Optimize-Offline Guide - Windows Debloating Tool, Windows 1803, 1903, 19H2, 1909, 20H1 and LTSC 2019

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by KedarWolf, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    #1861 gdeliana, May 1, 2022
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
    The OutputPath option is ready to be used. I have tested as much as i could but testing more, never hurts :)

    You can set the key: "OutputPath" in configuration.json to the following:
    1. Default - default OO behavior
    2. Select - Shows a save file dialog with filename option, default filename is the OO default chosen
    3. Put your own path with filename (for non iso, filename will be ignored)
    Things to consider:
    • Filename works only for the .iso, for wim|esd|swm only chosing the folder works, filename will always be install.wim|esd|swm
    • ISO filename can have the variable {filename} which will be replaced with the OO default filename (ex. Professional_22000.iso), but the path you chose will remain
    • Together with the path you chose to save the output, there will be exported also the rest of the normal output files of the script, such as the Error.zip file etc.
    Let me know if it's OK how it works. As usual use the master branch latest commit to test it :)
  2. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    #1862 strotee, May 2, 2022
    Last edited: May 2, 2022
    @gdeliana - thanks for the update. I tested this change and I'm not a huge fan of dumping all output into the OutputPath variable, I was thinking just the ISO would be dumped there. Deleting a folder isn't a huge chore for me anyways so I don't see an issue with you dumping the output text files as to how you were doing it before and moving the ISO to the OutputPath (assuming it's filled). Question, if I wanted to name the file, how do I do that exactly? Just "OutputPath":"<destination>\filename.iso" ? Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to speak for the entire board so if I'm in the minority and no one cares about it, then I'll live with how it is currently (or just delete the variable). Thanks again for your work.

    Edit: One option is to have a variable to not have the log files created? This way, just the ISO would be generated. Just a thought. I know one wants to avoid feature creep and soon the config file will have 100 options. :p
  3. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    I can manage to save the OO error and other script files to the default directory of the script, and only the iso/wim/esd/swm to the desired path.

    Yes you can directly specify the path like this: "C:\my_output.iso"
    Or you can do also this: "C:\{filename}" and it will be replaced {filename} with the default OO filename (ex. Professional_22000.iso etc.)
  4. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Check the latest master, it should do now exactly what you need.
  5. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    #1865 strotee, May 3, 2022
    Last edited: May 3, 2022
    Thanks, I'll just assume it works and will test when the new CU is released next week. Can we do anything about the pinned apps on the Start menu upon first installation? (lines 2308 - 2313 on master in Optimize-Offline.psm1) I'm always finding myself just unpinning those icons after an O-O installation.
  6. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Yes sure, will check that region as well
  7. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    #1867 strotee, May 5, 2022
    Last edited: May 5, 2022
    I noticed line 9 in Configuration.json (on master) has a spelling error.

    "OutputPath : default | path[{filaneme}?] | select"
    should be (I assume)
    "OutputPath : default | path[{filename}?] | select"
  8. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    My doc told me I have sexdaily. Wait, I mean dyslexia. <<<<------ Actually mildly dyslexic. ;)
  9. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    I will try once again the amoled tweak. For this i will need 2 things:

    • UUP-dump link with configuration
    • Configuration.json of OO
    Thanks :)
  10. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    Updated the Configuration.json info section and as well added the readme. Let me know if any grammatical errors, English is not my mother tongue :)
  11. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
  12. KedarWolf

    KedarWolf MDL Addicted

    Mar 17, 2016
    I can upload the latest IoT ISO to a fast fileshare with all the updates integrated with W10UI for you, @gdeliana

    It takes a long time to do it yourself even on a fast PC, would be a quick download.
  13. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
    OK, as you wish, just pm me the link and i will test with that iso.
  14. gdeliana

    gdeliana MDL Senior Member

    Oct 2, 2010
  15. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    #1878 strotee, May 11, 2022
    Last edited: May 11, 2022
    I went to O-O a 19044.1706 image and got this error using the newest committed version:

    [ERROR]: The image has been flagged for corruption. Further servicing is required before the image can be optimized.

    I'll try again with version 5 and will report the results.

    Edit: Same error with version 5. O-O was working prior to me adding the latest defender update cab so I have a feeling this is related to that.
    Edit2: Re-downloaded the defender update and re-ran W10UI. The final ISO is bigger so that tells me something went wrong during the creation. Re-ran O-O and now we're past that error message so all's well that ends well.
  16. Mavericks Choice

    Mavericks Choice MDL Guru

    Aug 5, 2015
    Friends, lost a drive a few days ago & piecing my OO back together though in error!
    Here is my JSON Config, complains of PSpath though sure are correct.
      "_Info": [
        "This is a JSON based Configuration file for Optimize-Offline.",
        "Ensure proper formatting is used when editing the JSON parameter values.",
        "Boolean parameter values use true and false. String parameter values must be enclosed in double-quotes.",
        "WindowsApps, SystemApps, Capabilities, Packages : All | None | Select | Whitelist | Blacklist",
        "FeaturesToEnable, FeaturesToDisable : All | None | Select | List",
        "Services : None | Select | List | Advanced"
        "OutputPath : default | path[{filename}?] | select"
      "SourcePath": "C:\\Teniso\\winten.iso",
      "WindowsApps": "whitelist",
      "SystemApps": "whitelist",
      "Capabilities": "whitelist",
      "Packages": "blacklist",
      "FeaturesToEnable": "List",
      "FeaturesToDisable": "List",
      "Services": "Advanced",
      "DeveloperMode": false,
      "WindowsStore": false,
      "MicrosoftEdge": false,
      "Win32Calc": false,
      "DormantDefender": true,
      "Dedup": false,
      "DaRT": [],
      "Registry": true,
      "OutputPath": "default",
        "Additional": {
        "Setup": true,
        "Wallpaper": false,
        "SystemLogo": false,
        "LockScreen": false,
        "RegistryTemplates": true,
        "LayoutModification": true,
        "Unattend": false,
        "Drivers": true,
        "NetFx3": false
      "ComponentCleanup": true,
      "ISO": "No-Prompt",
      "CompressionType": "fast",
      "SelectiveRegistry": {
        "DisableWindowsUpgrade": false,
        "DisableWindowsUpdateMicrosoft": false,
        "DisableDriverUpdate": false,
        "DormantOneDrive": true,
        "Disable3rdPartyApps": false,
        "W11ClassicInterface": false,
        "ExplorerUIRibbon": false,
        "ClassicSearchExplorer": false,
        "RemoveTaskbarPinnedIcons": false,
        "DisableTeamsApp": true,
        "RunAsTiContextMenu": false,
        "AmoledBlackTheme": false
      "Miscellaneous": {
        "ShutDownOnComplete": false

    Attached Files:

  17. strotee

    strotee MDL Member

    Jan 30, 2011
    #1880 strotee, May 12, 2022
    Last edited: May 12, 2022
    I shrunk "_Info": [], and your configuration file worked. I too got an error after using your file so give that a try.

    Edit: But specifically, it's the 2nd to last line, "Services : None | Select | List | Advanced", (comma was missing)