Don't know if this is already addressed. I am having issues with PowerISO and Watch Dogs. PowerISO 6.0 causes error. After Mounting an ISO when you want to run setup.exe from within the virtual drive, it displays "Incorrect Function". Also, running Watch Dogs returns "Out of Range Error" Can anyone tell me whats going wrong or what to do?
I just tested with the W10 ISO and see the same thing. Was this an upgrade of an older Windows (mine is)? The PowerISO driver may not have carried over in that case. See if reinstalling it and rebooting helps.
It's good to notice issues such as this because MS might have a problem with a driver, but why are you guys mounting isos with poweriso instead of the normal windows option? You just double click on it to mount and right click on the drive letter and select eject to unmount.
I completely missed that function and always thought that it would only open the ISO via WinRAR. It's functioning a bit strange or a bit buggy, at least within the TP.
Nice feature they introduced with Win 8 ... never needed any 3rd party to mount after that (older ISOs already converted with UltraISO) .
Ah....! The german thinking!! Let say at this way: Some games need at every start an CD/DVD, mainly the Main or No. 1 CD/DVD in the same drive or an drive with the same drive letter.
Nah, it is not German thinking, he refers to game.exes which perform physical sector tests on the physical DVD to validate originality. Pressed media can be pressed always the same physical way, for instance if you measure the angles of a triangle of 3 different sector numbers it is on pressed media always the same whereas on burned it varies. Before I modded BIOSES I mimicked special sector triangle angles on blank CDs by extending sector lengths. When you mount you need to remove that check by using a ‘NO CD / DVD exe’ or to use additional data of the physics of the original to make it run.
For me PowerISO is not working. Some games are not working too with same out of range error. I guess its the beta, after all.
I don't want to go into too many details, but I create an ISO of ALL my physical Disk's. Why ? - I hate the read- / transfer-speed of a CD / DVD-Drive - Ever had a scratched Disk ? - Because a Back-up on an external HDD is harder to loose - No Disk-Juggling if the Game has more than one Disk - Sometimes you can bypass an annoying Copy-Protection (no Disk found in Drive blabla) - etc.pp. I still buy physical Disks @EBGames, if you get something extra with it, the rest mainly via Steam or Origin. After I pre-ordered "Alien: Colonial Marines" plus bought the Season-Pass upfront and got burned by the final product big times, I prefer to have an upfront look into certain game titles, especially if I had no access to a beta. Btw. how much is UltraISO working for you and which Version do you use ? Yeah, that can be a reason as well. GameCopyWorld is luckily still online and very helpful when it comes down to certain protections. Some DRM / Copy-Protection-Stuff doesn't work properly under actual OS-Versions too or who still wants to install Starforce or other crap on your system ... PS: Just have a look into my Steam- and Origin-Profiles. I own more Games I'm ever able to play, because I'm unfortunately forced to go to work and lack the necessary spare-time for it.
I used Daemon Tools Lite to mount an image. The only thing I needed to do is to run it as administrator to make it work properly.