Sigh... MS missing the point with Data Center security

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by murphy78, Oct 23, 2014.

  1. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    That is very correct but it is not actually what I am going about. If you look closely at what you said you'd find out that in social media the information you think is safe can also be shared by the companies behind them with a third party like government or NSA based on compulsion like the other tech giants. Indeed, most social media even have access to your e-mail usernames used to register with them. When I say not so 'much' different from social media from a storage perspective is the information you aren't willing to share are accessible to those social media companies as would with the cloud. Nevertheless, synchronizing your information can also be done by many social media and Facebook(like synchronizing your photo folder,etc over WiFi) is a good example, it is even as profound as the cloud system in question.

    My take on this Microsoft cloud argument is that we shouldn't blame Microsoft for doing it while social media is not so much different. Knowing fully well without using your e-mail account credential you are not allowed to access your cloud information and have the choice to share what you want as well. Despite that, you can disable it whenever you want and that is optional though.

    Mr. Murphy, I agree with your analogy but the same thing can be said of the others. At the end what is most important is that we should know what we are getting involved with and how to navigate out way through to protect ourselves from anything that would be damaging to us.

    On the final note,the advantage of having a cloud based system outweigh the disadvantage to me for helping to make your information available to you in the most critical time.
  2. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    Yah, most people have different opinions on the cloud.
    It may just be my anti-social personality that is shaping my opinions.
    They are just that, after all; subjective opinions.
  3. T-S

    T-S MDL Guru

    Dec 14, 2012
    Nowadays anything looks too handy is usually also really dangerous, no matter if we are talking of credit cards v.s cash, gps navigators v.s. paper maps, even emails v.s. paper letters....

    The point is to decide when all of this is too much, we should realize where to trace a border, because following the trends, blindly, w/a asking any questions, will lead to a society seen until today on some distopic sf movies.
  4. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Well said,Sir. Another thing is the argument is not about asking questions in this case but questioning it(as in criticism or blame), looking at what have been posted so far.

    I think the modern tech is gradually inching close to a Sci-Fi movie world. I am from a third-world though. :biggrin:
  5. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Murphy, yes I think it’s all about to create dependencies. The more personal things a company administrates the more the one is dependent on the administration.
    Google does not want to lose an Android customer to Apple or to M$. So Google ties the one by offering (cloud) services which are specially bundled for their OS and product portfolio. This applies to the other two giants as well.
    (BTW: Samsung has more employees than all those 3 together, time for a new OS made by Samsung!)

    So a customer thinks twice whether to move from Android to M$ for instance….because all data ‘belong’ to Google already. (App settings, purchased apps, compatible address books, backups and besides of all that private files such as pictures / movies).
    To upgrade the same OS is far easier than to move to another.

    The first thing M$ missed was the app store itself which ties people / make them dependent on the products of the store. Guess why they pushed that metro crap / app store to a desktop OS?
    The second thing to tie them even more are the cloud services, one thing is always the same, though.
    M$ is always too late.

    People need to think why there is the need for a cloud service / what performs a cloud service one absolutely needs?

    And then one needs to answer the question why the cloud needs to be somewhere and not at home.
    Friends might setup a NAS together to share the costs. M$ is not my friend.
    My personal solution is a 3TB Linux based media server which has WOL. This is my cloud. Friends can have accounts / space if wanted.

    The one and only thing to me is: Is there a way to disable /deny such services, if not I don’t use the product.
    That is the reason why I’d never use windows 10 TP. On Android I (still) can use the OS without to use their cloud services. The same applies to social media. I can have a life without Facebook and I can run my devices without to open a Facebook account.

    If windows 10 should become a sort of windows 365 or doesn’t let me disable their telemetry w7 will be the last windows to me.
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  6. murphy78

    murphy78 MDL DISM Enthusiast

    Nov 18, 2012
    I would say that I agree, just out of principle. Luckily, I've noticed that during the TP, the cloud stuff can be disabled.
    You don't need to use the store, and you don't need to use skydrive.

    Now, telemetry, on the other hand... That definitely has to go. If it gets forced upon us, whether or not I can manually disable it, I will not support it with a purchase.
    The telemetry and forced cloud endeavors are literally my line in the sand as well. It saddens me to think it's even possible. I've been using MS Operating Systems, legally, for the last 29 years.
  7. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    I woke up late so I'm just now reading up on this.

    Ok so we need to look where technology is headed. Most of us have a cell phone which is tied with a google account online for data. The problem is that we as a people need to classify the data we have as personal or crap. The crap we can put anywhere we want because it arguably has no value to us. I've done most of that already in terms of what I upload online from dropbox to other services used. That being said we need to face the fact that the data being handled by the big companies is being stored on cloud servers. Then we need to think well what can I store locally while keeping a minimum backup for stuff that really has no value such as school work lol. While keeping some of the stuff we have stored locally in an encrypted mode.

