No problem thanks for trying. I should have stopped when the checksum error poped up but went ahead and flashed anyways and it froze by by board. ended up taking back for refund after I found out it was a used board but sold as new but thats Frys going to get a better moddable board when I get paid.
yea there is no way a p5nd2 would be a new board, they're bad boards, the northbridge runs at a million degree's, gets so hot if you touch it you'd burn yourself. asus figured they could passively cool it, big mistake.
I don't get what you are saying because the no Ultimate product keys work with the Gateway cert. They keep the same days remaining and i've tried ASUS HP ACER and a lot more that had no brand names. If someone knows a product key for Ultimate with Gateway SLIC or a MT6821 bios with ASUS / HP SLIC i'd appreciate it.
bios modding for for overclocking hi does anyone know if there is a way to mod msi p4m890 v1.2 phoenix award version so i am able to overclock it the only version i can find for this bios is a medion ms-7255