Remove whitelist check / add ID's to break hardware restrictions mod requests.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by Yen, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. xtacydima

    xtacydima MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2010
    Hi, I want to post my results for the almost complete BIOS mod to my Edge 13 but I am stuck at one part. I have a modded file where I skipped the check F9 -> F8 and also another to test where I copied over an existing NIC SUBSYS ID and I am stuck at the following step:

    Delete all files, except BIOSCOD06.ROM.patched.
    Rename it to original name BIOSCOD06.ROM
    Copy the patched BIOSCOD06.ROM into the dump folder and confirm to overwrite / replace the original one.
    Press OK at andy's tool.

    Mod is done!

    At which part do I press OK, there is no OK, is this a different tool. I have universal extractor, and the Phoenix Tool 1.63 and all the other steps made sense. BTW, I used a HEX editor to do this myself, the phoenix patcher is too old to work on my BIOS FL1 file. Please let me know how I can re-package the BIOS, this is where I am stuck.

    Much Thanks!!!
  2. TTAV134

    TTAV134 MDL Expert

    Mar 1, 2009
    #226 TTAV134, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2020
  3. griffinmunson

    griffinmunson MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2010
    Oh my god!!!

    @ TTAV134

    HOLY CRAP MAN THANK YOU!!!!! :worthy:

    i had GIVEN UP!!!

    you are a bios god. what was your method?!?! i could not for the life of me find the hex string i needed. and why were there 5 .fd files?!?! i am just curious to know because i probably have 100 hours invested in this!


    THANK YOU!!! :D
  4. TTAV134

    TTAV134 MDL Expert

    Mar 1, 2009

    i've test your package, there is a common error message during integration of the new module because his size is one byte to big, in this case you must modify some text string in the module and retry.
    But when i read your post i think you don't follow the right sequence.
    edit1: rw file is useless when you use the "NO SLIC" option!

    View attachment 7659
  5. xtacydima

    xtacydima MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2010
    If I do not specify the RW file, I get an error: You MUST Specify a RW Everything Report
    I actually never got the error you got about integrating, so obviously we are doing this somehow differently. I followed the steps one by one, this is baffling.

    What do you mean by I must modify some text string? I would be afraid to pick random areas and modify them. I suspect you mean we need the new/modded BIOS to be of a certain significant byte difference from the original.

    Also, not sure what you mean by "his size is too big" because what I included was the original BIOS in my earlier upload, so "his" would be "Lenovo's" :-/

    Can you suggest what I can do to get this compiled, or can you think of safe text to add? I am quite certain based on my previous history of modding many HP dvxxxx series that the Phoenix part of the HEX "F9 EB 01 F8" is the well known whitelist check where changing the F9 to F8 will bypass (and is always located right before or after the SUBSYS ID's), so I don't have to have the annoying task of adding any new card SUBSYS ID to replace existing ones.

    Any idea's???
  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
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  7. xtacydima

    xtacydima MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2010
    no, 1.63
    will look for 1.64 now

    I just looked at your earlier pic, I see you are also using 1.63, so there should be no diff really
    Just grabbed 1.64 and tried, same error, I must use the RW file otherwise I get stopped right there
  8. xtacydima

    xtacydima MDL Novice

    Nov 21, 2010
    Latest update
    I am able to get to the reintegration screen, using 1.64 now, will try with 1.63 later just for fun

    I am still forced to use the RW file, I don't know why, but I am getting the same errors you were, which state the file is too big. Just one odd thing happening, every time I remove some padding from the file, the error message always states its too big, and increases. It initially said its 1byte too big, I removed a few zero's and now it says its 2 bytes too big, I removed a few other things, actually making the file smaller, and now its says its 17bytes too big.

    I have no idea whats going on here.
  9. TTAV134

    TTAV134 MDL Expert

    Mar 1, 2009
    for RW file isue: create an empty file named PhoenixTool.ini in PhoenixTool folder.
  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    There are two sizes: The size of the module (code) and the size of the LZINT compressed and formatted module!
    Don't alter the size of the module, it may cause a shift of offsets!
    Andy's tool reports only about the re-compressed size since it reintegrates the module to the original offset of the biosimage.
    This all depends on the compessibility of the code.
    Hmm... it works only without asking for a rwe report at EFI, you are right, it's a 'bug' can try to create phoenixtool.ini until andy fixes it.
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