save as spynet.REG and click it. See how that goes. Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Spynet] "SpyNetReporting"=dword:00000000 "SubmitSamplesConsent"=dword:00000000
Not working These require takeownership. But who can provide this in .bat file, I am collecting everything in one .bat to only run once.
The OP ones plus Adobe Flash. The diagtrack was not installed and dmwappushservice was installed but it was stopped so I deleted it.
I have those removed too but in my system, on the screen u linked I have a greyed out "basic" where u have nothing, plus I have the autologger folder.
Why adding domain or single IP to hosts file is useless in the most case. This example is obvious. You putting these two domain names to host file, when you convert domain to IP have this. > > When you search Whois Lookup you see that users of these addresses covers a range of: or converted to IP, the range - - Host file blocking a single address but thousands of addresses is left open. This happens with all Microsoft IP addresses.
I think that's what TinyWall does by default. Blocks everything except Windows Update and the bare minimum required to connect to the internet.
Like this... I use hosts and have disabled stuff I don't need. TinyWall doesn't let anything else through unless I ask it to.