Offtop - what language - culture do you make your iso in. ? And try this path first - "SourcePath": "C: \\ 1 \\ sources \\ install.wim", Do \\ 1 \\ - extract your iso
Chronology: Your reply: Ignoring that response and now you have drawn @zbigniew59 into the same trap ... as an example there are two scripts here @GodHand and @gdeliana, and we are left to guess which one you are using FYI... no one here has been critizing your mistakes, we have all tried to help, but ultimately... we have become dismayed (I most certainly have) with your complete lack of endeavour... no doubt @zbigniew59 will follow suit soon.
If you want to help kindly come on teamviewer and check yourself I can give my teamviewer deatils to you
FYI ... nobody here criticized your mistakes, everyone tried to help but ultimately ... we have become terrified (I most certainly don't) with a total lack of effort ... no doubt @ zbigniew59 will follow suit soon. I just want to help this user - he is stubborn - once upon a time - as I started with this script - I also had LOTS of problems. But I was still reading - and analyzing the ENTIRE topic - and all the posts - now I understand a LOT of this scryp - original and from @gdeliana But still not enough. I'm still trying to learn from your posts -
The default file is working fine, but when I am putting files in the content folder provided by @KedarWolf bro it is not working Maybe an encoding problem? Edit this in PowerShell ISE - IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANOTHER Does MY scrypt from link work fine?
I deleted every script thing from my system and not working on this script now as everyone is thinking I am not making efforts and asking lame questions Thank you for your time bro
OK... I will assume you are making an effort... from your point of view given your lack of experience (and I assuming this)... of the 2 scripts availabe Here. just consencrate on one (suggestion @gdeliana's one) NOTE: Script seems to work better with install.wim as opposed to.ISO images, given that... 1. Move all of your stufff to a shortened folder (C drive /////// doesn't work for me) - (pray tell me you have a secondry drive ie: D) 2. On this (D:\) drive. Create a folder D:\[O-O] - extract the contents of @gdeliana's script (the contents) to the O-O folder Spoiler Code: 3.(a) D:\[O-O] sould look like this D:\[O-O] |[.github] |[Content] |[docs] [[en-US] <<< -- Can be changed to Your Locale --- xx-XX |[Packages] |[Src] <<< -- File Offline-Resources.psm1 <<< -- Contains a reference to en-US -- Can (also) be changed to Your Locale --- xx-XX <<< -- There is a sub folder (within) [/Public/en-US] --- This Can (also) be changed to Your Locale --- xx-XX |[TemplateLists] .gitattributes .gitignore Configuration.json LICENSE Optimize-Offline.psd1 Optimize-Offline.psm1 Start-Optimize.ps1 **** Not - D:\[O-O\ | Optimize-Offline_4.0.18 <or whatever> |[.github] |[Content] |[docs] [[en-US] |[Packages] |[Src] |[TemplateLists] .gitattributes .gitignore Configuration.json LICENSE Optimize-Offline.psd1 Optimize-Offline.psm1 Start-Optimize.ps1 3. On this (D:\) drive. Create a folder D:\[O-O]_ISO <<<---- Notice the lack of spaces (does not hold your .iso - But rather, your extracted .iso [right click (7zip) - extract contents to D:\[O-O]_ISO folder Spoiler Code: 3.(a) D:\[O-O]_ISO sould look like this D:\[O-O]_ISO |[boot] |[efi] |[sources] (your install.wim resides in this folder) **** |support] |setup.exe |bootmgr.efi |bootmgr |autorun.inf **** Not - D:\[O-O]_ISO folder\ | Optimize-Offline_4.0.18 <or whatever> |[boot] |[efi] |[sources] |support] |setup.exe |bootmgr.efi |bootmgr |autorun.inf 4. Point your .json file to the install.wim file in the extracted sources folder Code: D:\\[O-O]_ISO_folder\\sources\\install.wim --NOTE: <<<< -- THIS .WIM FILE REMAINS UNTOUCHED - the modified .wim is created in a DATED folder within the script folder this modified .wim can then be used to replace any install.wim of any installation media of your choice (working on the assumption that you are using a USB) If you set up your [PROJECT] TestBed like this - you can run as many tests (modifying .json's, registry tweaks.. scripts etc.) as you want until you get your desired result. Pay Attention (and I am not being rude) - The original source will always be there, anything that changes (Exists) will be created within a dated folder ( within the root of theScript folder)... (hopefully) my last post to YOU on this subject
Hello mate, sorry for the delay, today have got my hands on this, am doing the features lists and the onedrive removal. Will post ASAP
Hello everyone I have updated the features lists. Usage is simple, there are two new options in the configuration.json. FeaturesToEnable - its a string which can take one of these values: None, Select (default), List (list of features to enable ./Content/FeaturesToEnable.json FeaturesToDisable - its a string which can take one of these values: None, Select (default), List (list of features to disable ./Content/FeaturesToDisable.json To fill the lists you can again make use of the parameter "populateLists". It's now modified to make 2 new json files: ./TemplateLists/FeaturesEnabled.json - to be used with the ./Content/FeaturesToDisable.json (notice the naming controversion, but it makes logic ) ./TemplateLists/FeaturesDisabled.json - to be used with the ./Content/FeaturesToEnable.json