Say NO to windows 10 because of this ...

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by bulldog147, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. ikith

    ikith MDL Novice

    Jul 29, 2012
    If you are worried about your privacy, go live off of the grid, never connect to the internet in any way shape or form, you will have all of the privacy you can get.
  2. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    you can go off the grid from your own grid easy enough. Being a masked marvel has its uses.
  3. ty_thegunner

    ty_thegunner MDL Novice

    Jul 23, 2015
    I dont know your mean. But anyway windows 10 is OS best ever.
  4. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    #44 AcuraTML, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2015
    Not everyone is upgrading lots of other forums are now building their own upgrade blocking filters the majority is more then happy with win 7 and XP that's a fact windows 8 and 10 are for the run of the general mill personal user the Mac is all ready striving forward and hard and leading windows 8 and 10 users but not touching the XP and 7 units that are online
  5. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    I'm behind 7 proxies. :trollface:
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  6. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    so I just gotta step through an extra hoop or two to eat your HDD from outside in lol
  7. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    No one is going to take you seriously base on the way you articulate your views.
  8. AcuraTML

    AcuraTML Guest

    That's your problem not mine between you and me
  9. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    Your keyboard broken or something?
  10. Oz

    Oz MDL Expert

    Sep 1, 2009
    How appropriate, a child arguing in favour of a toy OS. Well played. (punt intended)
  11. nosense

    nosense MDL Senior Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    #51 nosense, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    Lmao, hey at least this child OS has a lot of toys that comes with it.
  12. rjc862003

    rjc862003 MDL Junior Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    #52 rjc862003, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    you people are a bunch of a paranoid morons
    its a good thing nobody takes anything said on MDL seriously look at you lot a bunch of flipping tards going on and on about s**t you barely understand
    microsoft is not spying on you there are no men in black sitting at a nsa super computer reviewing every single porn link you asked cortana to fetch you
    get a grip,get a clue and please don't promote FUD based on your personal theories or opinions
    if you wanna know exactly whats getting sent where fire up wireshark and have a look
  13. Skaendo

    Skaendo MDL Addicted

    Sep 23, 2014
    You must work for the NSA.
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  14. EFA11

    EFA11 Avatar Guru

    Oct 7, 2010
    #54 EFA11, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
  15. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    This generation is already doomed, nobody gives a sh*t about privacy.

    rjc862003, no wireshark needed, it's clear in MS EULA that they collect info about you.

    and it gets better...

    the question is, is this really needed for proper work? the answer seems no.

    can I opt out? again the answer seems no.

    “Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security”

    "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
  16. gDrive

    gDrive MDL Novice

    Jul 27, 2015
    Damn right nobody gives a flying damn about privacy these days, especially when you have idiots who jump on the "nothing to hide" fallacy.
  17. revertex

    revertex MDL Member

    May 30, 2010
    Cardinal Richelieu
  18. Vladimar

    Vladimar MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    #58 Vladimar, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    You say that and play the role of internet activist, but simultaneously you mock other people that have equal, if not more important privacy questions and concerns, particularly with regard to Windows 10, such as, since Microsoft is rolling Win10 out as an example of their new direction in marketing "Software as a Service", does Microsoft (like Facebook before it) make a claim that it has any legal rights to the data that you upload to your computer running their software. Facebook had online storage of their content, and Microsoft could make the claim that the data you've used their Operating System to store has become legally "theirs" to do data mining as they like, use images for advertising, etc... Can they loot your email contacts and send spam email to them? Can they track the number of times you use the acronym "WIC" in your personal correspondence in order to determine what your political affiliation might be? Can it transcribe your skype conversations to speech-to-text, store the audio for possible future retrieval and then forward the text to the NSA for possible threat analysis?

    You're all pious and self-righteous when it comes to the theory of the need for conversations and cooperative action, but in actual practice you resent and ridicule any other voice besides your own, particularly if that voice is raising better questions and making better points than you do. You fit in nicely with the people that call everyone they can't understand wearing "tin foil hats" and now you pretend to have this dissident ideas about individual freedom. You're not an advocate for individual freedom, you're a Statist, with the single-minded ambition to be on the "inside" of any social organization that you think has some power.
  19. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I am sorry. This post is useless. It starts with a general insult, then it continues with the assumption that M$ is doing nothing, then the opposite is assumed to be FUD and it finally ends with a useless tech advice since their data such as telemetry are encrypted....

    Do it better next time! You would not need to have to start with a general insult when having real arguments.
    You are a perfect example for a person Microsoft would like. Never doubt what they do....
    If you want sources that question windows concerning privacy I can post links.
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  20. Sakuya

    Sakuya MDL Junior Member

    Jul 16, 2015
    Honestly, if you care about privacy that much, you shouldn't even be using Win7.
    You're just kidding yourself if you think Win7 is private at all.
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