Ребята ну нельзя быть чуть чуть беременным! Если хотим отключить телеметрию это значит полное отключение телеметрии, а не частичное. Смысл отключения тогда теряется. Рубать Гугл и Майкрософт на корню, как зло человечества!
Уважаемый! Есть такое слово Привычка. Если я привык с 2003 года в Скайпе, то и я буду сидеть в нем, и никто не переубедит, одно слово Привычка! Как меня здравомыслящего переубедила обстановка. В 2003 году скайп был размер мегабайта 3 а сейчас весит 64 и с полной распаковкой 240 мегабайт. Вот что можно впихнуть в 240 мегабайт? Если не с версией 2003 года, то ничего не поменялось (чат - звонки) Альтернатива использовать в браузере skype-web через прокси.
Yeah, good luck explaining this to my 70 and 80 year old closest relatives... Teach the old dogs a new trick and get ready for Nobel prize... for something or other... I am sure they can think of something in Stockholm and around...
Indeed, I applied your 3 policies, as soon as I found them, and I did leave them lines blocked... Thanx! Then, when I had dysfunctional Skype and Hotmail - I had to use my common sense in removing a few lines that seemed connected. Thankfully, I was right...
@Cirodi You can use Yen's list via HOSTS, as you stated correctly just copy the lines into the file (make sure DNSCache isn't running -> services.msc -> DNSCache), or you use Unbound/DNSCrypt and use their blacklist. You also can use router based DNS blocking solutions like Pi-Hole/AdGuard home and give them the list, it's up to you what you use/prefer. However, AdGuard Home/Pi-Hole are most effective since nothing can bypass them if correctly configured. The problem with Windows HOSTS is that no one knows if nothing gets bypassed or not, because MS can change this with every KB/Feature Update and then you need to re-test if the hosts not gets "somehow" bypassed. Windows has a history that the HOSTS gets "ignored", which is "dangerous", since requests can slip trough it. About the batch file, you need admin rights and can uncomment :: .
@CHEF-KOCH First of all: thank you for helping me. It appears a "never ending story....." and maybe this is a nice challenge for you, expert guys. For ordinary people (no one can be expert in everything...), it is frustrating. Even if you have a legitimate PRO license, to get some "privacy", it appears that you are forced to cross the wall and go for ENTERPRISE, but, as known, ordinary people can't legitimate purchase a license for it. So you are forced to be "outlaw". And this is just to get some privacy. I noticed you in the thread "Private Winten - Open Source Windows 10 privacy tool with built in Firewall" As newbie, I have place some questions to the author, if you have time... Thanks again!
@CHEF-KOCH Could you kindly give help on? 1. I tried unsuccessfully to stop this service either through taskmanager either through services 2. This service stop it is just to give me access to host file for editing? Thanks
Have no idea what you're asking. You can't change hosts file? If so, you will need to open the host file as administrator so that you can immediately save it to the same location. If you do not open it as an administrator, you need to save it elsewhere and then copy the folder %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\
Depending on how big your HOSTS file is you should disable DNSCache because otherwise svchost.exe will "consume" lots of CPU cycles (higher CPU usage).
@CHEF-KOCH Understood. I killed it through Registry reg add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dnscache" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "4" /f Thanks!