Optimize-Offline Guide - Windows Debloating Tool, Windows 1803, 1903, 19H2, 1909, 20H1 and LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by KedarWolf, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. Markuzz

    Markuzz MDL Novice

    Feb 8, 2020
    Hi everyone
    I'm trying to optimize Windos 10 LTSC 2021 19044.1503 (W10UI Updated) with Optimize-Offline latest release from @gdeliana fork, but it fail at the same point.
    Could you help me please?

    2022-02-14T13:50:45 [INFO]: Supported Image Build: [19041]
    2022-02-14T13:50:48 [INFO]: Mounting Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC
    2022-02-14T14:05:20 [INFO]: Pre-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2022-02-14T14:05:32 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin
    2022-02-14T14:05:36 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.BioEnrollment
    2022-02-14T14:05:39 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.ECApp
    2022-02-14T14:05:41 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.LockApp
    2022-02-14T14:05:43 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog
    2022-02-14T14:05:46 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FileExplorer
    2022-02-14T14:05:50 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FilePicker
    2022-02-14T14:05:52 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls
    2022-02-14T14:05:55 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost
    2022-02-14T14:06:00 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog
    2022-02-14T14:06:08 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI
    2022-02-14T14:06:15 [INFO]: Removing System App: NcsiUwpApp
    2022-02-14T14:06:23 [INFO]: Removing System App: Windows.CBSPreview
    2022-02-14T14:06:35 [INFO]: Disabling Services, Drivers and Integration Content for Removed Apps.
    2022-02-14T14:14:36 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability: Hello.Face.18967~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:32:57 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability: Hello.Face.Migration.18967~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:37:02 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions
    2022-02-14T14:39:45 [INFO]: Importing Custom App Associations.
    2022-02-14T14:42:57 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.StepsRecorder~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:44:09 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.Support.QuickAssist~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:45:15 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Language.Handwriting~~~en-US~
    2022-02-14T14:46:27 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Language.OCR~~~en-US~
    2022-02-14T14:47:18 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Language.Speech~~~en-US~
    2022-02-14T14:48:18 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: MathRecognizer~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:49:27 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Notepad~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:50:41 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.WordPad~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:51:52 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OpenSSH.Client~~~~
    2022-02-14T14:53:40 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-OneCore-ApplicationModel-Sync-Desktop-FOD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.1503
    2022-02-14T14:54:29 [INFO]: Removing Windows Package: Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~en-US~10.0.19041.1503
    2022-02-14T14:55:25 [ERROR]: Failed to Remove Windows Packages.
    2022-02-14T14:55:26 [INFO]: Discarding any Images and Terminating Optimizations.
    Optimizations Failed : 02/14/2022 02:55:26
    Index     : 0
    Exception : The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.
    Category  : NotSpecified: (:) [Remove-WindowsPackage], COMException
    ErrorID   : Microsoft.Dism.Commands.RemoveWindowsPackageCommand
    Target    :
    Command   : [Void](Remove-WindowsPackage @RemovePackageParams)
    Script    : C:\Users\johnwick\Desktop\Optimize-Offline\Optimize-Offline.psm1
    Line      : 1243
    Column    : 14
  2. Heres My OO LOG for Win11 22000.469 | 0 Errors :

    Running Module : Optimize-Offline
    Optimize Start : 02/14/2022 09:14:44 PM
    Identity Name  : WinUser
    Computer Name  : WinUser
    2022-02-14T21:14:44 [INFO]: Supported Image Build: [22000]
    2022-02-14T21:14:47 [INFO]: Mounting Windows 11 Pro
    2022-02-14T21:15:21 [INFO]: Pre-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2022-02-14T21:16:18 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: CortanaApp.View.App
    2022-02-14T21:16:21 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.BingNews
    2022-02-14T21:16:24 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.BingWeather
    2022-02-14T21:16:26 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller
    2022-02-14T21:16:29 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.GamingApp
    2022-02-14T21:16:32 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.GetHelp
    2022-02-14T21:16:34 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Getstarted
    2022-02-14T21:16:37 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension
    2022-02-14T21:16:40 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
    2022-02-14T21:16:42 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
    2022-02-14T21:16:45 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes
    2022-02-14T21:16:48 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.People
    2022-02-14T21:16:50 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop
    2022-02-14T21:16:53 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ScreenSketch
    2022-02-14T21:16:56 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.SecHealthUI
    2022-02-14T21:16:58 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp
    2022-02-14T21:17:01 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Todos
    2022-02-14T21:17:04 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions
    2022-02-14T21:17:06 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions
    2022-02-14T21:17:09 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WebpImageExtension
    2022-02-14T21:17:12 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Windows.Photos
    2022-02-14T21:17:15 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
    2022-02-14T21:17:17 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsCalculator
    2022-02-14T21:17:20 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsCamera
    2022-02-14T21:17:23 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps
    2022-02-14T21:17:26 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
    2022-02-14T21:17:28 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsMaps
    2022-02-14T21:17:31 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder
    2022-02-14T21:17:34 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsStore
    2022-02-14T21:17:36 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.WindowsTerminal
    2022-02-14T21:17:39 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI
    2022-02-14T21:17:42 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay
    2022-02-14T21:17:44 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay
    2022-02-14T21:17:47 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider
    2022-02-14T21:17:49 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
    2022-02-14T21:17:52 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.YourPhone
    2022-02-14T21:17:54 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneMusic
    2022-02-14T21:17:57 [INFO]: Removing Provisioned App Package: Microsoft.ZuneVideo
    2022-02-14T21:19:17 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin
    2022-02-14T21:19:19 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.BioEnrollment
    2022-02-14T21:19:21 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.ECApp
    2022-02-14T21:19:23 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.LockApp
    2022-02-14T21:19:25 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge
    2022-02-14T21:19:27 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.MicrosoftEdgeDevToolsClient
    2022-02-14T21:19:29 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost
    2022-02-14T21:19:31 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AddSuggestedFoldersToLibarayDialog
    2022-02-14T21:19:33 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AppRep.ChxApp
    2022-02-14T21:19:35 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AppResolverUX
    2022-02-14T21:19:37 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp
    2022-02-14T21:19:39 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.CallingShellApp
    2022-02-14T21:19:41 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.CapturePicker
    2022-02-14T21:19:43 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager
    2022-02-14T21:19:45 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FileExplorer
    2022-02-14T21:19:47 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.FilePicker
    2022-02-14T21:19:49 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.NarratorQuickStart
    2022-02-14T21:19:51 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkCaptivePortal
    2022-02-14T21:19:53 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.OOBENetworkConnectionFlow
    2022-02-14T21:19:55 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls
    2022-02-14T21:19:57 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PeopleExperienceHost
    2022-02-14T21:19:59 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.PinningConfirmationDialog
    2022-02-14T21:20:01 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.Search
    2022-02-14T21:20:03 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.SecureAssessmentBrowser
    2022-02-14T21:20:05 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.Windows.XGpuEjectDialog
    2022-02-14T21:20:07 [INFO]: Removing System App: Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI
    2022-02-14T21:20:09 [INFO]: Removing System App: MicrosoftWindows.UndockedDevKit
    2022-02-14T21:20:11 [INFO]: Removing System App: NcsiUwpApp
    2022-02-14T21:20:13 [INFO]: Removing System App: Windows.CBSPreview
    2022-02-14T21:20:15 [INFO]: Removing System App: Windows.PrintDialog
    2022-02-14T21:20:18 [INFO]: Disabling Services, Drivers and Integration Content for Removed Apps.
    2022-02-14T21:20:21 [INFO]: Disabling Defender Start-up and Feature Packages.
    2022-02-14T21:20:26 [INFO]: Removing Windows Biometric Capability: Hello.Face.20134~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:20:34 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Windows-Defender-Default-Definitions
    2022-02-14T21:21:36 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.StepsRecorder~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:21:41 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: App.Support.QuickAssist~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:21:46 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Browser.InternetExplorer~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:21:51 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: DirectX.Configuration.Database~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:21:56 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Language.Speech~~~en-US~
    2022-02-14T21:22:01 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: MathRecognizer~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:06 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Media.WindowsMediaPlayer~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:12 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Ethernet.Client.Intel.E1i68x64~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:17 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Ethernet.Client.Intel.E2f68~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:22 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Ethernet.Client.Realtek.Rtcx21x64~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:27 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Broadcom.Bcmpciedhd63~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:31 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Broadcom.Bcmwl63a~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:36 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Broadcom.Bcmwl63al~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:41 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwbw02~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:47 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwew00~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:51 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwew01~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:22:57 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwlv64~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:03 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwns64~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:08 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwsw00~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:13 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwtw02~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:20 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwtw04~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:26 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwtw06~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:31 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Intel.Netwtw08~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:36 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Marvel.Mrvlpcie8897~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:41 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Qualcomm.Athw8x~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:46 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Qualcomm.Athwnx~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:52 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Qualcomm.Qcamain10x64~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:23:57 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Ralink.Netr28x~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:02 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Realtek.Rtl8187se~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:06 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Realtek.Rtl8192se~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:11 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Realtek.Rtl819xp~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:15 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Realtek.Rtl85n64~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:20 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Realtek.Rtwlane~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:25 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Realtek.Rtwlane01~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:30 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Microsoft.Windows.Wifi.Client.Realtek.Rtwlane13~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:35 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OneCoreUAP.OneSync~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:40 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: OpenSSH.Client~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:44 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Print.Fax.Scan~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:24:50 [INFO]: Removing Windows Capability: Print.Management.Console~~~~
    2022-02-14T21:25:13 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root
    2022-02-14T21:25:37 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MediaPlayback
    2022-02-14T21:25:39 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: MSRDC-Infrastructure
    2022-02-14T21:25:41 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-Foundation-Features
    2022-02-14T21:25:44 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client
    2022-02-14T21:25:46 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: Printing-XPSServices-Features
    2022-02-14T21:25:48 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: SearchEngine-Client-Package
    2022-02-14T21:25:51 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: SmbDirect
    2022-02-14T21:25:53 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: WCF-TCP-PortSharing45
    2022-02-14T21:25:55 [INFO]: Disabling Optional Feature: WorkFolders-Client
    2022-02-14T21:27:03 [INFO]: Enabling Optional Feature: Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
