I was wondering: do we have actual proof that specific DLL files send personal information to Microsoft servers? If yes, what is known? Can we summarize? (70 pages is too much to go through). Please answer to me either via posting here or via a PM only if you really know the answer. I plan to create a custom Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB, heavily customized (even patched if needed) to prevent such privacy risks, if they do exist.
@harkaz 1. tcpview.exe (Sysinternals TCP/UDP endpoint viewer) process PID 2. procexp.exe (Sysinternals Process Explorer) process PID --> Right click -> Properties -> TCP/IP, Services -> DLL
Will take a look with these tools when I have some time. I hoped we already knew something specific that could speed up the process.
Uhh ... It's obvious YOU don't understand the 4th Amendment. The 4th Amendment restricts the US Government from invading your privacy and nothing more. It never has and never will restrict a corporation like Microsoft from creating contracts than You or I enter into when we use their software. I.E. willingly using Windows 10 will never be a violation of the 4th Amendment no matter how much You and I hate that its intention is to make our personal information THE PRODUCT. It's no different than how many are ignorant of the 1st Amendment. You don't have the right to say whatever you want on social media, blogs, or any other part of the internet or sites run, hosted, or owned by private people, companies, or corporations. You are only allowed to say what they let you, which right now, is usually whatever you want as long as it's civil. The 1st Amendment only restricts the US Government from restricting you speech. It does not restrict Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc from doing so or protect you from them. Disclaimer: I have always believed Edward Snowden to be a Patriot for Freedom for validating all the Tin-Foil Hat wearers around the world. I just wish he would have kept all the stuff about how the US spies on other countries secret. It's kinda a no-brainer that a country would want to know that kind of stuff in a free society. EDIT: Good grief, I just now noticed you're an Alex Jones Sycophant. You can learn and know the truth about this world without listening to that nutjob. I knew about the Banksters, Federal Reserve, CFR, etc when Alex Jones was hardly out of diapers and before I was in middle school. Hot damn - that was before ARCNet had even transitioned into the Internet.
autologger diagtrack listener etl How / dir command again, didn't follow the example!? How is that? is it the current solution? the file autologger-diagtrack-listener.etl has 5 MB and the echo "" redirect command gives 'The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.' is that current? using latest SMRT X.ED v0.07.77... And, after going through [W], [A], [D], [P], -> [T], , on SMRT E. D. running scripts it did update and also update a video driver. The Windows Update is still enable?! Why so? Edit 1: I ran the batch script and seems it didn't apply to all users? I mean, I ran on first created account, which is administrator, at least the modern apps were removed and by script output, the corrections were made. Meanwhile, the second created account, a standard user, remained all modern apps that once were removed on administrator account. Then I ran, again, in standard user account sign in session, and still didn't remove the apps. For the other privacy corrections, don't know where to look, but the script output were not similar, like some of the commands were not executed, going directly to press any key end.
Additional stuff: How to block complete Microsoft IP-Range: - You need a IP-Blocker like PeerBlock for example. - Add the microsoft block-list from Iblocklist. com Then you dont need any other steps, actually.
Hi, These tools use different values in the registry when changed, it must be disabled. Which is the correct? O&O ShutUp10 Spybot AntiBeacon 1.5
Has anyone tested 1607 pro to see if the enterprise group policy override registry keys are working on pro for stopping telemetry and winapp toast?
After applying SMRT and lite8 script (some of it, the cmd dos commands) there is a message "Some settings are managed by your organization" on Settings, and I believe it's the cause I can't, as standard user, configure and add exclusions to windows defender. I didn't remove any package, specially defender, with both programs. Removed telemetry ones and diag and such related. How could get windows defender settings reenable?
Defender is an useless spyware tool. Just remove it and, if you mind to use an AV, get something good like Avira (free) or Nod32 (paid)
which part are you saying he's joking ? 2) directions from SMRT aren't applied to standard user? account seems unchanged...?
I'm getting this error and I have checked and nothing is added to hosts file. Spoiler At C:\Users\Administratör\Desktop\X.ED.v0.07.77\Win.10.S-M-R-T.Enable.Disable\add.ip.ps1:9 char:56 + $a | Set-Content "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" + ~ The string is missing the terminator: ". At C:\Users\Administratör\Desktop\X.ED.v0.07.77\Win.10.S-M-R-T.Enable.Disable\add.ip.ps1:2 char:26 + Function Hosts_Updater (){ + ~ Missing closing '}' in statement block or type definition. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: ) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString