Remove whitelist check / add ID's to break hardware restrictions mod requests.

Discussion in 'BIOS Mod Requests. Post Requests Only' started by Yen, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. Yen

    Yen Admin
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    May 6, 2007
    #21 Yen, Jul 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
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  2. srps

    srps MDL Novice

    Aug 10, 2009
    #22 srps, Jul 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Alright, I've got a few difficulties with this, which i'll explain in a moment.

    I used Andyp's tools to get the "DUMP" folder with all the modules inside. I have no idea how to re-put them together though.

    Could it work if I put them back together after hex editing the 963BECF7-1D5A-4C82-B184-5AC37AF3D5AA_3_646.ROM module?

    Second, I see you mentioned EzH20 tools, but I can't seem to be able to open the BIOS file or any modules with it, it just gets stuck and crashes. I've got the version afaik, the only one I found.

    In summary, if I could just edit the 963BECF7-1D5A-4C82-B184-5AC37AF3D5AA_3_646.ROM module by changing one of those cards to match mine it'd supposedly work? Thought I could just change one byte by hex editing the whole BIOS file, but I suppose the checksum would come out wrong that way.

    Sorry if I'm confused over simple things

    Thanks =)
  3. Yen

    Yen Admin
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    May 6, 2007
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  4. Yen

    Yen Admin
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  5. Padpadak

    Padpadak MDL Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    Hello All,

    I already mod my Hp dv7 1010-ed for a intel wifi 5300 myself,with ezho2 and winhex, with succes .

    Now I want to put the Intel wifi 5100 in a HP 6715s

    Current bios: F07 (68YTT)

    I think this is a ROMPAQ bios ?
    I have the bios and the wifi ID, but I don't know with what programs to open the 68YTT.bin.
    Also read something about Checsum errors.
    I already tried to put the laptop in sleep mode and chance the wifi card , but after startup get the 104 Error.

    Is it possible to update the current F07 bios into F0E from the HP site and try this Trick again, or is the F0E a different bios ?

    When this doesn't how can I open the .bin file and take care of the checsum errors ?
    Or is this not possible for this laptop ?

    Thanks in Advance
  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
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    May 6, 2007
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  7. Padpadak

    Padpadak MDL Member

    Feb 11, 2010
    Hy all,
    I tryed the ADDCC tool , but get reading error and don't open in the hex editor.
    Do I something wrong ? or is the F07 (68YTT) Bios for a Hp 6715s not a rompaq bios, and must try another methode to modify my wifi card into the bios ?
    I searched on the net but can not find the Bios Type.

    Thnx In advance
  8. mam89

    mam89 MDL Novice

    Jul 22, 2010
    I think I've tried everything, and I still can't find where my whitelist is...
  9. pokerface

    pokerface MDL Junior Member

    Nov 13, 2009
    Hello Yen,

    A question.
    I have a Hp Compaq nc6320 with a modded bios for Windows 7.
    I was trying to mod this bios for a Intel 5100AGN wifi card.I used ADDCCv3.
    It took me a long time to understand this program because I am a noob.I folowed the tutorial and try to understand.
    After many time I have modded this bios file.
    The entry in the whitelist is good (on the same position with the new ID)
    I checked the position from the Ascii string that i used for the checksum error (wake on lan).
    The checksum in the patched file was also good.
    But something is strange.
    To verify of the patched file was good, i loaded it in ADDCC and decompress.
    But instead of one post file, he made two post files.
    The first one is 1_POST_00020000_patched_rom from 1kb.
    The second one is 2_POST_00020100_patched_rom from 54kb.
    I tried it also on the original bios file from hp, and there was the same thing also two POST files.
    So i am stuck for the moment.
    Maybe you know wat this problem is?

    I have fix the problem with the two POST filles.I checked the file with ADDCC.
    So I tried to flash the bios.That didn`t work.
    In DOS I have a checksum error so he won`t flash the bios.
    Then I tried it in windows with HPQ Flash.Also no go, he misses bios version information.
    The HPQ Flash that I used was the same that came with the biosmod from TTAV134.
    I looked in the mod he made, and unpack the rom file.
    Inside the are 4 filles (rom.bin rom.sig ver.sig ver.txt).
    I have only one file in mine (rom.bin).
    What program do I need to make this filles?

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Best Regards.
  10. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I have updated my first post. There you find instructions how to mod EFI, Phoenix, Insyde.
    For HP's own Phoenix bioses, you need ADDCCv3 tools collection.

    To obtain all modules of Award and AMI bioses you may use andy's tool. Press *

    I'll be back soon here.....
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