Say NO to windows 10 because of this ...

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by bulldog147, Aug 1, 2015.

  1. potjevleesch

    potjevleesch MDL Addicted

    Aug 7, 2010
    I'm sick and tired with this useless paranoid thread, I'm seek and tired reading words such as morons, retards etc. We need respect, we don't need people s**tting on others.
    I' just wondering how mods cand let such a pile of crap thrive !
  2. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    It's not that we think they care about what we type on our computers.
    It's about the principle of the thing.
    They don't NEED this much info from us. There's no reason for them to collect it other than to improve their OS.

    IMO, if they can't improve their OS without invading people's privacy, they shouldn't be in the OS business.

    I don't trust ANYONE with my private info. That's why it's private.
  3. pirithous

    pirithous MDL Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    #63 pirithous, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    I agree; he calls people "morons", then can't complete a proper sentence using correct punctuation. I think he must be a Windows shill in denial about what is behind the closed-source curtain.

    Then why are you here posting? Obviously this thread is getting clicks which brings traffic to MDL. That's what forums need: traffic to generate advertising revenue. Controversial and opinionated topics are always good reads. Just because you don't like reading things which upset you means nothing to anybody else besides yourself. Don't let the door slam on you on the way out! BTW: try spell check next time.
  4. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    @Valdimort: :g: I didn't know that they had computers in psychiatric wards.

    Thanks for showing us that they do. :D

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  5. Whistler_nl

    Whistler_nl MDL Novice

    Jun 5, 2010
    I'm sure im misinterpreting a lot of posts in this thread but the parts that i do get give me the feeling people are either way too concerned about privacy or they really dont care at all?

    As far as the "pull your network cable out" comments concerns, you are reacting based on your emotion caused by another user who isnt sharing your opinion. Try to understand the point of view of the other user and give it a little thought. When you disagree just let him/her know by posting a constructive reply. This way we can prevent topics turning into garbage.
    The only thing that i can agree with is the fact that what we do on the internet is monitored and used to analyse what your interests are and your behaviour on the internet. This is being done so long now that there's no way back from that and i guess most people are'nt bothered by it as long as the data is anonymous. Sure, this goes much further then the general public expects and i dont pretent i'm fully aware of the methods used to gather and store this information.

    Now the Windows 10 privacy problem.
    I guess most people are surprised by how much data is being collected by Microsoft and there's a lot of confusion about what data Microsoft collects.
    I dont care if they get info about how i use the OS or what programs i use and how much but i really dont want them to have access to everything that the OS can get to. And no, i have nothing to hide, not involved into anything criminal and im the least interesting guy on this planet. But still i dont see the need for any company to have access to everything i do on my pc.
    I look at it this way. When i rent a storage unit i know they have camera's for security so others cant just get into my unit and take my stuff. This is in my interest too so i accept it but i allso accept they can monitor how many times i go there if they want to (the same goes for the camera's in the Streets of the city, it's for your own safety too). On the other hand there's no need for the company that rents me the unit to know exactly what is in that unit, so i would'nt rent it if there was a camera inside the unit or when they have the right to enter the unit as they please without a valid reason.

    Í admit i did'nt read the whole privacy statement when i installed Windows 10 so at this point i dont have a clue to what they have access to and what not so i guess i'll have to take some time soon to read it afterall. If installing Windows 10 means i grant Microsoft access to everything my pc has access to i'm not going to use it on my main pc.
  6. MrTweakFreak

    MrTweakFreak MDL Junior Member

    Jul 31, 2009
    But yet again you have nothing to hide...

    Just saying...
  7. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    I agree with your last sentence.
    But one cares already about privacy using a former OS from M$. M$ started with XP (online activation) and continuously disrespected privacy a bit more from OS to OS. The direction is clearly noticeable. Cooperation with the NSA is known since Snowden. One also cares about privacy when informing about services and how to disable them.
    To care about privacy does not mean to avoid a product at all (OS), it means to do anything possible to have MOST privacy....w7 will be my last windows....I can do most work on Linux...
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  8. Ace2

    Ace2 MDL Expert

    Oct 10, 2014
    MY take on Windows 10:

    I installed Windows 10, disabled all the settings i could, removed all store apps i could, installed StartIsBack++ and Aero Glass and added color back to title bars, Restarted my PC, Windows 10 booted so... slow, which was the last straw, Windows 10 is filled with crap apps, and slow... as hell, i needed to mod it so much i would be better off with Windows 7, but i went back to LINUX.:D
  9. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I read one of your sources and it says 'conspiracy theorists think Windows 10 is watching them'. I don't really know what your argument is all about.
  10. Whistler_nl

    Whistler_nl MDL Novice

    Jun 5, 2010
    True, but you missed the point. Your saying that when I don't have anything to hide I don't need privacy.
    I'm coming from the opposite direction. I love having a front door even though I don't have anything to hide.

