Log UpdatePack 21.2.10 with the new (soon to be released) Legacy Tool, beta stage https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...l-wim-esd-creation.79421/page-55#post-1644383
From the sound of it, the legacy tool allows to update a Windows 7 to be run on old PCs natively supporting Windows 7? Does it support upgrading? I need to repair-upgrade a few Win7 installation (component store corrupt beyond repair) and that would be just the right tool, then.
It's a standard (legacy) win 7 ISO but with updates and driver integration (optional) and can be used for (inplace/repair) upgrades.
Waiting for the release, although all affected machines are 7 Pro x64... Well, maybe I'll have a looksie.
guys could you please make every 6 month or a year win7 iso in English with all essential updates as we trust what you do
Not going to happen, this project is meant to be able to create an uptodate ISO yourself, you can use this tool to create one based on simplix update packs: MDL Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX UpdatePack AiO ISO (with install.wim/esd) Creation
Updated the OP of this thread with UpdatePack 20.2.10 + Updated the OP and second post of the MDL Win 7 Tool for SiMPLiX UpdatePack AiO ISO (with install.wim/esd) Creation thread with the new full tool, bare tool, addons (no changes*) and scripts (no changes*)!!! *Only renamed and re-uploaded for version consistency in the filenames. Info about the new, still to be released, Legacy ISO tool: found a showstopper for enterprise creation, will see what i can do about it asap
I just finished doing a clean install of Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit in my Dell Precision M6400 Mobile WorkStation. I then used Simplix Update Pack 21.2.10 afterwards which included these 3 add-ons: I then installed the necessary device drivers and established a working internet connection. I then activated the Windows Update app and did a "check for updates". The only important updates that appeared were very outdated, so all of them were hidden. The operating system is up-to-date to February 2021.
Sorry if this a dumb question. I did not see this in the original post, and have been unable to easily find it otherwise: Where do I get the add-on .wa files? Correct me if I am wrong, but I assume I need the current dotNetFx one, because after running the UpdatePack, Windows Update is still pestering me about KB4603002 (2021-02 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework). Attempting to install it through Windows Update always results in an unexplained failure. I have tried rebooting again, and I have tried WinRepair, but it did not help. Once I have the dotNetFx .wa, do I just put it in the same folder as the UpdatePack, and re-run the UpdatePack? (This is on Win7 Pro SP1 x64, updating a live system.)
@abbodi1406 agreed with me publishing all his WA Addons here on MDL: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-install-wim-esd-creation.79421/#post-1516362 And here you can find all in one package: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-install-wim-esd-creation.79421/#post-1516361
Hi, after using simplix, i noticed that .Net 4.8 has not been integrated ? why ? is there a way to integrate .NET 4.8 using updatepack7R2 ? if so, how ?