you got the point: Video is a scam nothing else. That guy never entered Redmond campus or any of these facilities, period
And How is this relevant to this thread? You don't respect or like the contents of the post. Opinion noted. Let's move on.
Even if someone who did work for Microsoft, with verifiable proof, examined and all legit, did come forward, it would make little difference to millions of people who would still choose to use their products. I would go even as far to say, if the lid was blown off, and it was proven 100% the Microsoft are recording everything you do or say, millions of people would still choose to use their products. As crazy as it sounds there are untold numbers of people who would not object to being spied upon, but welcome the idea and see it as a good thing for themselves and others. I once witnessed with my own eyes a group of protesters trying to block workmen who were cutting down tree's. Screaming that they murderers of nature and becoming quite violent. Strange thing was, they were using their WOODEN signs that they made to hit the workmen with. When they eventually failed and the trees were cut down they gathered together in a large circle to weep and mourn for the trees. These were grown adults crying and wailing because some trees got cut down. Then of coarse afterwards they all went home in their motor vehicles to their homes made of wood, to eat plants called vegetables, which are just smaller versions of trees ...
Yep, this is the human being, very bipolar, full of ignorance and guided by emotions and contradictions (I speak for myself too, just for the record).
Well I love trees and they are alive and you shouldn't be mass murdering them or Treebeard will get ya. Also yes there are many stupid people that don't care if they get spied on. But that's their choice so pointless to argue over it. Either you use Win 10 or you don't, no one is forcing you to use it. I would recommend not using it at all, but that's my opinion.
some thoughts from an oldtimer about new developments in the os world. m$ `invented` w8... m$ invented `free`w10... m$ invented even telemetry` updates`for w7.. even i have noticed... of course i am far, far, too lazy to `upgrade` my pc.. with an unproven os, with all the hassle it entails. the logical conclusion is that if you do not know the new stuff, it is best to shut up about it. well, i have used w8. and i have read enough about the telemetry panic in w10. and some things by trolls it has attracted here. even if i never touched w10, there are again some logical conclusions. these practical jokes by m$ are not acceptable. period. so what can i do? clean my pc from any kb stuff in w7, of course. it will not be too much work, because i disabled automatic updates when the word got around. should be easy thanks to the info provided by daz and skaendo. i will not abandon w7, because 1. i like it and 2.windose is all i know, and 3. w7 is the first os since msdos 5 and w3.0 that i actually paid for.. but still.. all this stuff by m$ remains unacceptable. i have enough older pc`s lying around. so i looked at some other bona fides operating systems. not for the first time.. ever since snowden leaked about the nsa practices, i have kept an eye open for safer stuff. it is something you need to look for with a candle on the www.. but some things can be found, here and there. like maybe kolibrios.. just a pity my russian is so bad.. apart from that; i have ignored tor, encryption, and a lot of other stuff that is imo as leaky as sieve. so now i looked at a mainstream open cource os. linux.. again, not for the first time. since i think ~AD 2000 or thereabouts i tried it trice. [ don`t ask me about distros, i do not want to know about any of them.] the unfortunate fact is, that in imo it is total garbage.. while i recognize that if you spend as much time as i once did in dos, it can be a viable alternative, life is just too short to do that. so now, i am looking at an old amd machine with a vesa compatible video card.. is this progress? i wonder...but the thing will never phone home to any servers i do not like, at least..
I have cleaned the thread. The purpose is to remove personal/off topic posts. Decisions are not being personal, though. I also have removed direct replies to personal contents.
Thank you Yen. I'd like to share my thoughts on what we've found out at MDL with regard to the Privacy issues associated with Windows 10. First and foremost, It has been demonstrated by the hard work of some members here that Windows 10 LTSB (enterprise) -CAN- be secured and locked down effectively enough to allow it to be used safely (within reasonable limits) However: The same statements can not be made about Windows 10, Home edition. It does have some issues which are difficult to overcome. More work still has to be done to find effective ways to secure it. And Microsoft must step up and aid its' user base in that endeavor. The fact that it is a new OS does work against it. As with anything new, people have to get used to it. They have to learn their way around it, and master it. As with -EVERY- new OS that Microsoft releases, it must be given time. Perhaps now is not a good time for novice users to jump into Windows 10 until all the facts are determined. Thusly, My stance of taking a "Wait And See" attitude will not change; It was the same for Windows XP and -EVERY- OS that Microsoft created. The point of My original topic was to point out that Microsofts' Privacy agreement does allow them too much latitude to collect data that the user might not want to share. And because the Privacy agreement is tacked onto the MS EULA, a document designed to protect their Intellectual rights, It is, in effect, creating law without legislation. This is the conclusion of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and I agree with it. BUT: that does not mean that We should deprive ourselves of the Internet, and all it has to offer. If it were not for the Internet, MDL would not be here. And that would be a great loss. Another issue is that Telemetry, and the definition of Telemetry has changed. What Telemetry is meant to do (In a perfect world) is to aid the OS manufacturer in providing a better product. In the past, the user was able to opt out easily. Now, it appears that this is not so. Power users have found that Windows 7 updates have introduced a more intrusive form of Telemetry, one that is difficult to get rid of. As I have said in previous posts, users whose internet is metered (i.e. they pay for a data plan and have to abide by a data cap) are penalized because of web telemetry. These folks need to be able to shut it off, or surfing on the web will end up costing them too much money. Skaendo was nice enough to collect a list of these updates and post the list here, In the Windows 7 forum. It is a pinned topic, but here's a link, just for the sake of centralizing the information. I urge You all to be careful in removing updates. I accidentally removed an update that was a kernel patch, and rendered my Windows 7 installation unbootable. And All I did was go back to a restore point before the kernel update. I have fixed it myself, but some novice users could lose everything by not being careful. I welcome users who use Windows 8.x to post their findings with regards to Telemetry, and what their fellow users can do to remove it from their computers. This is important, because Many people migrated to Windows 8.x because Windows 7 is nearing the end of it's lifetime, with regard to support. I have tried my best to stay within the confines of the original post. If you feel that this post is incorrect, then please tell Me by correcting Me here, in this thread. I will listen to your replies and respond in as dignified a fashion as is possible. But I urge You. No insults. No offensive jokes, no belittlement. This kind of dialog is how We learn, and also how We learn to respect one another. I welcome Your replies. :MJ
I'm not stupid and I don't mind being spied on. In fact, the second one connects the computer to the internet without TOR filtering, anonymity and privacy becomes myths: EVERYTHING is being recorded, either by the ISP, the OS or somebody else and anyone with even a little bit of knowledge knows that's inevitable. I said it before and I say it again: if you want to keep something private, keep it offline!. Now, on gHacks (ghacks net/2015/08/28/microsoft-intensifies-data-collection-on-windows-7-and-8-systems/ ) there is a list of 4 Windows Updates for Windows 7 and Windows 8 that "improve" telemetry on those systems, putting it on the same level as Windows 10. What I'm trying to say is that I truly don't know what all the fuzz is about, since every single data packet (no matter if it's from Windows, Mac or Linux) is analyzed and transported via the ISP servers (which could very well spoof data), analyzed by the NSA and then read on the destination server, adding another party now to the mix.
