For EOL look here: Open Spoiler.
With Simplix 23.2.15 pack my build number was 7601.26362 but I happened to see a Win7 build in the wild that listed .26366. In searching updates I came across kb5022874 (Feb 14) which is listed as 2008 R2 and Win7 Embedded Standard; however, I was able to install it on Win7 Pro x64. It did not raise the build number, however, but I do wonder about both the higher build number and also kb5022874 in relation to the Simplix pack. Does anyone have any info/ideas about this? Thanks.
ntoskrnl.exe (BuildLabEx registry) version != Monthly Rollup version rollup version Code: for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %a in ('"reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\Windows NT\currentversion" /v UBR"') do set /a UBR=%b
Just wanted to clarify, if I didn't have all the .net framework updates installed simplix will install them?
Simplix installs the .NET 3.5.1 Security Rollup. Also installs .NET 4.8 and its corresponding Security Rollup too.
Unless something has changed recently the Simplix Pack only installs the latest Windows Rollup, and the cumulative .Net 3.5.1 Update. .Net 4.8 Updates need to be installed separately through ESU Bypass.
HI All, in "UP7Integrator" you can set Code: SET "TimeStampFilesISO32bit=-T04/11/2011,23:27:40 -G-7" SET "TimeStampFilesISO64bit=-T04/12/2011,07:45:21 -G-7" /Code at the start of the script. I've followed the format and cann't get it to work, even using their uncommented Code examples it appears I can't get "BIN\CDIMAGE_2.54m.exe" to get the date to change on new created Iso from the "UP7Integrator" script I figure at least I could use the examples in the script to get it to work but I can seam to get it to work. I'm running the script on Windows 7 x64 Machine (with my time zone in windows set for "CST") if that makes any difference. Can someone give an ideal what I'm might doing wrong. What am trying to do is use the date from "UpdatePack7R2-23.2.15" in the correct format as listed in the Example to change the date on the new created iso
Oh I see now it changes all the file dates inside the newly created iso file, I was thinking it was like the unix command "touch" and would just change the date on the newly created iso.
So I've downloaded UpdatePack7R2-23.2.15.exe to my Win 7 Pro system which has not been updated since Win 7 end of life Jan/2020. I'm also running DAZ loader (for ASUS MB) since the system was installed many years ago. Is there anything I need to do or look out for before I run/install the updates? Had a quick look at the included updates in the file and there are many from before that date. I assume the ones that have already been installed will just be ignored? TIA
Just rename the pack to "UpdatePack7R2--++.exe", put the latest WA addons next to it (optional) and run the pack, it can reboot the system once or twice and it will install all needed updates.