Simplix Pack to update Live Win7 System/ Integrate hotfixes into Win7 distribution

Discussion in 'Windows 7' started by Enthousiast, May 13, 2013.

  1. i510thGenJohn

    i510thGenJohn MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2021
    #4001 i510thGenJohn, Aug 22, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
    Hi. I am a newbie here and have a question which I hope is not inappropriate. Its regards this thread and others like it where the thread pages are from 40 to 201 pages in length. I read every post in the Windows Updater thread (40 pages) and it took me over 4 hours, because I took notes and made links and downloaded items from poster's links.

    So my question is: On long threads, is it OK to ask questions about things that might have been covered somewhere in, say, 201 pages of posts?

    Search is sometimes useful, but I always try to use other resources before asking something that might get me a warning or a scathing reply.

    As I read the Windows Updater thread, I came across several times when someone had asked something that had already been covered a week, month or year prior.

    If one reads every thread, it is amazing how much one can learn and obtain juicy tidbits of information to document and file away, but reading every thread takes dedication and uninterrupted focus.

    Thank you
    - - -

    Also, a question I have about this thread OP:

    If the Simplix Pack contains all updates for Windows 7, since Windows 7 first released, and up to last day of support of Windows 7 (sans telemetry and tracking); then why are there different versions of this Simplix Pack being made available?

    Thank you

    P.S. As I do not yet have 5 posts, and do not wish to spam in order to make a request, may I please request that Each Category of the Forum Main Page have a Sticky Thread containing an updated downloads page for any post that has a link to a download, so one doesn't have to spend a lot of time searching for something they may not even know how to describe or have the knowledge for proper key words? Perhaps users who post links to downloads could be asked to maintain their links in these Download pages.

    There are a lot of good things to download, but revisions and updates are scattered across many pages and over weeks, months and years. If all downloads for MDL could be in one location (Item to download, Latest Revision, Link to OP), it would save member's time.

    Thank you
  2. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    An unofficial updates pack made by an IT enthusiast cannot possibly contain updates which microsoft themselves haven't released yet...
    Simplix UpdatePack is updated every month, because microsoft releases new updates every month. So, this UpdatePack contains all NECESSARY updates(yes, with the telemetry they may include) as per the current Patch Tuesday(the 2nd Tuesday of every month, when microsoft release their monthly updates). Any out-of-band updates(emergency hotfixes after Patch Tuesday) released by microsoft later in the month may or may not be included in this UpdatePack, seeing as one can't really demand regular updates from this tool's author.
    Also, as you can read in the changelog of every UpdatePack version, telemetry is disabled(via registry tweaks).
  3. i510thGenJohn

    i510thGenJohn MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2021
    So M$ is performing the updates and patches, and an IT enthusiast is combing over their releases and creating a customized update pack for user's safety and convenience. I understand that part perfectly (or correct me if I err), but here is what I do not understand:

    This Simplix Pack is Windows 7 specific, and Windows is no longer supported by M$ (and also soon to be motherboard manufacturers it seems - i.e. CRM in BIOS), yes?

    If this is so with M$, then what specific purpose creates the need or desire to use this Simplix Pack to update a Windows 7 architecture in 2021?

    What, besides modern motherboards and software will this do to improve the original Windows 7 architecture, in 2021 and beyond?

    What I mean is, I have been using Windows 7 (I prefer Ultimate 64) since it came out and have never updated from M$, and have never had a problem with its function.

    The only challenge I face now (me being stubborn) is keeping my Windows 7 and being able to install it on the newer desktop PC motherboards coming out; e.g. i5 10400 asustek and such, that still have the CRM function in the BIOS.

    Forgive my wall of text and ignorance. I am not resisting this, or arguing its existence. I would simply like to understand from this product what its exact purpose and function is, and what a user might expect if they choose not to use it. I may just want to install it is the reason makes sense for my personal use, or it being a necessity.

    This analogy might help in my abnormal way of thinking: I view Windows 7 architecture and its versions like a line of classic muscle cars (Make/Model) with all the OEM and NOS parts added to each vehicle respectively. With that in mind, why would adding modern updates to a classic car item be required other than to make a CustoMod Classic Car?

    As long as the car functions, then some like Original, numbers matching cars, and others like to mod the car, but still keep the "look".

    Thank you for your patience and understanding, and thank you to the tireless IT enthusiasts who make this all possible.

    (Edit: I mean to say CSM; not CRM. Sorry)
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    There are still many win 7 capable systems and users out there.

