:48:06 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.People
    2021-07-23T02:48:08 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ScreenSketch
    2021-07-23T02:48:11 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.SkypeApp
    2021-07-23T02:48:14 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Windows.Photos
    2021-07-23T02:48:16 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
    2021-07-23T02:48:19 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsCalculator
    2021-07-23T02:48:21 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsCamera
    2021-07-23T02:48:24 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
    2021-07-23T02:48:27 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
    2021-07-23T02:48:29 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsMaps
    2021-07-23T02:48:32 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder
    2021-07-23T02:48:34 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.YourPhone
    2021-07-23T02:48:37 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneMusic
    2021-07-23T02:48:39 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneVideo
    2021-07-23T02:48:48 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin
    2021-07-23T02:48:50 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.BioEnrollment
    2021-07-23T02:48:53 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.ECApp
    2021-07-23T02:48:55 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.LockApp
    2021-07-23T02:48:57 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
    2021-07-23T02:48:59 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient
    2021-07-23T02:49:01 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost
    2021-07-23T02:49:03 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog
    2021-07-23T02:49:05 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FileExplorer
    2021-07-23T02:49:07 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FilePicker
    2021-07-23T02:49:09 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls
    2021-07-23T02:49:11 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost
    2021-07-23T02:49:13 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI
    2021-07-23T02:49:15 [INFO]: Removing System App: NcsiUwpApp
    2021-07-23T02:49:18 [INFO]: Disabling Services, Drivers and Integration Content for Removed Apps.
    2021-07-23T02:49:23 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability Packages.
    2021-07-23T02:49:34 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions
    2021-07-23T02:49:36 [INFO]: Importing Custom App Associations.
    2021-07-23T02:49:40 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.StepsRecorder
    2021-07-23T02:49:43 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.Support.QuickAssist
    2021-07-23T02:49:46 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: MathRecognizer
    2021-07-23T02:49:49 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Media.WindowsMediaPlayer
    2021-07-23T02:49:54 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Notepad
    2021-07-23T02:49:57 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.WordPad
    2021-07-23T02:50:01 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OneCoreUAP.OneSync
    2021-07-23T02:50:05 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OpenSSH.Client
    2021-07-23T02:51:16 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-us
    2021-07-23T02:51:20 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-us
    2021-07-23T02:51:23 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us
    2021-07-23T02:51:30 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root
    2021-07-23T02:51:46 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: SmbDirect
    2021-07-23T02:51:49 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-XPSServices-Features
    2021-07-23T02:52:04 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
    2021-07-23T02:52:10 [INFO]: Integrating the Win32 Calculator.
    2021-07-23T02:52:13 [INFO]: Applying Optimized Registry Settings.
    2021-07-23T02:52:24 [INFO]: Applying Setup Content.
    2021-07-23T02:52:27 [INFO]: Importing Registry Template: Additional Tweaks.reg
    2021-07-23T02:52:33 [INFO]: Applying Answer File.
    2021-07-23T02:52:35 [INFO]: Injecting Driver Packages into Windows 10 Enterprise
    2021-07-23T02:53:21 [INFO]: Cannot perform a clean-up of the Component Store while there are pending installations.
    2021-07-23T02:53:21 [INFO]: Cleaning-up the Start Menu Layout.
    2021-07-23T02:53:24 [INFO]: Creating a Package Summary Log.
    2021-07-23T02:53:30 [INFO]: Post-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2021-07-23T02:53:34 [INFO]: Saving and Dismounting Windows 10 Enterprise
    2021-07-23T02:54:51 [INFO]: Rebuilding and Exporting Windows 10 Enterprise using Solid compression.
    2021-07-23T03:01:58 [INFO]: Optimizing the Installation Media File Structure.
    2021-07-23T03:01:59 [INFO]: Creating a No-Prompt Bootable Windows Installation Media ISO.
    2021-07-23T03:02:07 [INFO]: Finalizing Optimizations.
    2021-07-23T03:02:07 [INFO]: Optimize-Offline completed in [15] minutes with [0] errors.
    Optimizations Finalized : 07/23/2021 03:02:07 AM

    Attached Files: