Would appreciate notes on Driver integration (Can't get this to work,.. at least not the way I want it to)... I use DoubleDriver to export all non-microsoft drivers (on current OS) to named individual folders containing .inf files Driver packages always fails to integrate when placing these folders into their respective areas (within the script project) Extracting the contents of these folders into their respective areas... is a no go, as I would end up with a number of conflicts (same file names) Not a major issue (just inconvenient) as, can call the backup utility via setupcomplete.cmd
Make a folder D:\Drivers And run in an Admin PowerShell. Code: Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination D:\Drivers This only works on Windows 10 if you already have all your O/S drivers installed. Copy ALL the files it creates, not just the .inf files to your OO driver folders. For Windows 11 you need to run the command line version of that command. Code: dism /online /export-driver /destination:D:\Drivers Code: Integrated Drivers (Install) ProviderName ClassName Version BootCritical ------------ --------- ------- ------------ Advanced Micro Devices System True Advanced Micro Devices System True Advanced Micro Devices System True Advanced Micro Devices Inc. SecurityDevices True Advanced Micro Devices Inc. SecurityDevices True Advanced Micro Devices, Inc System True Advanced Micro Devices, Inc System True Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. System True ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Mouse True ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Keyboard True A-Volute Extension False BenQ Monitor False cFos Software GmbH NetService 11.10.2483.0 False Corsair Components, Inc. USB True Intel Corporation Bluetooth False Logitech System 2021.1.1365.0 True Logitech HIDClass 2021.1.1365.0 True Microsoft Printer 10.0.19041.1 False Microsoft Printer 10.0.18362.1 False Microsoft Printer 10.0.22000.1 False Nahimic MEDIA False NVIDIA Display False NVIDIA MEDIA False NVIDIA Display False NVIDIA Corporation MEDIA False Realtek Net False Realtek Net 10.50.511.2021 False Realtek Net 10.48.315.2021 False Realtek Semiconductor Corp. MEDIA 6.0.9132.1 False Realtek Semiconductor Corp. MEDIA 6.0.9151.1 False Samsung Monitor False TAP-Windows Provider V9 Net False Xbox HSM 10.0.19041.20 False Xbox SCSIAdapter 10.0.19041.18 True Xbox SCSIAdapter 10.0.19041.19 True Xbox HSM 10.0.19041.14 False
I just backup all my 3rd party drivers from a live working Win 10 or 11 OS & place them in the additional/drivers folder in OO.
... many thanks Some findings... On Win11 b.120 (running in VMware and updated via WU) these additional apps are present "Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.3", "Microsoft.Winget.Source", "MicrosoftTeams", - not present in b.100 when running ./Start-Optimize populateLists and surprisingly when running an Online script on b.120 "NcsiUwpApp" is listed as 'Can Not Be Removed'
brother it or any systemapp Can be removed easily via online system . User have to tweak srdrepository sql database then drop down all triggers set on paclage family row then set isinbox to 0 : then executing appxpackage removal powershell script does the job like a charm.
I got the "executing appxpackage removal powershell script" part Code: Get-AppxPackage | Out-GridView -Passthru | Remove-AppXPackage But I'm a bit lost on the how to: "tweak srdrepository sql database then drop down all triggers set on paclage family row then set isinbox to 0" Google isn't helping me here. . .
Code: Packages blacklist & whitelist, you can as ususal use the populateLists parameter to as well populate ./TemplateLists/Packages.json and cherry pick your packages Testing with Win 11, tried the populate list function calling by Code: PowerShell -NoExit C:\Users\MC\Desktop\Optimize-Offline-master-win11\Start-Optimize populateLists It runs OO & I checked the lists folder though templates were not populated? Any more info with this?
This thread covers a lot of it (includes video), for 1809 but the principle should be the same... also includes @BAU's ForceAppxUninstall alternative solution
I was wrong. I had a script-breaking comma on the last entry in packages json, now packages removal is working right. :/
... which is now commonly known as doing an ashish, happened to me with my capabilities list... drove me mental
i already have a solution for win10 as well as (fake win10) ie - win11 in my tweaking script $OEM$ pack which is dropped down on MDL since i have been banned here & i removed everything even changed the topic title to removed. i or wilenty or drew84 can help you in this. drew84 always been a great support for me in this for always testing the packs & wilenty always modding the scripts to be more user friendly. Both wilenty & drew84 knows much more then me in my own written script codes for win10 tweaking.