    Having CSM onboard doesn't always mean it will be available out of the box, recently i build a modern system with CSM onboard but greyed out because of the onboard iGPU (10th gen i3) not being compatible, for CSM enabling a supported external vga card was needed.

    When a system doesn't have LegacyBIOS/CSM options onboard it's best to install a modern OS and enjoy it's benefits.

    Simplix update pack:
    - is monthly updated, including the ESU phase updates.
    - circumvents CPU check.
    - disables telemetry.
  5. i510thGenJohn

    i510thGenJohn MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2021

    shhnnedo, thank you for that.

    This is all I need to know.

    Again, thank your being concise and to the point. I really appreciate that.
  6. i510thGenJohn

    i510thGenJohn MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2021
    #4007 i510thGenJohn, Aug 22, 2021
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2021
    What is a "win 7" capable system in this modern age? What was a Hemi Challenger before Jimmy Carter? I sense you are implying modded win 7 systems to be able to be grafted in to newer motherboards. I recall you saying that you installed a win 7 on a non CSM motherboard. I may be incorrect, but it was someone who said that they did that.

    It almost makes me weary, to consider that "change" is fraught with sacrifice, and that sacrifice being that which is/was well-intentioned, yet being attacked in an all-out affront.

    Nevertheless, your views challenge me to really think about what is coming, and what a lot of people may have to simply let go of, or entirely abandon using computers as a means to waste away their waking time. *chuckle*

    Enthousiast, I value your input.

    Thank you from my heart

    Cheers, mate!
  7. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Replying inside a quote is not workable, i snipped it out:
    "What is a "win 7" capable system in this modern age?" all still officially supported (legacy) hardware?

    "I recall you saying that you installed a win 7 on a non CSM motherboard. I may be incorrect, but it was someone who said that they did that." Iirc, later i corrected myself, the hardware reset itself to be compatible with the install, it enabled csm.

    "It almost makes me weary, to consider that "change" is fraught with sacrifice, and that sacrifice being that which is/was well-intentioned, yet being attacked in an all-out affront." I have no clue what this is about, win 7 was the best in his era, developments moved on (for whatever reason, i can't care).

    "Nevertheless, your views challenge me to really think about what is coming, and what a lot of people may have to simply let go of, or entirely abandon using computers as a means to waste away their waking time. *chuckle*" My views? your answers just make me worry that a certain multiple times banned member is back, just saying i am at that deja vu feeling again, let's hope i am wrong;)
  8. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    I don't know why the online update fails and always rolls back
  9. shhnedo

    shhnedo MDL Expert

    Mar 20, 2011
    Going off of this post, the easiest solution for you would be to offline update an image and perform a clean install. :)
  10. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    I mean the follow up online update (UPDATEPACK7R2 already installed)
  11. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
  12. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    That's what I'm saying. Thank you.!
    Your integration tool is very good. I used it to build three systems. However, the script for the new hardware does not support updates.I want to know the specific reason,for the purpose of learning .Thank you again for your answer.
  13. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    It supports simplix updatepacks as intended:
  14. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
  15. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    That's not the updatepack itself, that's about my ISO Creation tool and that line means the Modern AiO ISO can't be used for upgrades, meaning all manual setup files are removed.

    The Legacy ISO can be used for (inplace/repair) upgrading:
    All installs can be updated after install by
  16. jiafei2427

    jiafei2427 MDL Member

    Nov 26, 2020
    Thank you very much for your answer!
  17. i510thGenJohn

    i510thGenJohn MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2021
    #4018 i510thGenJohn, Aug 25, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2021
    Nope. Not me. All good here, whatever you wish to think.

    Thank your for your views and thoughts. I appreciate that.
  18. i510thGenJohn

    i510thGenJohn MDL Novice

    Aug 20, 2021
    Two (2) questions about the Update Packs:

    1) Does each new edition include all former updates, or does one have to collect all editions and incrementally install them from earliest to latest?

    1) Is there a dedicated "Official Simplix Pack Download Page" link, where all these versions are located for download, instead of sorting through many pages and/or threads and even other websites (i.e. 7forums)? A Google search simply throws more confusion into getting the latest information without hours of looking and still having doubt, as well as possible getting a fake download with bad stuff in it.

    Thank you.
  19. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Yes, latest includes all previous stuff (since Jan 17. 2021 only the rollups are renewed monthly).
    I maintain the OP, it's uptodate.