    2022-02-14T21:27:07 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AarSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:08 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Acx01000, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:09 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AJRouter, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:10 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ALG, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:11 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppID, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:12 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppIDSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:13 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Appinfo, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:14 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: applockerfltr, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:15 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppMgmt, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:16 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppReadiness, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:17 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppVClient, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:27:18 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppvStrm, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:19 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppvVemgr, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:20 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppvVfs, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:21 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AppXSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:22 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AssignedAccessManagerSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:23 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AudioEndpointBuilder, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:24 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Audiosrv, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:25 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: autotimesvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:26 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: AxInstSV, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:27 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BcastDVRUserService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:28 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BDESVC, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:29 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BFE, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:30 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: bindflt, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:31 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BITS, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:32 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BluetoothUserService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:33 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: bowser, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:34 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BrokerInfrastructure, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:35 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BTAGService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:36 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: BthAvctpSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:37 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: bthserv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:38 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: camsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:39 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CaptureService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:40 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: cbdhsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:41 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: cdfs, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:27:42 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CDPSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:43 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CDPUserSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:44 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CertPropSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:45 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CldFlt, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:46 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ClipSVC, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:47 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: COMSysApp, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:48 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: condrv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:49 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ConsentUxUserSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:50 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CoreMessagingRegistrar, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:51 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CredentialEnrollmentManagerUserSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:52 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CryptSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:53 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: CscService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:54 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DcomLaunch, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:27:55 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: defragsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:56 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DeviceAssociationBrokerSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:57 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DeviceAssociationService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:58 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DeviceInstall, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:27:59 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DevicePickerUserSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:00 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DevicesFlowUserSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:01 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DevQueryBroker, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:03 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Dhcp, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:04 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: diagnosticshub.standardcollector.service, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:05 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: diagsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:06 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DiagTrack, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:07 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DialogBlockingService, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:28:08 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DispBrokerDesktopSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:09 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DisplayEnhancementService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:10 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DmEnrollmentSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:11 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: dmwappushservice, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:12 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Dnscache, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:13 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DoSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:14 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: dot3svc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:15 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DPS, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:16 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DsmSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:17 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DsSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:18 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: DusmSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:19 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Eaphost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:20 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: edgeupdate, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:21 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: edgeupdatem, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:22 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: EFS, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:23 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: embeddedmode, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:24 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: EntAppSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:25 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: EventLog, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:26 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: EventSystem, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:27 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: exfat, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:28 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: fastfat, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:29 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: fdPHost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:30 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: FDResPub, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:31 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: fhsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:32 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Filetrace, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:33 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: FontCache, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:34 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: FrameServer, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:35 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: FsDepends, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:36 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: GPIOClx0101, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:37 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: gpsvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:38 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: GraphicsPerfSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:39 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: hidserv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:40 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: HTTP, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:41 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: HvHost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:42 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: hvservice, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:43 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: HwNClx0101, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:44 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: icssvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:45 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: IKEEXT, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:46 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: IndirectKmd, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:47 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: InstallService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:48 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: IpFilterDriver, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:49 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: iphlpsvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:50 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: IPNAT, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:51 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: IPT, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:52 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: IpxlatCfgSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:53 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: kbldfltr, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:54 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: KeyIso, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:55 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ksthunk, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:56 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: KtmRm, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:28:57 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: LanmanServer, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:58 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: LanmanWorkstation, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:28:59 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: lfsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:00 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: LicenseManager, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:01 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: lltdio, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:02 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: lltdsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:03 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: lmhosts, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:04 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: LSM, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:05 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: luafv, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:06 