    There's a difference between having something to hide and giving people or companies access to your stuff without a good reason why they really, really need it.
  11. Michaela Joy

    Michaela Joy MDL Crazy Lady

    Jul 26, 2012
    As far as I can tell, you're not misinterpreting anything. The concern for privacy has a wide spectrum of feeling attached to it. There are those who truly don't care, and there are those who have become almost psychotic about the "spying" and what personal data goes where.
    "Pulling the plug" Is just too extreme for Me. There are programs that need to update, as well as license checks that need to be made. This has been a big argument with regards to digital audio workstation software. Some say "I shouldn't be forced to update on the web". Others don't care, and are fine with it.

    With that said, for some, just cutting back on the internet usage is crucial. They have metered connections and are charged for usage. They are forced to pay a financial penalty for the sake of information collection.

    I'm okay with that. I must admit, the targeted ads can sometimes feel a little creepy, but cleaning out cookies usually solves that issue.

    And that's what has many people "up in arms" with regard to this issue. They don't need all of my personal data. That's just dangerous. The big question is who is getting this data after MS harvests it?

    The data can be stolen. Citibank has already had sensitive financial data stolen. Who can say it won't happen again?

    There's no guarantee of privacy in an area deemed to be publically accessible. In that scenario, they have the right to collect the data to protect themselves from any possible liabilities created by you or other.Also, in the case of theft, they'll give this information to the authorities to aid in catching the person or persons involved.

    I think that very few people have read the entire agreement. Some would choose to opt out if they did.
    I chose not to get involved in the first place. I can see that Windows 10 is not a good solution for My needs.

    Of course, your mileage may vary. :)

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  12. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Is that really what Microsoft is doing with Windows 10? My understanding is that the information collected are based on your agreement to better serve your interest. Some have even cried over the ads on the apps that it has now become the element of spy issue they put forward. After seeing much of what Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc have on their pages and I begin to question the intents of those who don't want to see ads on their apps and at the end most free apps they use carry ads.

    I still think the spying thing is actually taken out of context that it has now put fear on so many people psych. I am now even concerned about my security on using Windows 10 more than my initial understanding of Microsoft plan to provide better service through the collection of data through different means, like Cortana, Skype, etc than ever before.

    I don't have to be scared to have my information on my PC each time I connect to the internet and that is now what the security in Windows 10 is all about, I don't know if it is scaremongering but it is gradually turning into a monster. My Onedriver is now something I am careful to upload important data to because of this concern. It seems to be over-exaggerated at time and when you see the way your MSA and OneDrive work it becomes something of an issue. It is the same thing with other social media and I haven't see anywhere it has been used against any innocent person before.

    Facebook and Instagram are quickly scouted for information when ever criminals are caught, killed or out-large for their evil vises and that seem to help with record on violent crimes and helped in some ways. I don't think it is a bad thing altogether but I am worried about what to put online now, most especially, using Windows 10 as many people are coming up with different unsubstantiated scary points on security.
  13. ivnxnvi

    ivnxnvi MDL Novice

    May 30, 2010
    Your post for me is useless. And please, don't junk anymore this thread. If you piss off your privacy, your business. But maybe other people no.

    Check your "View Profile". Hypocrite ?
  14. dvbman

    dvbman MDL Junior Member

    Apr 23, 2015
    #75 dvbman, Aug 3, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    Yesterday i found this interesting (at the last for me) imgurl's gallery about Win10 & privacy risks.

    Some things I knew, but others do not (I never read all the legal stuff, generally after 10 pages of them i sleep :biggrin:).

    What do you think about that?

  15. cactusjuice92

    cactusjuice92 MDL Novice

    Apr 13, 2015
    I agree that there are some pretty serious privacy breaches with Windows 10, but since you can squash most (if not all) of them with the correct modifications...I wouldn't dump Windows 10 completely.

    But whatever you are most comfortable with.
  16. MysTikAL3

    MysTikAL3 MDL Senior Member

    Jul 15, 2013
    I agree, most of them can be disabled with hours of settings changes and mods....
    I've also read several posts of functions and speed of 10 slowing dramatically when all these tweaks are implemented...
    So what are you left with?
    A stripped down, locked down windows that's possibly much worse than the Windows 7 or 8 you upgraded from.
    Thanks for nothing M$, I decline...;)
  17. dvbman

    dvbman MDL Junior Member

    Apr 23, 2015

    Oops! I missed that post :)
  18. ivnxnvi

    ivnxnvi MDL Novice

    May 30, 2010
    No buddy (maybe someone) say Win 10 is bad. Probably is good system and improvement could be noticed compare to Win 8. But why I can"t disable some important (spy) settings just from settings panel ? I know it is free but give me choice. I can pay for stable, bloatware free and safe system. I don't want people who dig in my garden