    Now its time to look to the future of Windows. Microsoft is moving forward with plans for the future of its Operating System to use Software as a Service. This means the data we store inside those machines will be stored inside of a Virtual Machine. Each time an update is pushed to that operating system the data is copied from the VM to the new VM and bam our update is finished. This the current plan for Windows moving forward to have an online copy of Windows that is easily accessible anywhere. Now the problem with that is the data will be stored completely in the cloud. I feel you already see the problem with this but anyway the problem is this data can be used marketing purposes to see what you would want to buy in the future.

    Murphy78 the telemetry is simply a symptom of a bigger problem in that the United States does not have a digital bill of rights which allows the mishandling of user data.
  8. CODYQX4

    CODYQX4 MDL Developer

    Sep 4, 2009
    #28 CODYQX4, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2019
  9. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    Regarding the telemetry, I'm not sure that will be stay forever or just for the time of Beta Testing. Fact is, telemtry has been intensified in W10TP compare to older version of Windows. It could be that MS is using it now for to get more and even better responses from the machines running W10TP because of it's new trend to release new versions of the OS faster than before. If that's the goal of using the Key-Logger and intensified Telemetry and that will be canceled and gone in the final, so it be, I wouldn't have a problem with that!

    That many users even never had read the Caution-Notes MS was give at the release of the W10TP, is well known with the result that many users use W10TP as their Main-OS, which is simply stupid!

    Personally, I use my Semi-Hardware-Firewall (on which Smoothwall Express is running on an PC connected between Modem and Router) for to limit connection in- and outbound. That PC has 4 NIC's: 1 for DMZ, 1 for Guest's direct connect and 2 protected by Smoothwall. Using 2 NIC in my Desktop for to chose which connection I want to go: protected or via DMZ, because many IP's are blacklisted and those includes about 95% of MS IP's. My laptop, on which W10TP is installed and running if I'm in my office or at home, is allways conneted to an extra ADSL Connection of an different Provider.
    That config has keep my system as clean as possible (I would say to 100%) for years now and the same setup we have in our offices at cutomers companies for whom we doing the services.

    That said, I'm not to concerned about telemetry as long as our systems working as of now! I'm cautiones about the Security and Caution Notes given by Software Developers, which includes Microsoft and will first check the new Apps at my own offices. Sniffer apps running and logging all connections etc. and I spend quite a lot of hours to analyze them. Maybe that all slows down the Internet connection a bit, but internal, so I don't mind about that. At customers places we're using Leased Lines and in my own office an at home I've Cable and ADSL, both with WiFi.

    I'll wait for the final release and what will happen than before chosing any changes in my system and those I've to take care by my customers.
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  10. pisthai

    pisthai Imperfect Human

    Jul 29, 2009
    That warning was given in the Caution-Note MS has given on the release of the TP.
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  11. bchat

    bchat MDL Smart Azz

    Nov 7, 2008
    BINGO! Just like "bundling bull" with communication companies - cable tv - internet - digital phone - and whatever else they can bully you into buying.
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  12. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    But, the telemetry is meant to better their services. I don't know how long it is going to stay with Windows 10, perhaps, with Windows 10 Technical Preview.

    I still think this whole notion about Microsoft monitoring people by collecting important data is more of an agitation. There should be evidences to prove it's what people claim it is.
  13. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    Which ones are we to trust when all of them are moving toward the same direction? Microsoft has been singled out here as a scapegoat.
  14. bchat

    bchat MDL Smart Azz

    Nov 7, 2008
    Its a Windows site, MS makes windows, that's why it is discussed here more than other companies that function in the same manner.
    IMHO, the way many modern businesses do business is far from acceptable.
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  15. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I am not against it being discussed the most but singling it out for blame is completely different. I am also not against the criticism here but must be with evidences rather than rabble-rouser.
  16. Smorgan

    Smorgan Glitcher

    Mar 25, 2010
    #36 Smorgan, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
    Ok so just have to prove it :p
  17. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    It would do us better to provide evidences.

    Let me try. I accept what everybody is saying and disagree with some views just the way others may also disagree with mine. This is a heated debate and views are bound to be different. :biggrin:
  18. Underclocked

    Underclocked MDL Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    It appears to me that MS is missing the point in a very big way with both 8 and now 10.
  19. Hadron-Curious

    Hadron-Curious MDL Guru

    Jul 4, 2014
    I am not speaking for the tech company. It is clear that is the basic reason it needs your help to get it right this time and that is why the collation of data is included in the process of having Windows 10 as better OS in the first case. Don't you think so?
  20. Underclocked

    Underclocked MDL Member

    Sep 3, 2013
    Yes, but the audience that is now providing feedback is very likely tech oriented and more willing to go the extra mile to figure out issues. I think they would get a better feel for what the buying public wants by somehow getting more feedback from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Average. This testing program will get next to no feedback from that group.

    So far 10 is nothing but 8.1 with a few twists when it should be 7 with a lot of security enhancements and maybe some nice feature additions (like directly mounting image files). 7 was/is the winner, not 8.