@November_Zulu: Information provided out of context does not tell the entire truth, nor does it serve any good purpose. And Yes. I did like the post that you are referring to. I'm pretty sure that it was a retort made by a member here who was sick and tired of the constant insulting, sometimes racist posts of one or more members here. (who shall remain nameless, because who they are does not serve any purpose in this conversation) To Me, that's in the past. I truly feel that these issues are real and sinister, and need to be discussed. But we need to curb our anger and rage and discuss them calmly, and in a civilized manner, or no good purpose will come of it. Ask yourself these questions: Have you looked at the full context of the thread to which you are referring? And have you done this with an open mind? Do you not see that some of the replies appear to be made by a person demonstrating a delusional and almost psychotic mindset? I'm not casting aspersions on you or anybody here. We all make mistakes. We all say things that we regret, we all are guilty of joining in that folly. But, when an issue is so important that we all need to discuss it, we need to put our emotions and anger aside and try to discuss the issues in a rational way. I welcome your reply. :MJ
I have been hunting for this post for the entire day. The video posted here is so important, and completely relates to our conversations. http://forums.mydigitallife.net/thr...se-It/page16?p=1111484&viewfull=1#post1111484 Thank you MysTikAl3 for posting it. :MJ
surely we can't stop the data going to microsoft %100? From what I have seen on many threads with the privacy problem we can take many steps to cut it down but I don't think we can ever stop it completely. At the end of the day if we download something we shouldn't such as a tv show or whatever would microsoft really even care since they been collecting this info back in 7 or even 8? ps if not allowed to mention tv show in that context my appologies
Add this to Host file: vortex.data.microsoft.com vortex-win.data.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net oca.telemetry.microsoft.com oca.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net watson.telemetry.microsoft.com watson.telemetry.microsoft.com.nsatc.net redir.metaservices.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com choice.microsoft.com.nsatc.net df.telemetry.microsoft.com reports.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com services.wes.df.telemetry.microsoft.com sqm.df.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.microsoft.com watson.ppe.telemetry.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net telemetry.urs.microsoft.com telemetry.appex.bing.net:443 settings-sandbox.data.microsoft.com vortex-sandbox.data.microsoft.com survey.watson.microsoft.com watson.live.com watson.microsoft.com statsfe2.ws.microsoft.com corpext.msitadfs.glbdns2.microsoft.com compatexchange.cloudapp.net cs1.wpc.v0cdn.net a-0001.a-msedge.net statsfe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net sls.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net fe2.update.microsoft.com.akadns.net diagnostics.support.microsoft.com corp.sts.microsoft.com statsfe1.ws.microsoft.com pre.footprintpredict.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com i1.services.social.microsoft.com.nsatc.net feedback.windows.com feedback.microsoft-hohm.com feedback.search.microsoft.com rad.msn.com preview.msn.com ad.doubleclick.net ads.msn.com ads1.msads.net ads1.msn.com a.ads1.msn.com a.ads2.msn.com adnexus.net adnxs.com az361816.vo.msecnd.net az512334.vo.msecnd.net
An easy way to stop it is to refuse any M$ product. But therefore we need strong competitors which make possible to let us do our work and fun on other OSes. Anybody who uses the free w10 upgrade delays the process of market healing.... Can you remember when XP came out? There was a similar situation people complained about M$ and privacy....soon there was XP anti-spy available. Déjà-vu? Soon the voices fall silent again....and it continues... I guess people are not really aware what consequences it will have.... It is not primarily about the personal data itself, OK there is the potential to discredit a particular person. The collected data are used for capitalistic interests. Your data contain info about your consuming behaviour, your hobbies, your interests, your political opinions, your ideology. You can be classified!!! The data have a potential....stock brokers can buy data Then they analyse them to predict how the future consumer would behave. Then in advance you can buy the right stocks....and you make money. NOW the potential unveiled in the form of money! The stock brokers make money out of 'nothing', they do produce no goods/wares. Those who do get nothing. As an result the bankers get rich the people who actually produce get nothing. The middle class vanishes, we have poor people and rich people... Are you aware that if you use w10 (US monopolies) you are supporting that direction?
I'm surprise no enthusiasts had done network packet analysis till this date and share the info. Perhaps they couldn't find anything then what MS has already described. If only the consequence of privacy is so severe, i believe most of the govt computers will be switching to Linux and only time will tell that. But really i don't see anyone will need Win10 for what Win7/8.1 can do already, for only major feature being DirectX 12 for gamers, nothing else is outstandingly great or noticeable.
