Requests For Bios Mods Here!!!!

Discussion in 'Windows Vista' started by XBIOSES, Apr 25, 2007.

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  1. phrunt

    phrunt MDL Addicted

    May 1, 2007
  2. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Back to background

    @China4Ever, Fzeven, Phrunt and other modders:

    and @ALL

    I'm glad to see that there are now enough peoples who are fantastic modders here at forum again. So all requests can be done without delay.
    I decided to stay at background again as I did in the past.;)

    I keep myself informed about new modding techniques and will give advice if needed.

    Always important to me is to share knowledge. That's why I tried and will still try to explain what we do and therefore I wrote some manuals:).

    I don't like the "I know how it goes, but I don't tell..." mentality

    This days I don't have the time to go in modding as I did the last 2-3 month.

    CU all.

    Of course I'll stay at forum.....:):) So feel free to PM if there are some questions..........

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  3. China4Ever

    China4Ever Bios Mod.

    Apr 25, 2007
    Ok. Thanks for your precious effort you've always given and continue to give to the whole community. Anyway if you want to post mods like before I come back here you're welcome.

    Be well my friend and thanks again.
  4. ginfest

    ginfest MDL Novice

    Jul 26, 2007
    ty to both you folks, great work being done here :)
  5. jjspyder

    jjspyder MDL Novice

    Aug 29, 2007
    Asus P5K-E Possible Bios Failure

    I have an Asus P5K-E and I downloaded the Asus P5K-E 0503 BIOS mod found here on the forum. Others had reported they were successful. I first tried to use the EZ Flash utility in the bios to update it, but it would not allow me to because it gave me the boot sector error when it analyzed the file. I then found a post where someone was successful using the asusupdate feature in Windows (although it was for the P5K-deluxe), so I tried that. It deleted the old bios and wrote the new bios file, however, the asusupdate software said it "failed to verify" the update. Now I can't open the asusupdate software anymore because it says it is unable to detect bios information. I haven't re-started my computer because I'm terrified it might not start up again. In other online forums, people that got the bios failed to verify error could not re-start their computers and had to RMA them. Am I screwed and and am I gonna have to RMA my motherboard, or do you think it will still be able to restart? Do the modded bios files have a boot sector that the asus software just doesn't like? Does the asusupdate software even update the boot sector? Is there any way to force a BIOS write or repair the BIOS from windows while I still have the computer running? Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  6. China4Ever

    China4Ever Bios Mod.

    Apr 25, 2007
    You've made a little mistake as, if you had read carefully previous page using search engine, you would know afudos is the 100% way to flashing flawlessly bioses expecially newer ones. Anyway that error "failed to verify" should appen at 50% of bios check but if asus update has flashed eeprom you're ok. And in the worst case you can recovery bios as bootblock area won't be affected by the mod.

    So it's only your own risk. If you trust me I believe a reboot is not a bad idea.
  7. Fzeven

    Fzeven MDL Guru

    May 8, 2007