Slic for Lenovo 3000 G400!

Discussion in 'BIOS Mods' started by butinhi, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. pokteh

    pokteh MDL Novice

    May 15, 2009
    out of topis but needs help

    sorry guy since this topic that only i can found for my lenovo 3000 G400
    my prob,
    networking for lan and wifi stop funtioning.
    -clear cmos
    -reinstalled win xp and driver everything detected fine
    the problem wifi cant detect my wireless network as usual
    plugin lan cable also same nothing detected
    both failed to funtions my router working fine with others pc and notebook
    do i need to flash bios? or hardware failure?
    any ideas guy?
  2. skycn123

    skycn123 MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2009
    #42 skycn123, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
    The tools must work under pure DOS!
    This is a government implement , so end users could not download it!!! I have the lenovo engineer account,so i can!!
    Affirm RSDT and the SLIC OEMTABLEID in your system first please (usage ACPIScope checks),
    And then, the SLP2MARK.bin document copying the OEMTABLEID folder responding to relatively arrives at a catalogue.
    If your computer meets underneath's requirements,your computer can try this "Marker procedure " so right away: Have the SLIC form or the SLIX form in Phoenix BIOS , system, the form latter half part (Marker part) is empty space's, Besides, if you new edition BIOS having the government, ought to search for short of "SLP $" in BIOS document,
    If your BIOS has "$ in the document SLP ", you must use another kind of Marker method so.
    if your notebook couldn't activate OEM vista !!
    you can see Slix of Lenovo 3000 G400 by Everest ,that's locked by lenovo!!!
    the tools can flash biosmod2.rom!
    Pure DOS moves downwards, copy CHK.BAT 、SET.BAT、MARKER.EXE、SLP2MARK.bin files to The soft disk or U may get it in gear is checked.
    The soft disk or U plate starts a computer , working SET.BAT sets up , runs CHK.BAT go over , the weight open computer
    If your VISTA system has activated , testified operation, Marker is successful!
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  3. butinhi

    butinhi MDL Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    Hi Yen! Can you follow skycn123 and help me with my bios, please? Thanks!
  4. skycn123

    skycn123 MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2009
    #44 skycn123, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 15, 2009
    use lenovo government tools you can activate OEM vista !
    do that!!!
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  5. petar

    petar MDL Expert

    Apr 5, 2008
    #45 petar, May 15, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
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  6. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    #46 Yen, May 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
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  7. petar

    petar MDL Expert

    Apr 5, 2008
    #47 petar, May 15, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2017
    Hello Yen, I hope that this works just the way it's ment to.
    I've even disassembled the tool and if step 3 displays an DOS output of the SLIC table, than hopefully the tool will go thru the rest of the steps without any problems.
    The code looks something like this:
    seg000:007B loc_7B:                                 ; CODE XREF: seg000:0076j
    seg000:007B                 push    ax
    seg000:007C                 mov     dx, 1DCh
    seg000:007F                 mov     ah, 9
    seg000:0081                 int     21h             ; DOS - PRINT STRING
    seg000:0081                                         ; DS:DX -> string terminated by "$"
    Unfortunetly my disassembly skills are poor and maybe @andyp can give us some more info about the tool, couse he seems much more skilled at disassembling.
    And yes you are right that this is something similar to asset tags, so later all we have to do is to implement the right marker...:D
    I can see that there is a folder (Phoenix_markfile) that deals with ROM/WPH files and a set of tools that can be used for modding bioses.

    For now we'll have to wait for a feedback from @butinhi or someone else with Lenovo machine.

    Edit.The tool can also be used for SLP1.0 activation.
    And if you expirience some strange errors while copying and working with the tool, just rename the folders and files witch chinese strings.