@CyberMiguel: Exactly. IMHO, the problem is that people are scared into paranoia by the garbage and hype that comes out of Hollywood. And the truth is, many of them are young, or novices in the Computer world. They come Here to find out the truth, because the people here at MDL are some of the most knowledgeable people on the web. And Yes. In this country (USA) the NSA is doing things which, to be honest, are questionable in terms of constitutional law. The NSA is doing domestic spying. I won't say any more about it, but, if You haven't already, I will recommend that you watch the William Binney whistleblower video on youtube. I believe a link to it was posted in this thread. Oh, and a link to those Windows updates responsible for this "enhanced telemetry", and instructions for removal was posted in the post above You. :MJ
I completely agree that if anyone is being 'scared into paranoia' it is no good... That being said, a healthy amount of skepticism and fear is what drives people to be vigilant. With today's technology and internet if one is complacent and apathetic, as opposed to being security conscious and vigilant, he or she will very likely someday find themselves behind the 8 ball. A few examples of what I mean are falling victim to a crime by stating or posting very personal comments or photos etc. on social media, then some months later being fired or laid-off without explanation. So now they've lost their job for some 'unknown' 'unexplained' reason (in their mind), when it was in fact the 'direct' result of something they themselves posted online, months or even years ago! Or posting details about I'm going on a vacation...yada, yada. They later then return from their trip to find their home robbed and ransacked. Again not realizing at all that the robbery was actually planned and executed using all the details that they drizzled out on their social media, possibly over a period of weeks or months to their 'friends'. Then you have identity theft itself that is at an all time high across the globe. 10's of thousands, if not 100's of thousands of these crimes/examples happen EVERY day... So many have no clue, and don't ever realize that it's their own nonchalant attitude towards their own personal privacy and data that is very likely the cause of many problems they suffer. So listening to people as William Binney and Glenn Greenwald instills what I firmly believe is a healthy consumer skepticism and vigilance. Everyone needs that...without it you will just become a victim, maybe not tomorrow or next month, but with these odds stacked against you, someday you will. So I'll say too, that even this thread should (hopefully) instill a healthy user vigilance towards your own privacy and security. Real life can only be as safe and secure as you yourself make it, it's every choice, every decision that you make everyday. P.S the Windows 10 Pro edition is right alongside the home edition in your being just as vulnerable...
Lets not forget many people who want to be able to turn off all Microsoft's data mining efforts are doing so, not just because of privacy reasons, but more so because its fun and challenging. Sticking it to the man is a national past time for many millions around the globe. And it's not just tech either, where I come from motor vehicles are set with defined top speeds by limiters built into the vehicle by the manufacturer. There is a whole industry in my country removing these limitations so people can modify their vehicles to go much faster than factory specifications with modified parts and ECU software. Its the fun and challenge of personalizing our stuff to function how we want it to. Give us the choice, not the illusion of choice. Choice equals freedom, no choice equals control.
Thanks for your post. I haven't watched the William Binney video, but I did watch the Citizenfour documentary (which is about Edward Snowden leaks and I encourage every MDL user who is privacy-conscious to watch it) and for what I've read here on MDL, I think William Binney video would be along the same line as Citizenfour. On another subject, isn't Windows 10 pro aimed to the enterprise workstations and pro users? Because I have a Dreamspark account and have had the opportunity to download and try Windows Server 2012 R2 to mess around with and it has a lot of tools for enterprise telemetry with win10 pro and win10 enterprise (so the IT department can have the same data Microsoft has with the Win10 home edition). I may be wrong, but wouldn't "control freaks" IT departments actually like this very feature?
Yes, Windows 10 pro is. And that's why it is easier to secure than the Home edition. And, I believe that you are right. IT departments would probably find it quite useful.
MS Spying I understand that MS have added the more intrusive telemetry, so their operating system can be more helpful. The problem I beileve is that Government agencies can readly tap this information without your knowledge or permission and that is where the problem lies