I'm probably missing something significant in the latest OO4019 update, but if you want to keep using gdeliana's version then here is the only significant improvement I could find: Additional Tweaks 4019 update.reg Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Add Advanced User Accounts to the Control Panel [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}] @="User Accounts (Advanced)" "InfoTip"="Opens netplwiz.exe" "System.ControlPanel.Category"="9" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}\DefaultIcon] @="%SystemRoot%\\System32\\netplwiz.exe" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}\Shell\Open\command] @="netplwiz.exe" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ControlPanel\NameSpace\{98641F47-8C25-4936-BEE4-C2CE1298969D}] @="Advanced User Accounts"
I noticed that the "Search" window pop up in the middle of screen unlike the one in original where it stays at bottom left on clicking the Search button on taskbar. I want to keep it like the original, what shall I remove from the OO script?
re-written with the more reliable logic of DIR2ISO snippet by yours truly guess I should also add support for the lamer "rolling release" powershell (tho it's generally a bad idea to run such scripts in 6+ instead of the native clr one - even under windows 11)
Is this for Windows 11? There are people looking at the new SecHealthUI.. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-241#post-1689696 I'm leaning toward staying on Windows 10, so I'm not really following 100% what's being discussed.
Yes its about W11 atm. But is also about the future of modding windows. I feel like Microsoft is pulling too much the strings with their antivirus. Its becoming more and more difficult to remove it.
I need a little help please. I started out with Win10 LTSC 2019 build 17763.1, updated with W10UI v10.9f to build 2183 with the latest hotfix from September. Using @gdeliana O-O fork ( I'm trying to populate all packages template with the relative command Code: ./Start-Optimize populateLists but then, what I found afterward is that WindowsAppsTemplate.json is empty. All Templates are populated, just the WindowsApps are missing. Is this a normal behaviour? I ask because I was trying to search for MS Paint Desktop App and could not find it anywhere.