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: LxpSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:07 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MapsBroker, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:08 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MbbCx, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:09 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MessagingService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:10 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MixedRealityOpenXRSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:11 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MMCSS, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:12 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Modem, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:13 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: mpsdrv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:14 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: mpssvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:15 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MRxDAV, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:16 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: mrxsmb, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:17 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: mrxsmb20, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:18 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MsBridge, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:19 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MSDTC, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:20 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MSiSCSI, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:21 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: msiserver, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:22 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MsKeyboardFilter, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:29:23 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MsLldp, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:24 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MsQuic, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:25 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: MsRPC, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:26 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NativeWifiP, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:27 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NaturalAuthentication, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:28 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NcaSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:29 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NcbService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:30 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NcdAutoSetup, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:31 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NdisImPlatform, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:32 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NdisTapi, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:33 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Ndisuio, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:34 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ndiswanlegacy, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:35 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NDKPing, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:36 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ndproxy, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:37 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Ndu, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:38 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NetAdapterCx, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:39 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Netlogon, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:40 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Netman, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:41 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: netprofm, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:42 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NetSetupSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:43 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NgcCtnrSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:44 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NgcSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:45 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: NlaSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:46 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: nsi, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:47 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Ntfs, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:48 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: p2pimsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:49 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: p2psvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:50 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PcaSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:51 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PEAUTH, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:29:52 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PeerDistSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:53 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: perceptionsimulation, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:54 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PerfHost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:55 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PhoneSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:56 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PimIndexMaintenanceSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:57 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PktMon, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:58 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: pla, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:29:59 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PlugPlay, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:00 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PNRPAutoReg, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:01 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PNRPsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:02 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PolicyAgent, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:03 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: portcfg, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:04 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Power, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:05 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PrintWorkflowUserSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:06 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ProfSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:07 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: PushToInstall, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:08 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: QWAVE, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:09 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: QWAVEdrv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:10 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RasAcd, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:11 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RasAuto, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:12 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RasMan, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:13 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RDPDR, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:14 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RdpVideoMiniport, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:15 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ReFS, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:16 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ReFSv1, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:17 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RemoteAccess, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:30:18 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RemoteRegistry, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:30:19 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RetailDemo, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:20 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RmSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:21 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RpcEptMapper, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:22 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RpcLocator, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:23 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: RpcSs, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:24 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: rspndr, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:25 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SamSs, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:26 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SCardSvr, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:27 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ScDeviceEnum, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:28 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: scfilter, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:29 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Schedule, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:30 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SCPolicySvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:31 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SDRSVC, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:32 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: seclogon, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:33 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SecurityHealthService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:34 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SEMgrSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:35 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SENS, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:36 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Sense, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:37 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SensorDataService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:38 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SensorService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:39 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SensrSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:40 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SerCx, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:41 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SerCx2, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:42 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SessionEnv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:43 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SgrmBroker, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:44 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SharedAccess, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:45 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SharedRealitySvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:46 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ShellHWDetection, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:47 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: shpamsvc, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:30:48 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: smphost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:49 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SmsRouter, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:50 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SNMPTRAP, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:51 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: spaceparser, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:52 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SpatialGraphFilter, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:53 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SpbCx, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:54 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: spectrum, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:55 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Spooler, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:56 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: sppsvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:30:57 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: srv2, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:58 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: srvnet, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:30:59 