I made an attempt at modifying "Optimize-Offline\Src\Public\New-ISOMedia.ps1" I got as far as what I think are the correct variables Code: $dir=$WorkFolder $iso=$ISOFile.FullName I think you then just need to use the "$dir2iso=@ . . ." part of @BAU powershell snippet alternative. Unfortunately, my PowerShell skills aren't good enough to make it work. Anyway, it doesn't really matter since OSCDIMG is a great solution. It was more of a personal attempt at seeing if I could cobble it together.
thanks for sharing that. I'm looking at your "1-RemoveApps.cmd" and "2-Privacy.cmd". So much goodness!
Actually if you look closer at the code of New-ISOMedia.ps1 is the same solution as proposed by @BAU with some adaptations to the local code of course. The script creates an ISO, and the files are correct, but the image is not bootable.
Will give this one a try, actually the GPU drivers no matter what, were always installed in the background (at least Nvidia drivers). Will test with the added reg key if this solves.
Yes, oscdimg.exe never fails. It would be great if Microsoft allowed greater flexibility in it's use beyond their officially approved ADK package. Oh well.
Made me curious and checked it out: sorry, but that's inaccurate, mine is not the same with that old unsafe code prone to memory leaks and race conditions to integrate mine in ps1 scripts, just define the function somewhere: Code: function :DIR2ISO ($dir, $iso) { if (!(test-path -Path $dir -pathtype Container)) {"[ERR] $dir\ :DIR2ISO";exit 1}; $dir2iso=@" using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Interop`Services; using System.Runtime.Interop`Services.ComTypes; public class dir2iso {public int AveYo=2021; [Dll`Import("shlwapi",CharSet=CharSet.Unicode,PreserveSig=false)] internal static extern void SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(string f,uint m,uint d,bool b,IStream r,out IStream s); public static void Create(string file, ref object obj, int bs, int tb) { IStream dir=(IStream)obj, iso; try {SHCreateStreamOnFileEx(file,0x1001,0x80,true,null,out iso);} catch(Exception e) {Console.WriteLine(e.Message); return;} int d=tb>1024 ? 1024 : 1, pad=tb%d, block=bs*d, total=(tb-pad)/d, c=total>100 ? total/100 : total, i=1, MB=(bs/1024)*tb/1024; Console.Write("{0,3}% {1}MB {2} :DIR2ISO",0,MB,file); if (pad > 0) dir.CopyTo(iso, pad * block, Int`Ptr.Zero, Int`Ptr.Zero); while (total-- > 0) {dir.CopyTo(iso, block, Int`Ptr.Zero, Int`Ptr.Zero); if (total % c == 0) {Console.Write("\r{0,3}%",i++);}} iso.Commit(0); Console.WriteLine("\r{0,3}% {1}MB {2} :DIR2ISO", 100, MB, file); } } "@; & { $cs=new-object CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters; $cs.GenerateInMemory=1 #,# no`warnings $compile=(new-object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider).CompileAssemblyFromSource($cs, $dir2iso) $BOOT=@(); $bootable=0; $mbr_efi=@(0,0xEF); $images=@('boot\etfsboot.com','efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin') #,# efisys_noprompt 0,1|% { $bootimage=join-path $dir -child $images[$_]; if (test-path -Path $bootimage -pathtype Leaf) { $bin=new-object -ComObject ADODB.Stream; $bin.Open(); $bin.Type=1; $bin.LoadFromFile($bootimage) $opt=new-object -ComObject IMAPI2FS.BootOptions; $opt.AssignBootImage($bin.psobject.BaseObject); $opt.Manufacturer='Microsoft' $opt.PlatformId=$mbr_efi[$_]; $opt.Emulation=0; $bootable=1; $BOOT += $opt.psobject.BaseObject } } $fsi=new-object -ComObject IMAPI2FS.MsftFileSystemImage; $fsi.FileSystemsToCreate=4; $fsi.FreeMediaBlocks=0 if ($bootable) {$fsi.BootImageOptionsArray=$BOOT}; $CONTENT=$fsi.Root; $CONTENT.AddTree($dir,$false); $fsi.VolumeName='DVD_ROM' $obj=$fsi.CreateResultImage(); [dir2iso]::Create($iso,[ref]$obj.ImageStream,$obj.BlockSize,$obj.TotalBlocks) };[GC]::Collect() } $:DIR2ISO: #,# export directory as (bootable) udf iso - lean and mean snippet by AveYo, 2021 and then call it like this: Code: :DIR2ISO "ISOFOLDER" "folder.iso"