Haven't seen this mentioned here: for unknown reasons, am now able to boot Win 7 from an Intel 10th gen (Z490) system with the "CSM disabled" setting unchanged, in a dual-boot configuration (on separate SSD/HD) with Win 10/11. Whereas previously, would require switching in bios setup between "CSM Disabled" to "CSM Enabled" in order to successfully boot Win 7.
Again, thanks to all who have set up and offered this Simplix update patch. One thing I can't find info on though is since Microsoft announced that they have stopped patching Win 7 ESL in January 2023 what exactly are these continuing updates? I can see they're offered directly from MS on their site for download to eligible computers but which systems are still officially eligible for them and how are they able to be installed on my standard Win 7 Pro system? Also.. I see on the MS update d/l site there are cumulative updates and separate security updates. Are the security updates included in the cumulative download? TIA
Still supported are Server 2008R2 and Windows 7 Embedded. Updates were always the same for both normal Win7 and Embedded/Server. Cumulative includes security updates and the IE one. As there are no non-security features whatsoever are released for Win7 these days, both are exactly the same (Cumulative vs. Security of each month + IE). Note that Security-only is not cumulative, you need each month's update. Personally, just using the CU now.
boss911's UP7Integrator script seems to not only make setup.exe but other files to support NVME or something like that. Code: :NVMeFileCopy CLS CALL:GetInfoBootWim IF NOT DEFINED CheckInfoBootWim GOTO:EOF ECHO, & ECHO Copying files to support NVMe... FOR %%I IN (alert.gif appcompat.xsl appcompat_bidi.xsl appcompat_detailed_bidi_txt.xsl appcompat_detailed_txt.xsl arunres.dll autorun.dll cmisetup.dll ^ compatprovider.dll compliance.ini cryptosetup.dll diager.dll diagnostic.dll dism.exe dismcore.dll dismcoreps.dll dismhost.exe dismprov.dll ^ drvmgrtn.dll du.dll folderprovider.dll hwcompat.dll hwcompat.txt hwexclude.txt idwbinfo.txt input.dll locale.nls logprovider.dll ^ msxml6.dll msxml6r.dll ndiscompl.dll nlsbres.dll ntdsupg.dll offline.xml pidgenx.dll pkeyconfig.xrm-ms pnpibs.dll rollback.exe ^ schema.dat sdbapiu.dll segoeui.ttf setup.exe smiengine.dll spflvrnt.dll spprgrss.dll spwizeng.dll spwizres.dll sqmapi.dll ^ ssshim.dll unattend.dll unbcl.dll upgloader.dll upgreport.dll uxlib.dll uxlibres.dll w32uiimg.dll w32uires.dll warning.gif ^ wdsclient.dll wdsclientapi.dll wdscore.dll wdscsl.dll wdsimage.dll wdstptc.dll wdsutil.dll win32ui.dll winsetup.dll xmllite.dll) DO ( BIN\wimlib-imagex.exe extract "%WIMDir%\boot.wim" %IndexBoot% \sources\%%I --no-attributes --no-acls --dest-dir="%WIMDir%" >nul ) GOTO:EOF
Would be easier Code: BIN\wimlib-imagex.exe extract "%WIMDir%\boot.wim" %IndexBoot% \sources\* --no-attributes --no-acls --dest-dir="%WIMDir%\ztmp" >nul xcopy /CRUY "%WIMDir%\ztmp" "%WIMDir%\" >nul rmdir /s /q "%WIMDir%\ztmp\"
Why not just: Code: BIN\wimlib-imagex.exe extract "%WIMDir%\boot.wim" %IndexBoot% \sources\* --no-attributes --no-acls --dest-dir="%WIMDir%" >nul
Nicely collected here: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-install-wim-esd-creation.79421/#post-1516362
UpdatePack Downloader.exe is now downloading September's Updates. MD5 Hash: 4E604B36A990D94E1F5901795B008088 SHA-1: 942B3F06832BD9811506ECD8AA5E7CA16EEC9863
Updated with UpdatePack7R2-23.9.15.exe https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...egrate-hotfixes-into-win7-distribution.45005/ Updated with the latest WA addon files by @abbodi1406 https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-install-wim-esd-creation.79421/#post-1516362
Is it possible to specify using arguments what updates I don't want to apply/integrate? I did read all the Op and simplix page many times but could not find anything about. For example, I would like to skip KB5030265 (any Monthly Rollup since KB4519976) because it breaks SageThumbs but keep the rest. Thanks for the help!