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SSDPSRV, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:00 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SstpSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:01 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: StateRepository, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:02 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: stisvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:03 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: storqosflt, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:04 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: StorSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:05 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: svsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:06 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: swprv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:07 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SysMain, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:09 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: SystemEventsBroker, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:10 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TabletInputService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:11 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TapiSrv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:12 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Tcpip6, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:13 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: tcpipreg, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:14 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TermService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:15 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Themes, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:16 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TieringEngineService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:17 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TimeBrokerSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:18 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TokenBroker, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:19 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TrkWks, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:20 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TroubleshootingSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:21 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TrustedInstaller, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:22 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: TsUsbFlt, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:23 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: tunnel, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:24 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: tzautoupdate, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:31:25 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UcmCx0101, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:26 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UcmTcpciCx0101, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:27 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UcmUcsiCx0101, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:28 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Ucx01000, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:29 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UdeCx, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:30 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: udfs, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:31:31 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UdkUserSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:32 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UevAgentDriver, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:31:33 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UevAgentService, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:31:34 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Ufx01000, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:35 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UmRdpService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:36 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UnistoreSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:37 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: upnphost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:38 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UrsCx01000, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:39 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UserDataSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:40 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UserManager, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:41 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: UsoSvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:31:42 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: VacSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:43 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: VaultSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:44 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vds, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:45 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: VerifierExt, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:31:46 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmicguestinterface, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:47 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmicheartbeat, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:48 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmickvpexchange, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:49 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmicrdv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:50 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmicshutdown, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:51 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmictimesync, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:52 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmicvmsession, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:53 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: vmicvss, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:54 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: VSS, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:55 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: W32Time, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:56 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WaaSMedicSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:57 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WalletService, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:58 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wanarp, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:31:59 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wanarpv6, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:00 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WarpJITSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:01 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wbengine, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:02 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WbioSrvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:03 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wcifs, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:04 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Wcmsvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:05 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wcncsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:06 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WdiServiceHost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:07 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WdiSystemHost, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:08 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wdiwifi, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:09 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WdmCompanionFilter, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:10 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WdNisDrv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:11 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WdNisSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:12 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WebClient, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:13 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Wecsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:14 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WEPHOSTSVC, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:15 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wercplsupport, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:16 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WerSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:17 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WFDSConMgrSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:18 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WiaRpc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:19 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WIMMount, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:20 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WinDefend, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:21 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WinHttpAutoProxySvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:22 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: Winmgmt, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:23 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WinNat, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:24 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WinRM, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:25 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wisvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:26 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WlanSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:27 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wlidsvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:28 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wlpasvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:29 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WManSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:30 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wmiApSrv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:31 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WpcMonSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:32 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WPDBusEnum, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:33 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WpdUpFltr, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:34 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WpnService, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:35 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WpnUserService, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:36 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: ws2ifsl, Start: Disabled
    2022-02-14T21:32:37 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wscsvc, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:38 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WSearch, Start: Automatic
    2022-02-14T21:32:39 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: wuauserv, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:40 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WudfPf, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:41 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: WwanSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:42 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: XblAuthManager, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:43 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: XblGameSave, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:44 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: XboxGipSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:45 [INFO]: Modifying windows service: XboxNetApiSvc, Start: Manual
    2022-02-14T21:32:50 [INFO]: Integrating the Win32 Calculator.
    2022-02-14T21:32:53 [INFO]: Performing a Clean-up of the Windows 11 Pro Component Store. This may take some time to complete.
    2022-02-14T21:32:59 [INFO]: Cleaning-up the Start Menu Layout.
    2022-02-14T21:33:02 [INFO]: Creating a Package Summary Log.
    2022-02-14T21:33:04 [INFO]: Post-Optimization Image Health State: [Healthy]
    2022-02-14T21:33:07 [INFO]: Saving and Dismounting Windows 11 Pro
    2022-02-14T21:33:59 [INFO]: Rebuilding and Exporting Windows 11 Pro using Maximum compression.
    2022-02-14T21:34:13 [INFO]: Finalizing Optimizations.
    2022-02-14T21:34:13 [INFO]: Optimize-Offline completed in [19] minutes with [0] errors.
    Optimizations Finalized : 02/14/2022 09:34:13 PM
    Attached Complete OO by Gdeliana Latest i used to tweak Win11 :