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  8. skycn123

    skycn123 MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2009
    #49 skycn123, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
    you are wrong!!!
    C:\>MARKER.EXE \CHKMARK=SLP2MARK.BIN this is right!!!
    first,run CLR.BAT,Second, run SET.BAT,At last ,run CHECK.BAT and restart the computer.
    Folow the next steps:
    1. Make a bootable USB Floppy or USB Drive.
    2. Copy SET.BAT, CHECK.BAT CLR.BAT,and SLP2MARK.bin (from the LENOVOCB-01 folder) to the bootable media you've made.
    3. Boot to DOS and run CLR.BAT.and run SET.BAT,again and run CHECK.BAT.
    4. Now you should see the locked and only half mapped LENOVOCB-01 SLIC table.
    5. Restart the computer.
    6. Now you should see the complete LENOVOCB-01 SLIC table printed out.
    7. Boot to windows and apply the cert and the key for your version of Vista.
    8. Restart the computer and if everything went well Vista should be activated.
    last the slix changed slic!
    that 's Successful!!!
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  9. petar

    petar MDL Expert

    Apr 5, 2008
    Excuse me, I simply forgot that in step 2 you should also copy the MARKER.EXE to the bootable media as well...:eek:
    I will edit the previous post now...:D
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  10. skycn123

    skycn123 MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2009
    #51 skycn123, May 16, 2009
    Last edited: May 16, 2009

    if have any errors , you must run CLR.bat first !
    this is the picture !!!!!
    The tool only be used for SLP2.0 activation

    Attached Files:

    • 1.jpg
      File size:
      97.3 KB
    • 2.jpg
      File size:
      34.6 KB
    • 3.jpg
      File size:
      39.6 KB
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  11. butinhi

    butinhi MDL Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    Thanks! But It has a problem when I run:
    - Run CLR.bat:
    Clear Marker in Bios
    Error: The Marker has been cleared
    Operation is not completed
    Press any key to continue....

    - Run SET.BAT:
    Syntax error

    - Run CHK.BAT:
    Operation is not completed

  12. petar

    petar MDL Expert

    Apr 5, 2008
    Ok, let us try this manualy...:eek:
    After making the bootable Floppy/USB Drive, copy MARKER.EXE and SLP2MARK.bin (from the LENOVOCB-01 folder) to the root directory of the bootable media you've made and type the folowing comands:
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  13. butinhi

    butinhi MDL Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    Thank everyone so much! I am successful.:D. This is my slic:

    Attached Files:

  14. skycn123

    skycn123 MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2009
    congratulation to you !

    congratulation to you !
    please remember chinese bios killer!!!
    haha !!!!
    I'm not good at english ,sorry to everyone!!!
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  15. butinhi

    butinhi MDL Junior Member

    Apr 19, 2009
    Ok thank chinese Bios killer. I am not good at English,too. I am Vietnamese.:)
  16. Yen

    Yen Admin
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2007
    Thank you very much!
    I've learned a lot from Chinese bios killers, especially Zhaoliang.
    I always appreciate the contributions of Chinese peoples....
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  17. skycn123

    skycn123 MDL Novice

    Feb 21, 2009
    #58 skycn123, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
    Zhaoliang is a bios Engineer also a master and outstanding !!!

    you are welcome!!!!!!!
    Zhaoliang is a bios Engineer and outstanding !!! he is 34 years old !!!!!
    haha !!!Zhaoliang is my net Teacher!!!!! I'm 22 years old !!!!!
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  18. oho77

    oho77 MDL Junior Member

    Mar 8, 2009

    So you are one year older than me.Which university are you from?
  19. hmm1.73

    hmm1.73 MDL Novice

    May 19, 2009
    #60 hmm1.73, May 19, 2009
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
    Can create new winphlash or not?

    error code: -151. The Current device is not supported in the interface
    error code -150 (BIOS Interface error)

    Tried many winphlash. Older and newer. Same error. Tried phlash16, same problem. Part id not supported in the interface. Thinkpad T61. Cannot flash original bios. Is winphlash the problem or the bios?

    Also, when bios posts get 'configuration data write error' press esc to continue. If I press ESC at logo screen, still configuration write error shows up. Took out CMOS battery. Cleared settings but still no good.