Hi, I meant that no matter whatever the order you select the packages, always the fax application is not being removed for me. I wonder why rentay is able to do it.
I have another question, does the iot ltsc contains the store? Hi rentay, I am not applying any updates.
No, IoT does not contain the Store however you can add it if you want I have been applying the latest updates via W10UI, maybe that is why I am able to remove it?
Does anyone know why I am getting the error when trying to run Set-Additional.ps1 (as Administrator)? I've tried everything however nothing seems to work Edit: Turns out I’m an idiot lol was running the Set-Additional.ps1 as an elevated Powershell when in fact need to run Set-Additional.cmd as Administrator! Turns out the script is working great, user error
You can edit the .CMD to run the TAU script that'll remove services and options the regular script won't.
You can add whatever additional appx you want if download the apps (https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...20h1-and-ltsc-2019.80038/page-50#post-1677925) and follow the pattern of the scripts in this project: All-in-one - Customize - Update - Construct - LTSC 2021 project (https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-305#post-1714507) The project wraps @abbodi1406's method to make 19041.1 Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021 (tested by @Enthousiast) (https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-296#post-1713065) in a simple Graphical User Interface and adds more features like: ○ Choose what inbox modern apps to keep or remove including options to remove all in-box apps! ○ Add additional codecs (Dolby and in-box modern app codecs) ○ Add the newest Windows Store ○ Update your image to whatever level you want ○ Make *IoT* Enterprise LTSC 2021
I tried calling the script in an Elevated Powershell with .\Start-Optimize-BAU-TI.ps1 however it threw an error
Actually I was reading your post, I'm integrating this on w11 so maybe your scripts could give me some insights tho I'm not any good at this Sadly there's no universal tool to add or upgrade appx just like w10ui for windows updates
That would be a useful tool, but if it exists, I haven't stumbled across it yet. The offline scripts in the project I mentioned are adaptations I made after much studying of @abbodi1406's online scripts. It should be fairly clear (I hope) to read "_Add-Codecs-offline_Read-Me.txt" and adapt "Add-Codecs-offline.cmd". The files are in Abbodi-glue v1.12R\_Additions
It is hard to figure out what's wrong. You may not want to hear this, but I do know a that running a script with elevated TI privileges is a good way to test your host operating system's stability. If it fails then you've maybe disabled too much or your OS is broken. Figuring out what needs to be turned back on or updated is truly challenging. Sometimes it's easier to test the script in a fresh virtual machine.