    Attached Files:

    • OO.zip
      File size:
      68.9 KB
  3. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    You can't remove the language pack.
  4. Markuzz

    Markuzz MDL Novice

    Feb 8, 2020
    @KedarWolf Thank you very much!! It makes sense, but at this point I wonder why O-O started to remove packages that are in the "Whitelist" in the first place.
    I took your Lists from this recent post https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...20h1-and-ltsc-2019.80038/page-87#post-1717778
    and set the "Configuration.json" to "Packages": "Whitelist", then started "Start-Optimize-BAU-TI.ps1" as administrator

      "_Info": [
        "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.",
        "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.",
        "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes.",
        "WindowsApps, SystemApps, Capabilities, Packages : All | None | Select | Whitelist | Blacklist",
        "FeaturesToEnable, FeaturesToDisable : All | None | Select | List",
        "Services : None | Select | List | Advanced"
      "SourcePath": "E:\\sources\\install.wim",
      "WindowsApps": "Whitelist",
      "SystemApps": "Whitelist",
      "Capabilities": "Whitelist",
      "Packages": "Whitelist",
      "FeaturesToEnable": "List",
      "FeaturesToDisable": "List",
      "Services": "Advanced",
      "DeveloperMode": false,
      "WindowsStore": false,
      "MicrosoftEdge": false,
      "Win32Calc": true,
      "Dedup": false,
      "DaRT": [],
      "Registry": true,
      "Additional": {
        "Setup": true,
        "Wallpaper": false,
        "SystemLogo": false,
        "LockScreen": false,
        "RegistryTemplates": true,
        "LayoutModification": false,
        "Unattend": true,
        "Drivers": false,
        "NetFx3": false
      "ComponentCleanup": true,
      "ISO": "No-Prompt",
      "CompressionType": "Maximum",
      "SelectiveRegistry": {
        "DisableWindowsUpgrade": false,
        "DisableWindowsUpdateMicrosoft": true,
        "DisableDriverUpdate": true,
        "DormantOneDrive": true,
        "Disable3rdPartyApps": false,
        "W11ClassicInterface": false,
        "ClassicSearchExplorer": false,
        "RemoveTaskbarPinnedIcons": false
  5. levidos

    levidos MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2010
    What's the difference between this tool and MSMG Toolkit?
  6. Lots of difference is there as it is not removing invisible component packages from offline image via removing owners of packages.
    still MSMG won via removing component packages too from offline image which OO wont.
  7. AveYo

    AveYo MDL Expert

    Feb 10, 2009
    For starters, this script collection itself is way less bloated than MSMG Toolkit ;)
    MSMG Toolkit tries to be a generic tool like nLite (and hold your hands more often so you might not get what you want exactly),
    while Optimize-Offline tries to be more specialized (and give you more control - but also more responsibility as to what choices you make and their impact).
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  8. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    That's an error on my part. I'm in my way to work, will fix it when I can. Also, you need to run the templates.bat, whatever it is called. Some of the package numbers change depending on them version of Windows you are using and my lists won't work right unless you replace those packages with the right package numbers.
  9. Markuzz

    Markuzz MDL Novice

    Feb 8, 2020
    Ok, I understand now, thanks for your help :)
  10. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    Packages - preferably set to in .json - select - or - none ;)
  11. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    @gdeliana Could you set an optional switch to shut down the PC automatically when the script is done?

    I think it would be pretty easy, and because I use solid compression, it takes about 16 minutes for me to run the script.

    To be able to run it, go to bed, and have my PC shut down would be awesome!!
  12. crashnburn

    crashnburn MDL Addicted

    Mar 18, 2010
    Interesting differences.
  13. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    Optimize Offline is a highly refined script designed the remove packages using the most efficient and optimized way. It used methods far superior to brute force methods like MSMG Toolkit and nLite etc.

    Also, it adds a bunch of tweaks that MSMG Toolkit doesn't like registry optimizations and stuff.
  14. crashnburn

    crashnburn MDL Addicted

    Mar 18, 2010
    Will have to try it / check it out.
  15. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    @gdeliana Does the script remove the fTPM requirements when installing Windows 11?

    I'm pretty sure the last time I installed it, I had fTPM disabled in the BIOS.
  16. zbigniew59

    zbigniew59 MDL Senior Member

    May 14, 2016
    #1756 zbigniew59, Mar 10, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2022
    In the new and final ISO - there is no appraiseres.dll file?

    / sources - does not contain all - Original - files?
  17. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    I ran the latest version (March 14th being the latest commit) and I never had to run O-O in a VM. I thought that was strange being that recent past versions doesn't allow an O-O'ed system to run O-O, in my experience. Whether this was intentional or not, just thought I'd say it was a definite advancement.
  18. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    It should with the latest master changes, am gonna make a release soon, also will add the shutdown on finish feature
  19. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    If you want the latest release, then click on Releases on the right (
    If you want the latest committed version, then click on the green Code button (top-middle), then it'll create a dropdown, then Download ZIP. I cannot attest that it won't contain bugs/imperfect code. This is the version I just ran.