Try to find a person stop smoking together.What is more, the most important thing is to make sure you are determined.
Keeping distance from your friends that smoke, for at least a couple of months help a lot. I'm doing the same.
After 44 years and 8 months smoking i decided to try electronic cigarette. Before the longest period not smoking was 52 hours 10 minutes. Now it's been around month and a half with e-cig only. It looks like this the working way (for me) to stop smokin. Edit: Still working for me after almost 6 months.
There is no one method of that works for everyone. It's just a matter of time, as you know, most smokers try several attempts. Eventually you get fed up and quit, regardless of what you try. I tried the little computer, cold turkey, gum, etc... What worked for me was the patch, mainly because I was fed up and done with my mind. Things like gum or the patch are nice in that they do supply the nicotine while you break the habitual part.
Ending up in hospital with pneumonia forced me to stop, that was 10 years ago, (aged 38), now I notice I never get ill any more, no coughs and rarely any colds... I can't believe anyone can AFFORD to smoke cigs these days, so bleedin expensive. Pneumonia, whilst not recommended, was a blessing in disguise for me... You only get one go at life, look after your health, and while it might be difficult to stop, doing so will only be good for your wellbeing. Try patches or E-ciggies, but willpower is the most important.
Are you sure? Humankind evidently smoked 600–500 before Christ already (Maya shamans...) Not that I say smoking is healthy.....just questioning your statement. It depends on how much one person smokes and only smokers are affected, not the entire humankind......
I agree that smoking is bad. But what makes it worse is the 1100 additives that cigarette manufacturers put in cigarettes to "enhance" the nicotine transport mechanism. Take a look here: IMHO, to quit smoking, one needs to "kick" the additives first, then work on kicking the nicotine addiction. :MJ
All these nico sprays, pills, strips, gums are complete BS. All these therapies and stuff too. All that it takes is YOU. YOU ARE YOUR BRAIN. you started, you have the responsibility to cold heartily refuse to suck on the poison stick without even thinking about "how i am going to make it without the poison stick. all these "i'm addicted, uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, i need e-cig, gum,spray..." arguments are just excuses. IF YOU REALLY WANT YOUR HEALTH BACK, YOU, ONLY YOU HAVE TO DO IT. it's childish to b|tch about withdrawal symps. and this comes from someone who smoked a 20 pack + 4,6 joints per day for about 3 years....then suddenly stopped all together WITHOUT ANY NICOTINE SUBs and successfully being smoke+thc free for a year now. I know it's almost unbearable at first. but I DID IT. all it takes is a strong heart. not sprays and therapies. I only smoked for 3 years, it's very hard for the long term puffs....but again,all it takes is not being a pu$$ee
while I agree that in the end all it takes is YOU, for me I still needed a little help from Champix to get me going....once I stopped taking the pill, it was all me....I just celebrated 2 years since my last puff and I definitely don't miss it and don't intend to go back it's nice to be free from the shackles of tobacco never thought I could do it but I've proved myself wrong
Been smoke-free for almost two years now. What helped me stop is rolling my own. Without all the ultra-addictive additives in the chemical sticks, first to go was the wall-clawing desperation when I was out of cigarettes. Yeah, I wanted more, but it wasn't an insane drive. I started reducing the amount I smoked without even noticing after that, and then the day came that I just didn't want them anymore. Good luck to all who are trying to quit! You can do it, I promise!
Finally quit about 2 years ago after my 2nd son was born. Finished the last pack and quit cold turkey. Stayed far away from smoking buddies for a while. Now I can breath! Now, whenever I see people smoke, I think to myself "how could I be so stupid back then?!" I started when I was about 15 to be "cool." IT'S NOT COOL. IT'S STUPID.
There is infact a "magic pill" (helpful) and that is niacin, among other techniques. Guide: (skip first 3 mins, also from 10 to 14, from 22 to 29 and from 38 to 41) Spoiler Are you sure? Spoiler Really ... Spoiler That's a chemical name for vitamin B3