I've got this file from polish site. Didn't check yet but IT guy who wrote this said that this should stop sending info to MS corp.
AFAIK the data themselves are encrypted at least the telemetry... One agrees that M$ can take away info which is encrypted! It's like you'd agree that one can take away some things from your house, but in a box where you cannot have a look at it... The domains which are whitelisted have been posted somewhere and actually then one needs to block them elsewhere to get it to work...dunno where it was posted, though...one would need to go to dnsapi.dll and dependencies to analyse...there are whitelisted domains, but I do not know for sure if it affects those named....one should verify if all the domains are blocked with that method..
You're right, because if millions DROP Windows 10, M$ would HAVE no choice but to backtrack and change their INVASIVE tactics to benefit and protect consumer privacy! I do hope this is the end result! Government and corporations have to be put in check by the PEOPLE, or they trample and destroy our rights whenever WE ALLOW them to. Ignorance and apathy are societies worst enemy...
IMO you should reconsider your statement... Your posts do NOT 'interrupt' this thread, or any other... YOUR thoughts and comments are just as needed, and just as valuable as anyone's here at MDL.
Is there any concrete information (either way) about 10's snooping, especially after disabling the options and adding the hosts file entries? (Again I followed the [GUIDE] How to disable data logging in W10 from Reddit which I'd link here but I cannot as I do not have enough posts here yet ) I'm curious as to whether or not it's actually effective to do so, or if it's just a placebo.
That would be nice to know......if I would have more time I'd install w10 for analysing purposes only. Another question is how long it would last that way....M$ could reset/change whenever they want by update...
@zero2dash: What's happening is that more tech gurus are using specialized network tools and scrutinizing Windows 10. They are also going back to Windows 7 and Windows 8.x. They are finding suspicious packet traffic, collecting data and determining who is sending that data. There is analytical proof. Open an CMD window and type 'netstat' You will notice a list of tcp traffic there On that list, you may find this IP address. It might be different on yours, but here's the address on mine ESTABLISHED InHost Go to this URL. http://www.whois.com/whois/ In the edit box, type in the above IP address (Without the port number) When I did it on my machine, Here's what I got On numerous occasions, I specifically chose to opt out of sending error reports, and I chose to manually check for updates. So why is this port open and a connection established? And I'm using Windows 7 What this tells me is that I (or somebody in the know) has to devise a way to shut off these connections and keep them off. Actions on the part of Microsoft like this only erode an already fragile trust between the user and Microsoft. One can only imagine what's going on under the hood with Windows 10. No...strike that! Let's find out what's going on under the hood of Windows 10. And let's try to stop it, and limit data collection practices like this. :MJ
@MJ The good thing is that windows @corporate use is administrated by pros....and they 'educate' windows to their likes.... Consider corporate privacy and research/development.....not even one update comes in unchecked.... I am learning from the pros here, not sure if the company would migrate to w10, though. Nope, no connection here to this IP.
@Michaela Joy - yep, familiar with all those. (Networking/IT guy here. ) I'll try a netstat later after I get home; if I did it now (remotely from work) I'd see all sorts of traffic from connecting via SSH and my FTP server running on the same box as well. I do keep a fairly locked down network (at least for a home user), and I have edited my 10 hosts file to loopback all the MS server connection attempts so I'm thinking that probably I won't see any such traffic at least on my 10 box; my others running 7, obviously there weren't privacy concerns (at least not similar) so those are running fairly unrestrained (ie hosts file) so those are probably talking to MS as we speak, unfortunately. If I get the itch later I may create a new VM of 10 and run it with and without the tweaks, wiresharking the whole way, and if I do I'll report my findings here.
Broken Windows Theory Microsoft’s Windows 10 is a privacy nightmare. Here’s how to protect yourself. By David Auerbach Windows 10 is currently a privacy morass in dire need of reform. "This is not a complete list, but it hits the most important spots where Microsoft has made the defaults uncomfortably intrusive, nosy, or simply greedy. Microsoft needs to centralize these and other settings in a far more transparent and easy-to-understand box, clarify their implications, and pledge to users that it won’t upend their privacy settings in so egregious a way again. Until then, protect yourself." http://www.slate.com/articles/techn..._s_how_bad_they_are_and_how_to_plug_them.html
I'd also like to post a link to a thread started back in 2013 by Garbellano. http://forums.mydigitallife.net/thr...SA-revelations?p=815079&viewfull=1#post815079 Another piece to the "puzzle" Thank you, Garbellano for posting this. :MJ