Thanks Yen, However, after I flashed with Fzeven's modded bios(s), Everest still said NEC for OEMID and still had no OEM TableID. So are you saying that the ASUS certificate will work even though Everest says NEC? I have read tons here but I guess I am still missing some things. Litterally I have been reading for five days solid. non
Guess I missed that part of Fzeven's post to me... I really am living up to my name I'll try again. non
Reporting back. Mod1 activated windows after I flashed with afudos Thanks Fseven! In the interim I tried to mod my nec bios further and got the OEM ID and OEM TableID correct in both SLIC and RSDT for "NEC ND000147" . I wound up extracting the 1b module and editing and also edited the FC module. However, with my own nec bios and nec cert it didn't work... so I'll stick with Fsevens bios. Question, can I update my bios with future releases and still remain activated? That's one of the main reasons I'd like to know how to do this myself! ...and Yen, don't worry about it, you just stated what should have been obvious to me non
I've just reinstalled Vista and everythig is ok. Thank u very much I think problem is in zone alarm firewall. And the most strange thing in that zone alarm creates probles not only for me